精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情



A:Hi, Tom.Where are you going this Saturday?

B:I’m going to the Great Wall.1.________?

A:Yes, I’ve been there many times.

B:2.________ to go with me?

A:Yeah, I’d love to.But I really want to go to a new place.

B:3.________ the Beijing World Park?

A:The Beijing World Park?It’s a great idea.I have been there only once.

B:4.________ did you go there?

A:I went there last summer.But I really feel like going there again.

B:Great!5.________ go there this Saturday?

A:OK, no problem.6.________ and when shall we meet?

B:Let’s meet at the gate of our school at 9∶00 am.

A:OK.See you there.


  1.Have you ever been there

  2.Would you like

  3.What about/How about(going to)


  5.Why not



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: You must be really excited about leaving for America tomorrow, Li Ping!
B: Yeah. 【小题1】______
A: Nervous about what?
B: I don’t know many of the customs and manners in the USA. 【小题2】______
A: Sure.
B: 【小题3】______
A: Well, it’s important to be on time when you’re invited for dinner. 【小题4】______ Americans expect their guests to be on time.
B: Then how long may I stay there?
A: 【小题5】______ Or you seem to have come only for the meal. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of things, it’s time to leave. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.
A.It’s good to stay at home for you.
B.After the meal, don’t leave at once.
C.Could you give me a hand?
D.What rules do they have in America?
E.     But I’m a bit nervous.
F.     You’re supposed to leave before the meal.
G.    It’s impolite to arrive late.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省宿迁市七年级下学期期中测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



A. How far is it from here?

B. Yes./of course./sure.

C. How much is it?

D. You’re welcome./ It’s my pleasure.

E. can you tell me the way to the post office?/How can I get to the post office?

F. Where is the bus stop?

A: Excuse me. 1.           ? I want to send some postcards to my friends in America.

B: Just go straight and turn left. The post office is on the Bridge Street, next to a supermarket.

A: 2.                      ?

B: It’s about 20 minutes’ walk. But you can also take a bus to get there, if you like.

A: 3.                        ?

B: It’s over there. Look! Some people are waiting at the bus stop.

A: I see. By the way, can I make a long-distance call (长途电话) at the post office?

B: 4.               .

A: Thank you very much.

B: 5.                   .



科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: 1._____my name is Steve.                
B: Hello. Steve.
A: 2._____?             
B: Jim Harold.
A: 3._____?                 
B: H-A-R-O-L-D.
A: 4._____?                  
B: It's 62975463.
A: Is this a case(箱子)?                  
B: No, it isn't.
A: 5._____?                
B:  It's a computer.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

口语交际     根据对话内容从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳答案,使对话完整,符合逻辑,句义通顺。注意:有多余选项。

A: You must be really excited about leaving for America tomorrow, Li Ping!

B: Yeah. 81______

A: Nervous about what?

B: I don’t know many of the customs and manners in the USA. 82______

A: Sure.

B: 83______

A: Well, it’s important to be on time when you’re invited for dinner. 84______ Americans expect their guests to be on time.

B: Then how long may I stay there?

A: 85______ Or you seem to have come only for the meal. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of things, it’s time to leave. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.

A. It’s good to stay at home for you.

B. After the meal, don’t leave at once.

C. Could you give me a hand?

D. What rules do they have in America?

E. But I’m a bit nervous.

F. You’re supposed to leave before the meal.

G. It’s impolite to arrive late.

