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Only 16 percent of China’s area ____ covered with forests, so ____of us should protect trees.

A.are; everyB.is; eachC.is; everyoneD.are; each




科目:初中英语 来源:2012届湖北省黄冈市初三中考模拟英语试卷D卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Here comes the last term of Junior 3. Terrible! The big exam is coming in less than two months. You still have a lot to do. How will you spend it? We invited three students to share their stories.
Dou Yi, 15,Beijing
My chemistry  used to be poor in the past. I got scores of around 40 on every test. During the last term, I decide to beat chemistry. I will start to work hard. In class I take every possible note. After school, I spend most of my time studying chemistry. My parents also ask their friend, a chemistry teacher, to help me . Finally in the latest exam, I got 65! How happy I am!
Wang Zhaolin, 16, Chongqing
My foot got hurt a week before the big PE exam . Luckily, I recovered(康复) in time. For PE , all you need is to practice. Sports can also help you relax. Be careful not to get hurt as I did.
Wang Feixuan, 15, Xi’an
My experience is that for Junior3, every minute of the last term is important. Don’t waste any of them. I try to remember English words while waiting in line to get my lunch. I read textbooks on the bus to and from school. I work hard at home and sometimes stay up late studying. Want to have fun? Leave it for the summer holiday after the big exam!
【小题1】Dou Yi, from Beijing, works hard on chemistry by       .

A.taking every possible note
B.spending all his time playing
C.asking a chemistry teacher for help
D.Both A and C
【小题2】Wang Zhaolin thinks if you want to get better score in PE, you have to      .
A.relax yourself well
B.practice really hard
C.get hurt a week before the exam
D.sleep well
【小题3】In Wang Feixuan’s opinion,       .
A.every minute of the last term is important
B.students still have a lot of time to waste
C.if you want to have fun, do it now
D.you only need to work hard at school
【小题4】Which of the following sentences is WRONG?
A.The big exam is coming less than two months from now
B.Dou Yi’s chemistry is much better now
C.Wang Zhaolin’s foot got hurt after the PE exam
D.Wang Feixuan tries to remember English words while waiting in line to get her lunch


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖北省黄冈市初三中考模拟英语试卷D卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Here comes the last term of Junior 3. Terrible! The big exam is coming in less than two months. You still have a lot to do. How will you spend it? We invited three students to share their stories.

Dou Yi, 15,Beijing

My chemistry  used to be poor in the past. I got scores of around 40 on every test. During the last term, I decide to beat chemistry. I will start to work hard. In class I take every possible note. After school, I spend most of my time studying chemistry. My parents also ask their friend, a chemistry teacher, to help me . Finally in the latest exam, I got 65! How happy I am!

Wang Zhaolin, 16, Chongqing

My foot got hurt a week before the big PE exam . Luckily, I recovered(康复) in time. For PE , all you need is to practice. Sports can also help you relax. Be careful not to get hurt as I did.

Wang Feixuan, 15, Xi’an

My experience is that for Junior3, every minute of the last term is important. Don’t waste any of them. I try to remember English words while waiting in line to get my lunch. I read textbooks on the bus to and from school. I work hard at home and sometimes stay up late studying. Want to have fun? Leave it for the summer holiday after the big exam!

1.Dou Yi, from Beijing, works hard on chemistry by       .

A.taking every possible note

B.spending all his time playing

C.asking a chemistry teacher for help

D.Both A and C

2.Wang Zhaolin thinks if you want to get better score in PE, you have to      .

A.relax yourself well

B.practice really hard

C.get hurt a week before the exam

D.sleep well

3.In Wang Feixuan’s opinion,       .

A.every minute of the last term is important

B.students still have a lot of time to waste

C.if you want to have fun, do it now

D.you only need to work hard at school

4.Which of the following sentences is WRONG?

A.The big exam is coming less than two months from now

B.Dou Yi’s chemistry is much better now

C.Wang Zhaolin’s foot got hurt after the PE exam

D.Wang Feixuan tries to remember English words while waiting in line to get her lunch



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Here comes the last term of Junior 3. Terrible! The big exam is coming in less than two months. You still have a lot to do. How will you spend it? We invited three students to share their stories.
Dou Yi, 15,Beijing
My chemistry  used to be poor in the past. I got scores of around 40 on every test. During the last term, I decide to beat chemistry. I will start to work hard. In class I take every possible note. After school, I spend most of my time studying chemistry. My parents also ask their friend, a chemistry teacher, to help me . Finally in the latest exam, I got 65! How happy I am!
Wang Zhaolin, 16, Chongqing
My foot got hurt a week before the big PE exam . Luckily, I recovered(康复) in time. For PE , all you need is to practice. Sports can also help you relax. Be careful not to get hurt as I did.
Wang Feixuan, 15, Xi’an
My experience is that for Junior3, every minute of the last term is important. Don’t waste any of them. I try to remember English words while waiting in line to get my lunch. I read textbooks on the bus to and from school. I work hard at home and sometimes stay up late studying. Want to have fun? Leave it for the summer holiday after the big exam!

  1. 1.

    Dou Yi, from Beijing, works hard on chemistry by       .

    1. A.
      taking every possible note
    2. B.
      spending all his time playing
    3. C.
      asking a chemistry teacher for help
    4. D.
      Both A and C
  2. 2.

    Wang Zhaolin thinks if you want to get better score in PE, you have to      .

    1. A.
      relax yourself well
    2. B.
      practice really hard
    3. C.
      get hurt a week before the exam
    4. D.
      sleep well
  3. 3.

    In Wang Feixuan’s opinion,       .

    1. A.
      every minute of the last term is important
    2. B.
      students still have a lot of time to waste
    3. C.
      if you want to have fun, do it now
    4. D.
      you only need to work hard at school
  4. 4.

    Which of the following sentences is WRONG?

    1. A.
      The big exam is coming less than two months from now
    2. B.
      Dou Yi’s chemistry is much better now
    3. C.
      Wang Zhaolin’s foot got hurt after the PE exam
    4. D.
      Wang Feixuan tries to remember English words while waiting in line to get her lunch


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some girls are doing less exercise.A survey shows that only 25%of girls often get outdoor activities.Many don’t like PE classes and don’t play sports.These girls may face a lot of problems.They may become fat.And they may get some kinds of illnesses.

    A 16-year-old girl says.“I don’t want to do exercise.I just feel too tired.I like watching TV on the couch more than doing exercise.”

    Some girls say they don’t have enough time to do sports.They must often help their working parents.“ We have dishes to do, the house to clean and homework to do.There really isn’t time for anything else.”


1.文中outdoor activities的中文意思是          

2.划线单词face的词性是          ,中文意思是         .


  A.Girls do less exercise than boys.

  B.Girls need more exercise.

  C.Girls don’t like exercising.

4.Why don’t girls often do exercise?


5.What’s the result of not doing exercise for girls?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Some girls are doing less exercise.A survey shows that only 25%of girls often get outdoor activities.Many don’t like PE classes and don’t play sports.These girls may face a lot of problems.They may become fat.And they may get some kinds of illnesses.

    A 16-year-old girl says“I don’t want to do exercise.I just feel too tired I like watching TV on the couch more than doing exercise.”

    Some girls say they don’t have enough time to do sports.They must often help their working parents.“we have dishes to do.the house to clean and homework to do There really isn’t time for anything else.”

1.What’s the Chinese meaning of the phrase“outdoor activities”?Can you guess?



A.Girls do less exercise than boys 

B.Girls need more exercise 

C.Girls don’t like exercise.

4.Why don’t girls often do sports?

5.What’s the result of not doing exercise for girls?

