精英家教网 > 初中地理 > 题目详情


I went through some difficult times, dealing with the pressures of growing up. I found it hard to communicate with my mother. Relations between us became difficult.

One day, I ran away from home and stayed away for many hours. When I returned home at night, I saw all the pain, anger and disappointment on my mother’s face. _____________________. We agreed to have breakfast together the next morning. It was a turning point in both of our lives and our relationship.

We decided to go to a restaurant. On our way to the table I noticed my mother had two notebooks. I asked her what they were for. She explained to me that sometimes it was easier to write down our feelings rather than talk about (A) them. We would write down our feelings in the form of a letter. It could be as long or as short as we wanted.

Our first topic was “Why I’m so angry?” I wrote a half page, and my mom filled up nearly three pages. (B) I watched tears run down her face as she wrote. I never realized anyone could hide so much anger. After we finished writing, we exchanged our notebooks. As soon as I started reading my mother’s words, I began to cry and so did she. When we finished reading, we discussed our feelings. _________________. Our talk helped me realize so many things I had never thought of before, not only about my mother but also about other people.

My mother and I continue to use our notebooks as a way of communicating our anger and worries, and our happiness as well. We know that no matter how we feel about each other, our notebooks are a safe place to express our feelings. We have come to an agreement that at the end of each letter we write, “I love you.”


A. We knew that we were in great need of a talk.

B. I just wish you would help a little more with the family.

C. Amazingly enough, it felt like all the anger inside me went away from my body.


【2】找出(A)处划线代词 them 所指代的内容。

【3】将(B)处划线句子 I watched tears run down her face as she wrote. 译为汉语。

【4】找出与 The minute we read each other’s words, both of us started to cry. 意思相同或相近的句子。


A. I Love You, Mum

B. The Difficult Times in My Life

C. The Notebooks Filled With Love


The relations between my mother and me used to be . One morning, we had a talk in a . After the talk, we .Now we continue to use our to communicate because


【1】A C



【4】As soon as I started reading my mother’s words, I began to cry and so did she.


【6】bad;restaurant;wrote down our feelings in the form of a letter;notebooks;they are a safe place to express our feelings.



【1】根据上句When I returned home at night, I saw all the pain, anger and disappointment on my mother’s face.(当我在晚上回家的时候,我看到我母亲脸上所有的痛苦、愤怒和失望。)可推知该选A,我知道我们非常需要交谈; 根据下句Our talk helped me realize so many things I had never thought of before, not only about my mother but also about other people.(我们的谈话帮助我意识到我以前从未想到过的许多事情,不仅是关于我的母亲,也是关于其他人的事)可推知该选C,令人惊讶的是,感觉像所有的愤怒都在我离开我的身体。

【2】联系前半句话She explained to me that sometimes it was easier to write down our feelings rather than 可知them指代的是feelings。


【4】The minute we read each other’s words, both of us started to cry. = As soon as I started reading my mother’s words, I began to cry and so did she. 当我们读到对方的话时,我们俩都开始哭了起来。


【6】细读短文可知作者和她的母亲过去关系不是太好,一天早上他们在饭馆边吃边交流,他们分别将自己的感受写在纸上。现在他们通常用他们的笔记交流,因为那是表达感情的安全的地方。所以可在空白处分别填写bad;restaurant;wrote down our feelings in the form of a letter;notebooks;they are a safe place to express our feelings.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



A.一级阶梯 B.两级阶梯

C.三级阶梯 D.四级阶梯


A.黄土高原 B.内蒙古高原

C.青藏高原 D.长江中下游平原


A.炎热 B.干旱 C.多雨 D.高寒


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


1)图中A点的位置(经、纬度): ;图中B点的位置(经、纬度):

2A点在东西半球的 半球,在南北半球的 半球。

3B点在 (温度带),阳光 (直、斜 )射。



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:





A扩大 B缩小 C不变



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:





A.昼夜现象 B.四季变化 C.昼夜更替 D.板块运动



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 我国的半球位置:东半球和北半球

B. 我国的半球位置与俄罗斯相同

C. 我国位于中纬度地区

D. 我国大部分地区位于寒带,少部分位于温带


A我国东临大西洋 B.我国位于亚欧大陆的西

C我国是一个岛国 D.我国东部降水丰富


A.约49° B. 约69° C.约80° D.约57°


A.这是地球自转产生的 B.我国跨纬度广

C.我国跨经度广 D.我国人口众多


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



A、 B、 C、 D、


A、40° B、20° C、0° D、30°


A、M在N的东北方向 B、N在M的东南方向

C、M地处太平洋 D、N地处亚洲


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


Sports help everyone to keep healthy,happy,and efficient. So I pay special attention to games,1 table tennis. Table tennis is my favorite game. I play it almost every day.

Table tennis is an ideal game for us 2 it brings the whole body into action. It strengthens our muscles,expands our lungs,promotes the circulation of the blood,and causes a healthy action of the skin. Besides,it is very 3 and doesn't cost us much money. Table tennis is very moderate;it is not so rough 4 football. It is an indoor game and can be 5 even on rainy days. Thus,it is my favorite kind of exercise.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



【1】About what they advertise, we can safely say that __________.

A. Adverts I and advertise two products

B. Adverts and IV advertise services

C. Adverts II and advertise beliefs

D. Adverts I and IV provide jobs

【2】 From the above material we know __________ of the adverts are trying to be price competitive.

A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

【3】 If you want to repair your house, you can call __________.

A. 4442-37058 B. 0732-605-041 C. 232-567 D. 150-000

【4】 Its clear that _________.

A. a newspaper uses one of them in its own newspaper

B. all of them advertise for the largest number of customers

C. all of them list the prices

D. all of them have included contact information

【5】From these examples of adverts, we can know that __________.

A. some adverts are provided by newspapers free of charge

B. newspaper is the most common means of advertising

C. advertising is an expensive business

D. adverts should attract customers

