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科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

How do you remember the way to your house? Where do dreams come from?
It is your brain (大脑) that does these things. A British scientist showed that sleep can improve one’s memory. It’s not a dream for students to study when they sleep. In fact, your brain is working day and night. If you learn words before bed, a certain part of your brain may help you to remember the words while you sleep. What’s more, another scientist in the USA found that there was a “talent button(按钮)” in the human brain. It might make a person more talented(有才能的).
There are more interesting things about the brain. Your brain uses less energy than a fridge light. Just two bananas can give the brain enough energy to work for a whole day. According to some scientists, yawning(打哈欠)keeps your brain “cool”, which makes us think quicker.
Here are some pieces of advice to keep a good brain:
● Eat healthy food.
● Get a lot of playtime or exercise.
● Don’t drink or smoke.
● Use your brain a lot.
小题1:A British scientist found out that               .
A.drinking could affect our memories.
B.dreams could affect our memories.
C.sleep could improve our memories.
D.bananas could improve our memories.
小题2:According to the passage, if we want to have a good brain, we should  .
A.use our brains more
B.sleep fewer hours
C.work longer hours
D.remember fewer things
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Our brains only work in the daytime.
B.Our brains need much energy every day.
C.Smoking can keep our brains healthy.
D.Getting exercise is good for our brains.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The sun, the moon and the stars(星星)are all in the sky. We see the moon and the stars at night. The sun is a ball. It’s much bigger than the moon. It gives us heat(热量).The sun has a family. It’s the biggest member of the family. The moon is a ball, too, like the sun and the earth. Sometimes it looks as round as a plate(盘子).Sometimes it looks half a plate. It looks bigger because it’s much nearer to the earth. It’s much smaller than the sun. It’s smaller than the stars. The light on the moon comes from the sun. It has no light of its own.
The stars look smaller than the sun. They look small because they are very far away from us. All day the stars are in the sky. But the light from the sun is too bright. We can’t see the stars in the day.
小题1:The sun, the moon and the stars are in the sky.
小题2: The moon is bigger than the stars.
小题3: The moon has its own light(光).
小题4: The sun, the moon and the stars give us light and heat.
小题5:The earth is one of the planets(行星).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Running a marathon (马拉松)
Have you ever taken part in a marathon? A marathon is 42km long. It is the longest race in the world. To make the runner’s body work, harder training is quite necessary. A runner should start to prepare for a marathon at least three months before. Preparation may have races, many hours of running at different speeds and changes in diet(饮食). During the training time the runner must eat a fit diet.  The diet should have lots of things needed in training the players.
In the early days of training, runners run 80km per week. The running is increased every two or three weeks and at least two long runs per week are needed.
Two weeks before the marathon, the training programme becomes less, from 100km per week down to 60km and then to 30km in the final week. On the last two days they may not run at all.
Breakfast should be eaten at least three hours before the race.  Easily digested(消化) food such as cereal(麦), toast(烤面包) and scrambled(捣碎) egg is best,  with as much fluid(液体) as possible.  Runners should drink water about half an hour before the race to keep up the body fluid. 
小题1:According to the passage, when should a marathon runner begin his training?
A.A month before the race.B.A week before the race.
C.Three or four months before the race.D.A year before the race.
小题2:What should a runner have for his breakfast on the day of the race?
A.Easily digested food.B.A big meal.C.Lots of meat.D.Oily food.
小题3:What is the length of the modern marathon?
A.100km.B.60km. C.30km.D.42km.
小题4: Players must have ________ in order to run better in a marathon.
A.training at different speeds and changes in diet
B.much water
C.lessons before the race
D.many fruits
小题5: Hard training before a marathon can ________.
A.make the game easierB.keep the players healthy
C.help the players to make more progressD.have more fans


