Ray Tomlinson was born in New York State.He sent the world's f(66)irstemail and let us have the use of the@symbol in electronic communications.Tomlinson wrote a program in 1971that a(67)llowed messages to be exchanged between different computers.Before that time,electronic messages had only been exchanged between people using the s(68)amemain unit.
At the time of his invention,Tomlinson was researching possible uses for the ArpaNet-the US military (军方) network that formed the base of the Internet,and showed an i(69)nterestin improving the use of ArpaNet's"mailbox(邮箱)",which made users send messages to the mailboxes possible.In the past,people had to print out the message and p(70)utit in the mailbox.This achievement made a great difference in people's life.
Tomlinson also came up with the i(71)deaof using the"@"symbol to separate the name of the receiver from the name of the host,creating the standard still used today.Although it had a history of o(72)verforty years,Tomlinson said email had not changed much since its invention.
Tomlinson studied electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic and t(73)hen got his masters (硕士学位) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.He joined a company called Bolt,Beranek,and Newman in 1967,and stayed there the r(74)estof his life.He died at the age of 74.The company was later acquired (收购) by Raytheon.
"A true technology pioneer and his work changed the w(75)ay the world communicates."Ratheon said."It is with great sadness we know the passing of our friend."