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Mary didn’t understand such sentences as“She is blue today”,“You are yellow”,“He has a green thumb”,“He has told a white lie”and so on.And she went to the teacher Mrs James for help.
Mary:Mrs James,there is a colour in each of the sentences.What do they mean?
Mrs James:In everyday English,Mary,blue sometimes means sad,yellow afraid.A person with a green thumb grows plants well and a white lie is not a bad one.
Mary:I’m afraid I don’t understand them a11.Would you give me an example for“a white lie”?
Mrs James:Certainly.Now I just give you some cakes.In fact you don’t like it,but you don’t want to let me know it.Instead you say,“No,thanks.I’m not hungry.”That’s a white lie.
Mary:It sounds very interesting.Thanks very much.
Mrs James:You are welcome.Colours are meaningful.I think you will meet more sentences like these in the future.Please come to me if you have any questions.
小题1:Blue sometimes means sad in________English.
小题2:I don’t have a green thumb,so all my plants________.
A.die offB.grow wellC.look niceD.are good
小题3:David is yellow and he is________to climb the tall tree!
小题4:He didn’t like me to know________of the accident.He told me a white lie at last.
A.the reasonB.the true storyC.the meaningD.the answer
小题5:He is ________today.He is told that his father is seriously ill.

根据Mrs James:In everyday English……这段话可知,在日常英语中蓝色有时不是伤心,黄色表示害怕,绿色代表生长的好,White表示无恶意的。可知

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to my home. This is our sitting-room(客厅). It is a big room. There is a big TV set in the middle(中间). The TV set is on a long table. There is a sofa in front of the TV set. Mother is sitting on the sofa, watching TV. Next to the sofa, there is a lamp
(灯). There is a washing-machine(洗衣机) in the corner(在····的角落) of the sitting room. On the machine, there is piece of beautiful cloth(布). There are some flowers on the window, the window is in the white wall. I like my home.
6. There aren’t any ____________ in the sitting room.
A. TV sets      B. desks      C. sofas
7. The TV set is __________ the sitting room.
A. in the middle of      B. in the corner of      C. in the front of
8. Are there any flowers on the window?
A. Yes, they are.       B. No, they aren’t.      C. Yes, there are.
9. Washing-machine is used for (用来做)________.
A. washing dishes      B. washing clothes    C. washing clothe
10.The sitting room is_________.
A. not good        B. small       C. big


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I am on the way
I have been dreaming of being a volunteer  46  I entered the university. Last summer, I could finally become a volunteer after the end term  examination.
Step1 First experiencing
I thought I could have a good   47 . But when I faced so many strangers, also my new workmates for the first time, I got nervous and  48 almost all the time.
Step2 Start work
My first job of volunteering was  49 in summer. The kids were from families  50  low income(低收人).They were at different   51 ,from primary school pupils to high school students.We talked about the  52 ,sadness and happiness.I told them that lessons were much more important than money,though I knew they did not have  53 lives.I  54 that my experience would help them.
  55 ,we needed to make better plans,and sometimes we didn’t know what to do at all,especially when  56 happened.
Step3 Wishes
I also 57 the older serving group.It seemed  58 more difficult to communicate with elders.I really hoped that I could bring 59 happiness into their lives and help them more.
Anyway,I am on the way. 1 will  60 my dream,no matter what would happen the next day.
A.felt happyB.felt boredC.kept silenceD.standing
A.cleaningB.teachingC.singingD.telling stories
A.withB.inC.out ofD.for
A.To be honestB.By the wayC.In generalD.At last
A.fightsB.storiesC.accidentsD.something new
A.took partB.took part inC.joinedD.joined in
A.a fewB.a littleC.a lot ofD.plenty of
A.lessB.manyC.moreD.much and more
A.come trueB.hold on toC.makeD.keep


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Thousands of years ago,human(人类)didn’t live in towns.Sometimes they would live in caves(洞穴)or build camps in the forest.
Only about thirty people  1   in each camp.The men would go hunting while the woman and children  2 food from trees around the camp.All the food was  3 among people in the group.Every few weeks they moved to another place to find more food.It was a simple life,but people had to be  4They had to make everything that they needed,and they had to know a lot about plants and animals.
Nowadays most people live in towns and cities,and they work in offices and factories.Life isthan in the old days.There are fewer  6 ,but there is less excitement.Some people go  7 excitement  sailing round the world.climbing mountains,or exploring(探测)caves.
Most people look forward to the  8 ,a time when they can enjoy a change from the normal life.For some this means going camping.But camping today is  9 from camping in the past.Gas cookers,ready-made food and air-beds mean people can camp much more  10 than they did in the old times.
1.A.lived         B.talked       C.came        D.danced
2.A.planted       B.collected     C.watched     D.bought
3.A.found        B.used         C.shared      D.sold
4.A.polite        B.kind         C.calm       D.clever
5.A.worse        B.faster        C.easier       D.harder
6.A.dangers       B.stories       C.people      D.animals
7.A.waiting for    B.looking for    C.turning on   D.putting on
8.A.dreams       B.gifts         C.meals       D.holidays
9.A.away        B.different       C.free        D.far
10.A.slowly       B.terribly        C.comfortably  D.hopefully