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In 1984, US toy maker Hasbro turned the intelligent(智能的)robots into toys and TV stars. They appeared in China three years later. They are been popular for a long time. Now they are back on screen.
Are you a fan of cool machine toys? Do you like cars and trucks that can change into giant robots? If so, you won’t want to miss the US film Transformer(《变形金刚》).
The story happens millions of years ago. On a planet there are intelligent robots that can think and feel. They are called Autobots(博派) and Decepticons(狂派).
The Autobots are the peace-loving and kind machines. However, the Decepticons are cruel. They have only one goal: to rule the planet themselves. They set out to kill the Sutobots.
A war between the groups of good and evil begins. The Deceptions destroy almost everything and the Autobots have to fight bravely to survive.
Things get worse. Both types of robots travel through time to get energy. Then they find Earth has what they want. So the transformers begin a secret war to control Earth’s energy.
Can humans save Earth? Watch the movie and find out!
小题1:When did the intelligent robots first appear in China?
A.In 1984.B.In 1987.C.In 1997.D.In 2007.
小题2:The writer thinks that people who like ______ will enjoy the film Transformers.
A.comediesB.machine toysC.wild animalsD.computer games
小题3:What is the goal of the Decepticons?
A.To keep the world peace.B.To kill the Autobots.
C.To rule their planet.D.To destroy everything.
小题4:What does the underlined word “evil” mean?
小题5:Why do the robots move their battlefield(战场) to Earth?
A.Because they want to get energy.
B.Because they want to fight against each other.
C.Because they love Earth.
D.Because humans put them in danger.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Escaping (逃) from a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save a life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, for example, you can use stairways, roofs and fire escapes, but no lifts.
From the lower floors of buildings, to escape through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving by a window with the least chance of serious injury.
The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average (平均) person, hanging from the window by the fingertips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground--about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.
Windows are also useful while you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed, before opening the window. Otherwise, smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low next to the window to be sure you get fresh air.
On the second or third floor, the best windows to escape from are those which open onto a roof (屋顶) . From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely.
小题1:You can try to escape a fire except _____.
A.fire escapesB.liftsC.roofsD.stairways
小题2:According to the passage, windows are ________.
A.of no use when a fire breaks out
B.useful in putting out a fire
C.the only way of escaping a fire
D.one of the possible ways of escaping a fire
小题3:The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means _________.
A.it is safer to jump out of the second floor window.
B.it is safer to stay in the room.
C.the second floor window is too high to jump out of.
D.it is the only way to drop out of the window.
小题4:The writer thinks that ________.
A.to keep your head high will help you to escape a fire
B.it is necessary to keep the door open
C.fresh air can’t reach the second floor window
D.breathing in smoke might be bad


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)
For many years the United States and the other countries used gold and silver as money. Paper money was used to stand for the holdings(储备)of both gold and silver. The value of silver was limited to that of gold. Fifteen ounces(盎司) of silver had the same value of one ounce of gold. These values did not change until after 1860 when mines(银矿)in the west of the United States began to  1 large amounts of silver. This extra amount of silver caused the price of silver to 2    . Then fifteen ounces of silver would no longer buy one ounce of gold. In 1871 Germany declared(宣布)that it would not support its paper money with silver any more. Instead, it would use only gold. Other countries of Europe quickly  3 the same. The United States passed a law in 1973 that prevented the government from using silver as money. Western silver producers protested(抗议)loudly and put much pressure on the  4 makers. Five years later a new law was 5 . It said that the government must buy four and half million ounces of silver each month. The new law increased the amount of silver money. The country had two kinds of quite different views on the issue(发行)silver money. Businessmen, bankers and other rich men wanted to 6  the use of silver money because it made the dollar less valuable. But farmers, laborers and the others who owned the money not only wanted silver money but also wanted an unlimited supply of it.

A.endB. continueC.protectD.allow


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Clockwork Radio
The British inventor Trevor Baylis created this really clever ′wind-up radio′ for people from Third World countries. in some parts of the Third World countries, it’s very hard for people to get or pay for enough energy. This radio uses no batteries (电池) and does not need any electricity to run it. A clockwork generator (发电机) is put inside the radio and works as the power. When it is fully wound up (上弦), the radio can work for long periods.

The clock work product is not a new invention. The Victorians had already put it in wide use. We may find them used in toys as well. Then what is new about this clockwork radio? Baylis has used this simple but effective (高效的) way of creating electricity to both help the people of the Third World and to develop a product which is selling well in Western Europe.
Even former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandella has one of these radios and personally recommends this product to others.
小题1:What does the clockwork radio use to run it?
A.Batteries. B.Electricity.
C.A clockwork generator. D.Wind power.
小题2:The Third World countries are       in the world.
A.the rich countriesB.the poor countries
C.Western EuropeanD.Victorian countries
小题3:Which sentence is true according to the passage?
A.the clockwork radio can work for only a short period of time.
B.Trevor Baylis created the world’s first clockwork product.
C.The clockwise radio is also a toy for people of the Third World.
D.Nelson Mandella owns one of the clockwork radios.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Water World Swimming Pool is open every day from eight o’clock in the morning until half past seven in the evening. It costs two dollars sixty to enter the pool. There is a special cheap price for students with a student card. The price is one dollar forty. But you must bring your student card with you.
On Wednesday morning the pool is only open to mothers and babies. So mothers can enjoy themselves in the water with their babies. Please leave your older children at home on Wednesday morning.
The new Water World Café will be open up on June 22nd. From the café you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim.
Please call 2105369 for more information. We look forward to seeing you at the Water World Swimming Pool.
小题1:How long is the Water World Swimming Pool open every day?
A.Eleven hours.B.Seven hours.
C.Eleven and a half hours.D.Seven and a half hours.
小题2: What is the price for students with a student card to enter the pool?
A.Two dollars.B.One dollar forty.
C.Two dollars sixty.D.One dollar.
小题3:A ten-year-old boy can’t go to the Water World Swimming Pool         .
A.on SaturdayB.on Sunday
C.on Wednesday afternoonD.on Wednesday morning
小题4:From the café you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim ______.
A.on May 21stB.on May 22ndC.on June 23rdD.on June 21st
小题5: This passage is a(n) ______.

