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【答案】自拟试题:要制得56kg含杂质3%的生铁需要含Fe2O3 80%的赤铁矿石多少千克?(或多少千克含Fe2O3 80%的赤铁矿石,可以炼出56kg含杂质3%的生铁?)

解:设需要含Fe2O3 80%的赤铁矿石的质量为x.


160 112

x×80% 56kg×(1-3%)

160︰112=(x×80%)︰[56kg×(1-3%)] x=97kg

答:要制得56kg含杂质3%的生铁需要含Fe2O3 80%的赤铁矿石97kg.

【解析】解:设需要含Fe2O3 80%的赤铁矿石的质量为x.


160 112

x×80% 56kg×(1-3%)

160︰112=(x×80%)︰[56kg×(1-3%)] x=97kg

答:要制得56kg含杂质3%的生铁需要含Fe2O3 80%的赤铁矿石97kg


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A broken brown robot is lying on a beachwhile another strong green robot stands on the opposite side of the seaEverything is so vivid(生动的),including the grasssand and waterThis is not a scene from a moviebut is Wang Yaolis Gundam model(高达模型)work called Island RaidShe is a 14 year-old girl from Chongqing Furen High SchoolThe model work won her the Gunpla Builders world Cup 2014a top Gundam model competitionThis yearher model work Hug won third place in the competition

Wang Yaoli is a super Gundam model and cartoon fanIn primary schoola Gundam model gift from her painting teacher made her fall in love with the models“It was so coolI couldn’t help but try it for myself”she saidNow her room is full of cartoon books and models

In her eyesa model is a kind of art rather than just a toy“It takes patience(耐心),skills and creative ideas”she said“It is not simply putting the parts of robots togetherYou can add parts to show your own creativity”In her work Hu9she added an antenna(天线)onto the backpack of the robot

Wang Yaoli makes models only during summer vacation“It’s a big projectThere are many things to do like assembling(组装)and paintingIt takes me one month to make one robotSometimes I paint it again and again to make sure that I get the right color”she saidBut she never gets bored“I love itIn the futureI want to work in the cartoon field and help more people enjoy it”she said

1We learn from the passage that Island Raid is

A. a movies name B. a brown robot’s name

C. a green robots name D. a girl’s Gundam model work

2Which of the following about Wang Yaoli is TRUE?

A. She is a l 6-year-old girl

B. Her work Hug won second place this year

C. She fell in love with the Gundam models in primary school

D. Her math teacher once gave her a Gundam model in primary school

3What does Wang Yaoli think of model works?

A. A model is Just a toy for little children

B. It takes patienceskills and creative ideas to make models

C. A model is simply putting every part together

D. It is very boring

4According to the passageWang Yaoli

A. gets bored of making models

B. wants to be a painting teacher in the future

C. plans to work in the cartoon field in the future

D. thinks making models takes too much of her study time

5What is the best title for this passage?

A. A girls great interest in model works

B. Gundam model works are popular with young people

C. An interesting and cool toy

D. The development of robots


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


(1)板块学说认为,由岩石组成的地球表层并不是整体一块,而是分为__ __大板块。写出图中板块的名称:

A________ _____ D______ _____

E________ _ F_______ _____

(2)字母G附近的日本火山地震 (填多或少),原因是:______ _____。

字母H附近的蒙古火山地震 (填多或少),原因是:______ _____。



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



(2)在地图上定方向的方法有三种:一般的方法是面对地图: 在有指向标的地图上,要根据 来定方向,指向标的箭头总是指向 方;在有经纬网的地图上,应利用 来定方向,经线表示 方向,纬线表示 方向。


(4)根据地图量算A.B两地的实地距离是 千米。

(5)如果画一幅相等大小的南平市地图,图上表述的内容要比该图 (简单或详细)


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:





科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



(2)图中D的经度是____ 纬度是________



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


(1)地形类型A是 地形部位B是






科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:



(2)当地球公转到A地时,地球上出现极夜的范围是 ,此日,温江的白昼建筑物影子最________(长、短)。

(3)9月22日,地球位于 地,地球上各地的昼夜长短情况是,太阳直射在_____________上,此后,太阳直射点向_____________(方向)移动。

(4)北半球获得的太阳光热最多的一天,地球公转到 地,这一天的节气是

(5)当我国人民欢度国庆佳节时,地球位于______、_______之间,北半球的昼长 (大于、小于)夜长。

