精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
We decided to visit that company                        .
He wants                         the physics test at home.
The movie                             her family, friends and country.
The worker will                                                .
Get advice from your teachers or parents                                    .

小题1:another time
小题2:to prepare for
小题3:shows her love for
小题4:plant more trees with less water
小题5:if you have some problems and worries

小题1:考查汉译英。我们we,决定decide,另找时间another time,参观visit,那家公司that company,故答案填another time.
小题2:考查汉译英。他he,想want,呆在家里at home,为做准备prepare for,物理测试the physics test,want 后接带to不定式,故答案填to prepare for.
小题3:考查汉译英。这部this,电影filem展示了show,她her,对for,家庭famliy,朋友friends,国家country,热爱love。故答案填shows her love for
小题4:考查汉译英。工人们workers,将will,用with,少量的less,水water,植plant,更多的more,树trees,故答案填plant more trees with less water
小题5:考查汉译英。如果if,你you,有have,一些some,麻烦problems,和and,担忧worries,,故答案填if you have some problems and worries

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:His grandfather’s sudden      (dead) made him feel shocked.
小题2:As I was working on the plan, she thought of that      (surprise) ending.
小题3:Tom lives much      (far) from school than I.
小题4:His      (boss) son was attacked with a knife last Friday.
小题5:Mrs. Curie (居里) received the Nobel Prize      (two) during her life time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:Bill and  I ________(agree)in the past,but we’re good friends now.
小题2:Just now more than one murderer ________(arrest) by the police.
小题3:You have to stay at home because it _______(rain)heavily outside.
小题4:With the help of the computer, the spacemen can be sent to the space even______(safe).
小题5:Mr Green asks Kate and me not to keep worries to _________.(we)
小题6:She looked ________at her son(angry) and didn’t say a word.
小题7:Look!Here __________(come) the bus.Let’s get on it.
小题8:Lei Feng devoted all his time he had to __________(help) people in need.
小题9:If you _________(not be)careful, you’ll make many mistakes.
小题10:---The bike has broken down many times.
-----Yes,and I don’t think it is worth_______(repair)
小题11:China sent up Chang’e III into space on December 2,2013 ________(成功).
小题12:They are going to have a big dinner to celebrate their grandpa’s ______birthday.(90)
小题13:The victim was attacked with a knife and found ________the next day.(死)
小题14:Fine behaviour and good manners will have important good ______on teenagers.(影
小题15:Could you help tell me where the ___________skirts are?(演员)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


A:Hello, Charles.
B:Hello, Claire. Nice to see you here. How are you?
A:Fine, thanks, Where are you going for your summer holidays, Charles?
B:小题1:      I’m going to stay with my uncle for three weeks.
A:You certainly are lucky. How are you going there?
B:By air, of course. 小题2:       
A:I’m going to visit my grandparents in a small village. I go there every summer.
B:Sounds great! I’ve never been to the countryside. What do you do there?
A:I do many things. 小题3:       
B:It’s fantastic! Are you going there alone?
A:No. 小题4:      By the way, what’s John going to do this summer?
B:He says he’s going to the mountains with his parents. Well, I’ve got to go. Have fun, Charles.
A:小题5:       I’ll see you in September.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.
A.I like bananas, oranges…     B. Do you like salad         C. Yes, I do 
D. And you know what I really like       E. Do you like vegetables 
Sally: Do you like carrots?
Tom: 小题1:__________________, I like all vegetables.
Sally: How about salad? 小题2:__________________?
Tom: Yes I do. It’s great! 小题3:___________________?
Sally: No, I don’t like vegetables. Well, only salad. But I like fruit. 小题4:_____________.
Tom: How about apples? I don’t like apples!
Sally: Yes., I like apples. 小题5:________________________?
Tom: What?
Sally: Ice-cream!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:--- Who’s on TV?  ---The reporter is having an ______(采访) with the film star!
小题2:The night view of the city is _______________ (美妙的). We like it very much.
小题3:We should take action to make our ______________ (环境) better and better.
小题4:He has __________(意识到) the importance of learning English since last year


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

  try  I  take  worse  soon  on  off   difficulty  leave  away   one   easy
Last week, my friend, Mike, decided __小题1:__ a trip to Beijing by train. I went to the train station to see him off.
He took a lot of luggage(行李)with him. So I got __小题2:__ the train with him and helped him put__小题3:__ his luggage. There were a lot of people on the train. Some of them had no seats and they stood in the aisle(过道). When I __小题4:__to get off the train, one worker shouted, “The train is __小题5:___now. Please get on the train as __小题6:__ as possible.” Then many people tried to get on the train. It was __小题7:__ for me to move. Before I could get off, the train began to move. Then my friend said to me, “Why don’t you go to Beijing with __小题8:__ ? You will have a great time there.” I thought it was not a __小题9:__ idea. So I went to Beijing for the __小题10:__time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Look! There is a book on the playground. 小题1:___________________________________?
B: Let me have a look. 小题2:_________________________________. It her has name on it.
A: Sophia? Is she the girl who won the English speech contest?
B: Yes. She is my best friend.
B: 小题3:____________________________________?
B: By listening to tapes and practicing conversations with friends.
A: I remember she used to be afraid to speak in front of people.
B: but now she is outgoing. People sure change.
A: That’s right. By the way, the summer holiday is coming. 小题4:____________________________?
B: I’d like to take a trip to Beijing with my family.
A: 小题5:_______________________________________!
B: Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)
When getting the birthday present, Jane _____________________________.
During my stay in Beijing, They ___________________________________.
You _____________________________________ now.
People ______________________________ on such a windy day.
小题5: 广州的天气与北京的天气大不相同。
The weather in Guangzhou _________________________ in Beijing.
Please _______________________________.

