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 One day an American went to see his doctor. The doctor looked him over and said/'Medicine can't help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk,walk a lot and smoke(吸烟)only one cigar(烟)a day.”

  A month later the American came to see the doctor again. "How are you?" said the doctor, "I'm happy to see you again. You look much younger. " "Oh,doctor, I feel quite well now,"said the American, "I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank lots of milk. I walked a lot. You certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day,and that one cigar a day nearly killed(杀死)me at first. It was no joke(笑话)to begin smoking at my age."

(   )1.One day an American         .

A. wasn't feeling well B. went to see his friend

C. felt very tired    D. was very angry

(   ) 2. His doctor .

A. could not help him    B. was good to him

C. told him what to do    D. was happy to see him

(   ) 3. When the American came to see the doctor again         .

A. he was younger    B. the doctor was busy

C. the doctor looked him over    D. he felt well

(   ) 4. The American told the doctor      .

A. he liked doing all these things    B. he nearly killed him
C. to smoke one cigar a day    D. one cigar a day was very difficult at first

(   ) 5. From the story we can guess      .

A. the American was not a young man    B. the doctor was a bad one

C. the doctor liked the American    D. the American would smoke every day


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:








科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 I was still shy in the presence of a crowd. And my first day at the new s 1      made me the laughing stock(笑料)of the whole class. I was sent to the blackboard to write my name. I knew my name,and knew how to write it,but standing at the blackboard with the eyes of so many pupils on my back made me n 2      ,and I was unable to write a single letter.

“Write your name,” the teacher told me. I lifted the white chalk to the blackboard and,as I was about to write,my mind went blank. I could not r 3      my name,even the first letter.

Somebody laughed and I became more nervous.

“Just forget us and write your name,” the teacher called and walked to my side,s 4      at me to give me confidence(信心).

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“Jeremy,” I whispered.

“Then write it. ”

I turned to the blackboard and lifted my hand to write,b 5      then my mind went blank again. I tried to collect my senses,but I could remember nothing. I realized I was in trouble and I grew w 6      and leaned(倚靠)my hot forehead against the cold blackboard. The whole class burst into a loud laughter and my body froze.

I sat down and blamed(责备)myself. W 7      did I always appear so silly when I was asked to do something in front of a crowd? I knew how to write as well as any pupil in the class,and there was no d 8      I could read better than most of them,and I could talk with e 9      and fluency(流利)when I was sure of myself. Then why did strange faces make me nervous? I sat with my face red and hands s 10     ,hearing the pupils around me whisper,hating myself.

1.          2.      3.            4.          5.         

6.          7.      8.            9.          10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Most (大多数) English people have t 1       names: a first name,a middle name and a family name. For example (例如) ,my f 2       name is Ann Allan Green. Green is my f 3       name. Ann and Allan are my given names. People usually (通常) don’t use (不用) their m 4       names. S 5       we can say Ann  Green. We  can  say Miss Green o  6       Mrs Green.  But  we c  7       say Miss Ann  or Mrs Ann. It’s different  from    (不同于) C 8  names.  In China  the  f 9        name is the family name and the 1 10       name is the given name.

I.          2.          3.          4.       5.          

6.          7.          8.          9.       10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Everyone has a cold sometimes. When you catch a cold, you should go to 1 a doctor.some medicine and have a good 3  . You should also 4 more hot water and take some 5 You shouldn't eat cool foods 6 ice cream. You shouldn't go to public (公共的)  ,either. It's important for you to keep 8 and eat a 9 diet, 10 .

1.     2.      3.     4.     5.    

6.      7.        8.       9.       10.    


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  The poor are very wonderful people. One evening, my sister and I went out and picked up four people from the street. One of 1 was in a most terrible condition. I told my sister, "You 2 the other three. I take care of this one who looks 3 ”So I did for her all that my love could do. I 4 her in bed,and there was such a beautiful smile on her face. She held my hand as she 5 "Thank you",and then she died. I could not help but examine my heart before her. I asked myself 6 I would say if I were in her place. My answer was very simple. I would say I was hungry,cold,homeless, and I was dying, or something else. But she gave me her thankful love,then died 7 a smile on her face.

  I am going to try to make a home for more homeless people, because I believe that love begins at home,and if we can create a home for the poor,love will pass on. And through this love,we will be able to bring peace to the poor. So let us always 9 each other with a smile, for the smile is the10 of love. And once we begin to love each other naturally,we will do something for others.

(   ) 1. A. us    B. them     C. you    D. many '

(   ) 2. A. look for    B. listen to   C. catch up with    D. look after

(   ) 3. A. worse      B. stronger    C. better      D. healthier

(   ) 4. A. gave    B. threw    C. put    D. pushed

(   ) 5. A. spoke    B. told    C. said    D. shouted

(   ) 6. A. which      B. what     C. when      D. how

(   ) 7. A. with    B. in C. from    D. of

(   ) 8. A. less and less    B. little and little

       C. more and more    D. fewer and fewer

(   ) 9. A. meet      B. to meet      C. met      D. meeting

(   ) 10. A. begin    B. beginning      C. end    D. ending


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Sam is a bus driver in a big city. All day he drives a bus through busy streets. Driving a big bus is very 1 work. It makes some drivers 2 But not Sam!