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When we meet someone for the first time, we often would like to talk about ourselves. We just want to show the best to others. But why not listen? Sometimes, listening is better than talking. Then how to be a good listener? Here are a few suggestions:
◆Look at the speaker. It shows you are listening carefully. It’s also a good way to “talk” to your friend with your eyes.
◆Don’t cut in. Give your friend enough time to say what she or he thinks. Don’t stop your friend’s words. Even if you want to say something, you should wait till your friend finishes.
◆ Try to understand. When you are listening, try to catch her or his feelings and ideas. It helps you know your friend better. And your friend will feel better about you. She or he may think you are the right person to talk with.
◆Show your ideas at the right time. "It’s interesting." "What happened next?" … These are useful when you are listening. And you can give advice when your friend asks for it.
It’s never too late to become a good listener. It can change your life and the lives of the people in your life.
小题1:When we meet someone for the first time, we often would like to talk about
小题2:Looking at the speaker is impolite when you are listening.             
小题3: Though you want to say something, you should not cut in at once.       
小题4: To be a good listener, you should say nothing.                            
小题5: Listening is better than talking sometimes.                               


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My favourite shop is called’ Model World’. It is on the second floor of Happy Plaza, near to Pizza Club. It is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.
Model World’ sells all kinds of models. It has model soldiers, cars, boats, airplanes, space shuttles and even dinosaurs. It has models for young children and models for adults (成人). Some models have just about twenty pieces, and others have over 2,000 pieces. You can also buy paints and glue (胶水) and other things there.
The staff at ’ Model World’ is very nice. They are very interested in making models. They will give you advice, and answer all of your questions. The prices are not low but they are not high. My best buy was a model of a helicopter. It cost $ 30 but it had over 400 pieces. It was really fun to make. If you are interested in models, you should visit this shop.
小题1:The model shop closes at           
A.8 a.m.B.10 a.m.C.8 p.m.D.10 p.m.
小题2:At least how many pieces are needed to make a model?
A.About 20.B.About 30.C.Over 400.D.Over 2,000.
小题3: The staff in the shop is very      .
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The writer made a helicopter in the shop.
B.The things sold in the shop are very cheap.
C.The models in the shop are only for children.
D.The writer paid $ 30 for the model of a helicopter.
小题5: The writer wrote the passage to tell us about _________
A.his favourite model
B.his favourite shop
C.how to make models
D.why it was fun to make models


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Victor,
I am a college student. Nowadays games on the net are very popular with college students. Some of my roommates are very interested in them. They not only play games in their free time, but also keep talking about them at night when lights are off, and they regard games as a part of their life. I’ve asked them to give it up, but they wouldn’t listen to me. It has become a rather big problem. Should I report it to our teachers or do something else?
Dear Ted,
Drop it. Your roommates, as grown—ups, can do whatever they want with their time so long as it doesn’t break school rules or violate(妨碍)other people’s interests.
Playing perhaps gives these students relaxation from hard study. If they play too often and have little time to study, they will reap what they have sown(自食其果), but you will not. Reporting to the teachers would only harm your good name in your dormitory(宿舍). However, you have rights to ask your roommates to be quiet when you need sleep. If they aren’t angry with you, they will stop talking. But be polite and friendly. Perhaps, in return, join them in a game or two.
小题1:Ted wants his roommates to_______.
A.break their computers
B.sell their computers to teachers
C.play games in the day, not at night
D.stop playing computer games
小题2: According to the second letter, some college students_______.
A.can break school rules or violate other people’s interests
B.have their rights to disturb Ted
C.can relax themselves while playing games on the net
D.can study even better if they play games on the net
小题3: Victor asks Ted to_______.
A.report to the teachersB.harm his good name in the dormitory
C.stop talking with his roommatesD.learn how to get on well with others


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Travel is      to us in at least three ways.
First,      We can see many places with our own eyes. We can visit some famous cities and scenic spots(风景区).
Second, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people, taste different foods and local flavours(风味) if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live.
Third, travel will _______ help us to get knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, _______ help us keep healthy and make us broad-minded(心胸开阔).
With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ever in China.
小题1: 在文中第一段的横线上填入一个恰当的词。_______
A.by traveling we can see different people.
B.by traveling we can make friends.
C.by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of different places.
D.by traveling we can enjoy delicious food.
______ ______
小题5:Which is the best title of this passage? ______
A.TravelingB.Places of Interest
C.Advantages of TravelingD.Disadvantages of Traveling


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everyone has worries. How do you deal with your worries? There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won't solve your problems.
Grades at school are often a top worry for kids. if you worry most about grades, ask yourself these questions:
●  Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?
●  How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isn't a test?
●  Do I have a good place to do my homework?
●  Have I tried different ways of studying?
If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down al! the things you could do-write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose one thing that could get your friend back.
You can ask for help when you're worried. You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, and teachers.
(  )11. What do kids often worry most about?
 A. Their hobbies.                     B. Their homework.
 C. Their marks at school.               D. A fight with their friends.
(  )12. According to the passage, when you're worried, you'd better _______.
   A. work hard                        B. talk to someone
 C. get ready for class              D. write down your worries
(  )13. If you're worried about grades, DON'T ask yourself "_______".
 A. Why are grades important?           B. What do grades mean to me?
 C. How do I get ready for class?         D. Why not give up my studies?
(  )14. If you had a fight with a friend, you could _______.
A. invite him or her to watch a game      B. put the blame on him or her
C. try to make new friends              D. leave him or her alone
(  )15. What does the passage mainly tell us?
   A. Who is often worried.               B. When people are worried.
  C. How to deal with worries.      D. What kinds of worries people have.

