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Lily is from New York , the U.S.A. She is twelve. She is in Shanghai NO.3 Junior High School. She is in Class Eight, Grade One. Her phone number is 66786019. Dongdong is from Kunming. His English name is Tom. He is eleven .He is in Class Seven,Grade One. His telephone number is 24524233. They are not in the same class. They are good friends
小题1: Lily is from   _____.
A. English         B. China         C. the U.S.A
小题2: Dongdong is in Class  ______.
A. Six          B. Seven           C. Eight
小题3: Lily and Dongdong are good________ .
A. students     B. friends     C. teachers
小题4: Where is Tom from ? He is from______ .
A .The U.S.A     B. Japan    C. China
小题5: How old is Lily ?  She is _______.
A .ten          B. eleven         C. twelve


小题1:根据Lily is from New York , the U.S.A.可知选C
小题2:根据Dongdong is from ……He is in Class Seven,Grade One.可知选B。
小题3:根据They are good friends。联系上文可知they指的是丽丽和东东,故选B。
小题4:根据Dongdong is from Kunming. His English name is Tom.可知汤姆就是东东,昆明是中国的城市,故选C,中国。
小题5:根据Lily is from New York , the U.S.A. She is twelve.可知she指的是上文的丽丽,故选C,12岁。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much __31___ a nice looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it __32_____much that he decided to buy it. But the owner of the shop insisted five hundred dollars for it. When the American was hesitating, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took___33__out of the owner’s hand and ran out with it. It all happened in few seconds. When the owner ran out ___34____the street, the young man was already disappearing among the people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw ___35_____with the stolen watch in his hand. “Don’t you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” he asked in a low_____36____ , “It’s only a hundred dollars.”
“The young man doesn’t know _____37____saw him stealing the watch just now,” he thought. The American paid at once and went ___38______back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend took a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, “You are ____39_____. The watch isn’t worth ___40______ten dollars. I’m sure the shop owner and the young man planned all this together.”
A.to giveB.to takeC.to getD.to sell
A.a watchB.the moneyC.the watchD.some dollars
A.the young manB.the ownerC.the AmericanD.another young man
A.a bad manB.a clever manC.a foolD.a thief