  Sam is always happy. And the people who ride in his bus seem to be happy, too. This story shows 3

Early one 4 ,Sam started his big green and yellow bus. He went off on the 5 work. "Oh, what a beautiful morning!" he sang. "Oh, what a beautiful day!"

  At the first bus stop, a man was 6 . "Good morning,Mr James," said Sam 7 a big smile. "How are you?"   "Fine,thank you, Sam," said Mr James. "How are you?"

  "Wonderful!" Sam answered. "Just WONDERFUL!This is a fine day."

  Mr James smiled. He took a seat. As he looked 8 the window,he still smiled. At the 9 stop a man came running up. He was puffing(气喘吁吁)."I have to catch a train at seven,” he said. "Can you get me to the station?"

  "Now,just sit down and rest," said Sam. "I,ll drive a little 10 . We will be there in time. Then you 11 run again."

  "Thank you!" said the man. He sat down.

  Sam 12 drive just a little faster. He got to the station before seven!

  "Thank you," said the man,as he got off the bus. "You are the best bus driver in the city!"

  As he drove on,Sam 13 talking again. By this time,many people were on the bus. They were  14 going to work. But Sam made the ride seem like fun.

  "It is now ten minutes after seven," Sam called out. "The sky is blue. It will not rain today.

We all like sunshine, don't we?"

  He began to sing, "I love you,Mr Sunshine. I love you, Mr Sun. In all the world I love you best. You are the only one.”

  "What is that song,Sam?" a girl asked.

  "It's my song," He said. "I made it up. I like to sing. It makes 15 people want to sing,too.”

Sam was right!The man behind him started to sing!

(   ) 1. A. easy    B. great    C. interesting    D. hard

(   ) 2. A. good    B. happy   C. bad    D. unhappy

(   ) 3. A. what    B. why    C. when    D. who

(   ) 4. A. morning    B. afternoon   C. evening    D. night

(   ) 5. A. month's   B. week's   C. day's D. night's

(   ) 6. A. waiting    B. talking   C. laughing    D. riding

(   ) 7. A. in    B. with     C. within    D. without

(   ) 8. A. into    B. out of   C. at    D. up

(   ) 9. A. first    B. last    C. other    D. next

(   ) 10. A. faster    B. slower    C. quicker    D. farther

(   ) 11. A. don't   B. won't   C. won't have to D. mustn't

(   ) 12. A. could    B. would   C. did    D. might

(   ) 13. A. liked    B. started    C. enjoyed    D. finished

(   ) 14. A. all    B. both     C. none    D. every

(   ) 15. A. another    B. the others   C. others    D. other


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Mike, please clean your room and t 1 out the trash. 

B:Sorry, Mom. I need to do my homework f 2

A: Could you take out the trash now? I really need h 3 ,Mike. Your grandmother is coming over i 4 an hour. 

B:S 5,I can do that. Could I use the car a 6 I do my homework and clean my room? 

A: No,your grandmother and I h 7 to go to a meeting at the library. I'm sorry. Could I give you a r 8

B:Okay. I'm going to the movies with Mark. Could you give him a ride,too? 

A: Sure, he lives near the library. W 9 is the movie?

B;It's in the mall that's across the street from the library. Oh,Mom,could I please borrow some money f 10 my movie ticket?

1.      2.      3.     4.       5.      

6.      7.      8.      9.     ^ 10.      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 This is our sitting-room. There is a picture  1        the wall. Look at  it,please.  It’s  2      my family. 3       man and woman in the middle are  my  parents. On the left  is my 4      ,Kate. And the boy on the right is me. You see it’s a family  of  5       people.

Look!This is my room. There is a ball 6        my desk and a computer  7         the desk. My sister’s room is 8       there. You can see a 9      ,too.  But  it’s not big. 10       are some flowers and a doll on it.

(   ) 1. A.  at    B. in    C. on    D. under

(   ) 2. A.  a photos of    B. a map of    C. a photo    D. a picture of

(   ) 3. A.  A    B. The    C. One    D. There’s

(   ) 4. A.  brother    B. mother    C. father    D. sister

(   ) 5. A.  three    B. four    C. five    D. many

(   ) 6. A.  under    B. for    C. around    D. of

(   ) 7. A.  under    B. on    C. in    D. at

(   ) 8. A.  at    B. over    C. for    D. in

(   ) 9. A.  ball    B. computer    C. room    D. desk

(   ) 10. A. They    B. There    C. Them    D. Her

