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)—What’s your telephone number?
A、It’s                     B、They’re             C、I’m


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:What ________ you _______ ( do ) from eight to ten yesterday morning ?
小题2: The music_________ ( sound ) great .
小题3:Would you mind ______________ ( not smoke ) here ?
小题4:They learned Japanese by ________( they ) last year .
小题5:Several _________( science ) took part in the important meeting yesterday .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I’d like two              (公斤)of meat, please.
小题2:Help              (你们自己), kids.
小题3:—What’s              (四十)and fifty?
—It’s ninety.
小题4:The book is too dear and I’ll              (考虑)it.
小题5:Kate likes orange              (一点儿).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Hi Betty,
Thank you for your invitation. I’m _小题1:_(抱歉), but I can’t come. You see, I have a really __小题2:_(忙碌)week. This evening I’m going bike__小题3:_(乘骑)with some friends. and tomorrow, after a _小题4:_(迅速的)breakfast,I have to go to the__ 小题5:__(牙医). (Yuck!) On Wednesday, I’m  _小题6:_(锻炼) with the school team. And I have to study for my __小题7:(物理)test on Thursday. It is very _小题8:_(重要) for me. On Friday evening, I’m going to my cousin’s party_小题9:_(直到)11 o’clock. I’m free on Saturday morning. Can you come to the movies or have video games with us at home at that_小题10:_(片刻)?
Write soon.
Xiao Ming


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Beijing is an a_______ (古老的)city, but Dalian is young.
小题2:It is a _______(社会的)problem.
小题3:Sun Haiping is Liu Xiang’s _______(教练).
小题4:I bought a _______(数码)camera last week.
小题5:My mother often look _______(浏览)magazines before going to bed.
小题6:We must_______(遵守)the rulers of school.
小题7:Reading in sun does_______(有害的)to our eyes.
小题8:There are many kinds of_______(鲨鱼).
小题9:Australia is famous for_______(绵羊).
小题10:Tom is enjoying the _______(阳光)on the beach.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Mrs Green was on vacation with her friends. Her husband and children should do housework while she was away. When Mr Green   小题1:   (回来)  home from work, his children were jumping and    小题2:     (呼叫) in the living room. The kids were     小题3:    (不安的) when they saw their father. “What were you doing just now?” Mr Green asked. But there was no answer. All of them kept in    小题4: (沉默). Mr Green found his youngest son, Ben, was     小题5:    (单独地) in the     小题6:  (厨房). He was washing the dishes.
“What happened to you?”
“Dad, they asked to do all the      小题7:   (家务) while they were playing.”
“Is that      小题8:    (真实的)?” Mr Green got angry. He turned to the other kids. “my dear children, all of you should stay at home and cook dinner by yourselves      小题9:    (除了) Ben. I’ll go out to dinner and see a movie with him      小题10:   (今晚).”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

talk    surprised   walk   never  between
小题1:After lunch, my grandparents often take a ___________.
小题2:Daisy's English book is ___________ her math book and Chinese book.
小题3:It is eight o'clock, and the student is______________ on the phone.
小题4:We are very _____________ that they can play in the heat.
小题5:My best friend Emily _______________ stops telling jokes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:He will be OK if I do a small _________(手术)on him .
小题2:She is __________(自豪) to be a policewoman .
小题3:Boys and girls , it’s an e___________ chance for you to learn team spirit .
小题4:White and red are a good ___________(搭配).
小题5:My sister likes to be __________(宁静的)
小题6:Some colours may make us feel _________ (in need of sleep).
小题7:The boy doesn’t want to __________ (争论) with others


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加 情态动词或助动词)。
One day, a rabbit was playing near the field. Suddenly it 小题1:____________ ( catch ) and carried away by a hungry lion. The farmers working in the fields saw this and cried, “Look! The lion 小题2:__________ ( take ) away our rabbit and it小题3:________ (eat) our rabbit!"
The clever rabbit wasn’t afraid and soon had an idea.
It said to the lion, “Dear Mr Lion, we小题4:____________ ( know ) each other for a long time and I 小题5:____________ (think) you are my friend. You want to play with me, don’t you? But the farmers are now saying you’re carrying off their rabbit. Please 小题6:____________ (tell) them quickly that I am yours, not theirs." The lion was glad 小题7:____________ (hear) this and at once opened its mouth and said loudly, “The rabbit 小题8:____________ (not be) yours!" It hadn’t finished 小题9:____________ ( say ) that before the rabbit got out of the lion’s mouth and 小题10:____________ (run) away as quickly as it could.