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Molly had a bad day yesterday. When she got out of bed, she stepped on her favorite doll and broke her head off. She dropped her breakfast plate on the kitchen floor. At school her pencil broke in half. She fell on the ground heavily at break time and hurt her left leg. Billy put a glass of water on her head.
“I’m having a bad day,” she cried, throwing herself on her bed.
“What’s the matter, Molly?” her mom asked. Molly couldn’t stop crying to tell her mom about them.
“I know what will make you happy. Come with me,” her mom thought for a moment and said. They walked down the street to the park. Mom pushed Molly on the swing(秋千).
“Wow! This is fun,” Molly laughed.
They took their shoes off and played in the stream. Both of them ate bananas and ice creams. The ice creams dripped (滴) on to their clothes, but Mom didn’t mind.
“ This is for you,” her mom said, handing Molly a pretty purple flower. “Do you feel better now?”
“Yes, Mom,” Molly smiled. They walked down the street to the park. They went home happily.
小题1: Mom stepped on Molly’s doll.
小题2: Molly hurt her leg in the park.
小题3:. Molly and her mom took their shoes off and played in the stream.
小题4: Mom handed a candy to Molly.
小题5: The passage mainly told us how Mom made Molly happy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There are three people in my family, my parents and I. My name is Liu Ming. I’m a middle school  . I am thirteen years old. I’m  2   China, so I can speak  3  . I can speak a little English, too. My father is a teacher in a  4  . He can speak Chinese, English  5  Japanese. He teaches Japanese. He likes  6  . He can swim and play table tennis. My  7  is a secretary.  8 works in a factory. She  9  only speak Chinese. She likes music and she can sing and play the   10 .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been abroad. Like most English children, I learnt French at school and I had often been to France, so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand English. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.
How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to give my American friend Danny a ring and tell her that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking like being lost and asked if he could help me.
“Yes,”I said.“I want to give my friend a ring.”
“Well, that’s nice,”he exclaimed (惊呼).“Are you getting married? But aren’t you a bit young?”
“Who is talking about marriage?” I replied. “I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her I’ve arrived. Can you tell me where there’s a phone box?”
“Oh!”he said.“There’s a phone downstairs.”
When at last we did meet up, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.“Don’t worry,” she said to me.“I had many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from us British. You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say. But most of the time British and American people can understand each other!”
小题1:When the writer arrived at the airport, he wanted to _____.
A.buy a ring for his friend B.ask the way to his friend’s
C.telephone his friendD.call a taxi
小题2:The old man thought _____.
A.the writer wanted to find a phone box
B.the writer was old enough to get married
C.the writer didn’t know the way
D.the writer wanted to find his girlfriend
小题3:.At last, the old man _____.
A.understood what the writer wanted to do
B.couldn’t understand the writer
C.bought a ring for the writer
D.took the writer to the phone box by himself
小题4:Which sentence is wrong according to the passage?
A.The writer’s friend, Danny had a lot of difficulties in the U.S.A. at first.
B.There are some differences between American and British English.
C.British people can’t understand the Americans most of the time.
D.British and American people can understand each other most of the time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Kangkang is a boy. His good friend is Yukio. They look the same. Kangkang is twelve. He is from China. He has black hair and brown eyes. Yukio is thirteen years old. He is from Japan. He has yellow skin(皮肤), black hair and brown eyes.
小题1:Kangkang is Yukio’s good friend.
小题2:Yukio is from China.
小题3:Kangkang ‘s thirteen years old.
小题4:The two boys look the same.
小题5:Kangkang is Chinese.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Fang,
How are you these days? I have been in England for two months. It’s not a long time for a newcomer, and there are still a lot of things to do. Sorry for not being able to write to you soon.
London is an old but beautiful city. There are lots of places of interest to visit. Last weekend I went along Thames River with some friends from Japan, Korea and some other countries. The modern skyscrapers(摩天大楼) among the old buildings impressed(给…留下印象) us deeply. The classes started two weeks after I arrived here alone. Besides the language, I’m trying to learn about the culture as well. British people are quite different from the Chinese. Do you know the people here do not shake hands as much as we do in China? And it’s never a good habit to make noise when you eat. They think it’s impolite.
There is so much to say, but I have to stop.
I will write to you soon again.
小题1:Harry came to London from ________.
小题2: Two months ago Harry came to London _________.
A.with FangB.with his friends
C.with his parents D.alone
小题3: Harry has studied in London _______.
A.for about two weeksB.for about two months
C.for about one and a half monthsD.for about a month
小题4: Last weekend Harry was impressed by _____________.
A.London’s long history
B.the modern skyscrapers
C.London’s old buildings
D.the English culture
小题5: English people _______________.
A.do not often shake hands with their friends when they meet
B.often shake hands when they meet their friends
C.talk aloud when they have dinner
D.usually make noise when they eat


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Billiards(台球) is my favorite ball sport. The English player Ronnie O’Sullivan and Chinese player Ding Junhui are   46  my favorite players. They play it very well. I hope I’ll be   47  to play it well, too. Of course, it is only a dream. Of the two players, I  48  O’Sullivan, because he played it so quickly in the races.
When I was nine, I   49_  this ball sport for the first time. My PE teacher, Mr. Xu, and I became good   50  because of billiards. I still remember that one day Mr. Xu and I played billiards   51  class. We were so excited that we both  52  the lunchtime. Suddenly, my father showed up, he was very angry with me.
Well, it is   53 to know the rules, but it is not easy to get a good  54  in the game. Now billiards is becoming more and more  55  in China, and more and more Chinese are enjoying it.
小题1:A.two            B.both             C.all
小题2:A.able           B.free             C.glad
小题3:A.love           B.like             C.prefer
小题4:A.hit            B.joined           C.played
小题5:A.athletes       B.friends          C.teachers
小题6:A.after          B.before           C.in
小题7:A.knew           B.forgot           C.remembered
小题8:A.easy           B.hard             C.difficult
小题9:.A.rule          B.score            C.player
小题10:A.boring        B.famous           C.popular


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.
No two people are just the same. Sometimes friends don’t get along well. That doesn’t  mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we call them and write to them. It could be that we would even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women who have been friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places. There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.
小题1:The first paragraph tells us ________.
A.none needs friends B.we always need friends around us
C.making friends is the need in people’s life D.we need to be alone.
小题2:Which of the following is what the writer doesn’t say in the passage?
A.People are not happy when their friends have them
B.People will never see their friends after their friends move away.
C.People can know their friends in different ways.
D.People like their friends very much if they get to know them.
小题3:People who have friends live longer than people who don’t because ________
A.they feel happier and are healthyB.they get a lot of help from their friends
C.they take better care of themselvesD.both A and C
小题4:The main idea of this passage is ________.
A.that people are all friends B.that people need friends
C.how to get to know friends D.how to name a place

