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【答案】(1)A:海南省 B:广西省 C:广东省 D:福建省 E:澳门特别行政区 F:香港特别行政区 (2)白莲花 紫荆花 (3)澳门半岛 氹仔岛 路环岛; 香港岛 九龙 新界 (4)葡萄牙 1999; 英国 1997 (5)珠 琼州 (6)地理区位优势明显,海陆兼备,交通发达;是祖国南大门,对外贸易重要口岸;靠近东南亚、港、澳、台地区,对外开放力度大,积极引进外资和技术;利用劳动力资源,积极发展劳动密集型产业;丰富的旅游资源。


(1)读图可知,图中字母所表示的省级行政区名称:A是海南省; B是广西壮族自治区, C是广东省;D是福建省;E是澳门特别行政区; F是香港特别行政区




(5)读图可知, 图中代号所表示的地理事物名称:①珠江,④是琼州海峡。



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】下列地区中,四季变化最明显的是 ( )

A. 南寒带 B. 北温带 C. 赤道 D. 北极圈


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:






科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



A.     海 B   

D     海峡 E     (河)

(2)此岛为我国第     大岛,与祖国大陆隔海相望的是   省。




科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


Andrea Bocelli is a famous Italian singer -songwriter .When he was born in 1958, Bocelli had poor eyesight. He lived on a farm in the small village with his family. At twelve years old he became completely blind, when he was hit on the head while playing football. Bocelli does his best to ignore his blindness. He says, “Italy‘s traditions, as well as my parents, have taught me never to accept life’s difficulties in a passive (被 的) way, but rather to draw strength(力量)from them.

Bocelli showed musical ability early in life. As a young boy, Bocelli showed a great passion for music. His mother has said that music was the only thing that would comfort him. At the age of six, he started piano lessons, and later, also learned to play the saxophone, guitar and drums and so on. He won his first singing competition when he was twelve. He was discovered in 1992 by the Italian rock star Zucchero. Zucchero wrote a song and he wanted the famous opera singer Pavarottito record it. But he had to look for a singer to make a demonstration(示范)tape of the song. Bocelli sang for him. Pavarotti heard the tape and thought that Bocelli sang as well as himself.

Bocelli became famous the following year, when he performed many concerts with Zucchero. In 1994, Bocelli recorded the first CD and made his first appearance in an opera, Macbeth. He began to try other kinds of music and became internationally known in 1996.When he recorded time to say goodbye with singer Sarah Brightman.

Bocelli starred in many famous operas in 1998. He has also made many recordings of complete operas and selected songs from operas. Although Bocelli is certainly popular, some people say that his voice is not as strong or expressive as it should be. Because opera singers do not usually need microphones, but he uses them during performances.

1How did Bocelli become completely blind?

A.He was born with poor eyesight.

B.He was hit on the head when playing football.

C.He went blind because he was involved(参与)in a fight.

D.He hurt his eyes in a car accident.

2What does Bocelli think of his blindness?

A.He accepts it in a passive way.B.He never accepts it.

C.He is too sad to accept it.D.He accepts it but is stronger because of it.

3What did Pavarotti think of Bocelli?

A.He thought Bocelli sang as well as himself.

B.He thought Bocelli’s voice was not as strong or expressive as his.

C.He thought Bocelli sang better than him.

D.He thought Bocelli could try other kinds of music.

4In what order did the following take place in Andrea Bocelli’s life?

a. He won his first singing competition. b. He became internationally known.

c. He started piano lessons.

d. He starred in many famous operas.

e. He recorded the first CD and made his first appearance in an opera, Macbeth.

A.c e a d bB.c e a b d

C.c a e b dD.c a e b d

5The main idea of the last paragraph is .

A.All opera singers should use microphones during performances.

B.People have different opinions on Bocelli’s voice.

C.Bocelli uses microphones too much during performances.

D.Bocelli is certainly popular.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



(2)全年月平均最高气温________ ℃,出现在________月;全年月平均最低气温_____℃, 出现在________月。气温年较差为________________℃。


(4)这个地区属于(  )

A.热带 B.寒带 C.温带

(5)如果1月份去该地旅游,需要预备的衣服是(  )

A.连衣裙 B.薄羊毛衫或羊毛衫 C.羽绒服 D.羊毛大衣


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】南回归线的度数是 ( )

A. 23.5°N B. 23.5°S C. 23.5°W D. 23.5°E


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】造成我国南北方耕作制度和种植农作物差别的主要因素是( )

A. 气候因素 B. 地形因素 C. 土壤因素 D. 交通运输


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A. 太行山 B. 天山 C. 昆仑山 D. 祁连山

