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Life doesn't always give us what we want. We don't always get our hopes and  66____We don't always get what we want. But be _ 67____   and believe in yourself, because you can make difference as time goes by. Try to find the beauty _ 68  you, in nature, in others, and in yourself. Believe in the love between people. You can find love is a helping hand   69   a kind word. It is all around. If you are just   70   for it, give love to others. Then you will   71  that you can do a lot for others. You have the power to make others   72 . Believe in the goodness of others. Remember that at anger can be   73  by love and hope. Even when you feel there isn't a lot you can do to change _74   situation, you can always do a little. A little at a time makes a very   75_ difference in the end.


小题2:此题考查形容词,be confident表示有信心。
小题5:此题考查固定短语look for表示寻找。
小题7:此题考查固定短语make sb +adj表示让某人怎样。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Summer holidays will begin next month. Are you going back to your hometown?
B: No,  小题1: .
A: What are you going to do?
B: Mum will take me to Beijing.    小题2:  
A: She will be very happy to see you.
B: Yes, we haven’t seen each other for several years.
A:   小题3:  
B: She is an English teacher. She is teaching in Beijing now. but last year she taught in Hong Kong.
A:  小题4: 
B: Yes, she has. She likes traveling. So, she always moves to different places to work.
A: Is she going to work in Dalian?
B: Yes.    小题5: 
A: That’s great.
A.Next year she is going to teach in our school.
B.We’ll meet my aunt there.
C.What does your aunt do?
D.I went back last summer holiday.
E.I don’t go there.
F.Is your aunt going to another place?
G.She has been to many places, hasn’t he?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:The boy ____________________________ English now.
小题2:She is not asleep. She is _________________.
小题3:Eating healthy food ________________________ our health.
小题4:If we give the job to the man, it is ________________ for the woman.
小题5:She always buys me some gifts __________ when I am in a bad mood.
小题6:It is important ________________________ before you begin to do it.
小题7:You had better wear white when you are _________________________.
小题8:The old man ______________________________________ last year.
小题9:The poor girl often _____________________ her mother after her mother died.
小题10:I go to school by bike ________________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

drop by , in order to , shake hands  , aim at , keep out
小题1:The rain coat is used for ___________ the rain .
小题2:The book __________ educating teenagers
小题3:___________ my home , when you have time .
小题4:You are supposed to ________ when you meet someone for the first time in China .
小题5:He studies hard ________ go to a good university .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

drink    piece   worry     lend   easy
小题1:. Could you please _____________me your bike? 
小题2: If we don’t deal with our problems, we can ___________ become unhappy.
小题3: Don’t _________! I’m sure we can come up with a good way.
小题4: The cup was used for _____________ in the old days in China.
小题5: We would like two _______________ of bread and some milk.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

loud, speech, on, beat, fail, hero, away, because, warm, hand
Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest.    66   May 29, 1953,he climbed and measured the highest mountain——29,000 feet straight up. People were proud of his efforts when he came back. However, until we read his book, High Adventure, we don't understand that Hillary had to grow into this success.
In 1952, he tried to climb Mount Everest, but    67  . A few weeks later, a group in England asked him to give a    68   to its members. Hillary was given a    69   welcome when walking on stage. People there thought him as a    71  , but Edmund Hillary saw himself as a failure (失败). He moved    72   from the microphone (麦克风) and walked to the side of the stage.
He lifted one    72   and pointed at a picture of the mountain. He said in a    73   voice, “Mount Everest, you    74   me the first time, but I’ll beat you the next time    75   you’ve grown all you are going to grow, but I'm still growing!”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:What time is it now?
It' s           o' clock in the       .
小题2:How' s the weather?
            a         day.
小题3:Where are these people?
They are at a          
小题4:Is the place in this picture a busy and crowded one?
No, it __, because only       persons are there.
小题5:What do you think they are doing?
I think they are                a bus.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

help, provide, feel , mistake, suppose
小题1:When we came into the hotel yesterday, it made us ______ at home.
小题2:You are____ to finish the work with your team.
小题3:She said she wouldn’t make any _____ in the coming exam.
小题4:He often ______ money for me when I was poor.
小题5:It used to be______ for us to study English.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


You have been thinking about it all week. It kept you awake last night. Now, as you walk to the front of the class, your throat is dry and your stomach feels funny. 81. __________________________                      However, by making a few small preparations and rehearsing (预演) carefully, you too can be a public speaking star.
82. __________________________ Being excited about your topic is necessary for all the good speeches, so it's important to choose carefully. If you enjoy your topic, your audience (观众) will, too. Even if you are given a topic, try to find something about it that is exciting or funny.
Next, do some research. Don't just research your topic. 83. _________________________  If you can, study video of a great speaker to see how they move, speak, and pause (停顿). Copying their style will help you to write a great speech.
After researching, it's time to write your speech. During this stage, think of your audience all the time. 84. __________________________ It helps you relax if you know that your audience is enjoying your speech.
Finally, rehearse. You really need to rehearse a lot. Measure your speech with a watch, and practice in front of a mirror (镜子). 85. __________________________ If you have followed all these steps, you should be ready for your audience. Good luck!
A.You are a very successful speaker.
B.Research some great speakers as well.
C.Entertaining your audience is important.
D.Start by choosing a topic that you are interested in.
E.Research is very important for writing a great speech.
F.Many students find it difficult to give a public speech.
G.You can check your hand movement and facial expression.

