精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. He is looking at the blackboard with his eyes open ___________(张大地)
2. There is nothing in the box. It’s _________.(空的)
3. I’m _________ (thin) than you.
4. His brother has two big eyes and looks very h_______.
5. Lily has a ______ (圆的)face with shoulder-length hair.
6. In this bookshop, we can buy many newspapers and m_________.
7. He has bad _________ (视力)because of too much computer work at night.
8. My English teacher has a good sense of __________(幽默).
9. He is 1.80 meters in h__________(高度).
10. Is today a __________ (特别的) day?
11.What do you think of these ___________ (广告) on TV?.
12. I am _________ (will) to teach these children.
13. Yang Zhenning is one of ___________ (famous) scientists in China.
14. Which is __________ (hot) season of the year?
15 Laura is a lovely girl with __________ (smile) eyes.
16. Which city is __________ (far) to the sea, Beijing or Tianjin?
1.widely  2.empty  3.thinner 4.handsome  5. round
6.magazines  7.eyesight  8.humour  9.height  10.special  11.advertisements  12.willing  13.the most famous  14.the hottest  15.smiling  16. farther
1. wide 形容词 宽的 这里需要副词修饰动词 open  2. 空的  empty   3. thin 的比较级 双写尾字母加 er  4.handsome 帅气的  5. round 圆的   6.  magazine 杂志 这里需要复数 7. eyesight 视力 8. a sense of humour 幽默感  9. height 高度   high 的名词  10. 特别的 special  11. advertisement 广告 因为前面是these 所以用复数   12.willing 乐意的  be willing to do sth 愿意做某事
13. the most famous 最著名的  14. the hottest 最热的 15. smiling 微笑的 作为形容词修饰 eyes   16.根据句子可知有两个比较对象,所以用比较级 far的比较级是 farther  

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I want to drink ________ juice.Is there ________ juice in the fridge?
A.some;someB.some;anyC.any;any D.any;some


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. I would like to talk about it ___________(不同地).
2. A11 my classmates are ___________(分成)into five groups.
3. Do you feel___________(轻松)when you listen to music?
4. Though Sandy has ___________(提供)me some advice, I still don’t know how to do it.
5. Last year,he              (受苦)from the illness in bed.
6. If you want to join us,you must get your              (父母亲)support.
7. Congratulations! You have made great              (进步)in your English.
8. Have you made a                 (决定)to give up the visit to the EXPO?
9. Are you sure they will have no difficulty             (完成)the work in two days?
10. You have to be                  (耐心的) if you are waiting at the end of a long queue.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The girl can’t hear anything. We can say she is ________or there is _______with his ears.
A.blind; anything wrongB.deaf; something wrong
C.disabled; wrong anything wrongD.rich; wrong anything


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Here are some earrings . The owner can’t be a boy.
--Well,          could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

______ are my sister’s pencils and ______ my ruler.
A.Those; thatB.These; that’sC.This; that’sD.That; this is


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. He has a_________ his dream of becoming the winner in this competition.
2. She took part in helping people in the Wenchuan Earthquake. She would never forget this unusual e        .
3. I like c______ with my friends online very much.
4. In Lily’s paper there are f_____ mistakes than  in Jack’s.
5.I read my essay a_________ in class and everyone can hear me clearly.
6. His speech was boring, but he did not r__________ it.
7. He is good at thinking. I think he can answer the question in a d__________ way.
8. Would you mind not w______ your time?
9. Don’t stay up late, or you will feel s___________ in class during the day.
10. He joined the army(军队) five years ago, so he has been a s___________ for five years.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

She is a doctor.          name is Gao Min.
A.She               B.Her         C.She’s


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A) 请根据括号中的中文提示,英文译义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。
1. He drives r______(quite)fast,and it is very dangerous.
2. Your suggestions are of great ______(价值)to me.
3. Do you like the ______(背景)music of the film?
4.Please return my book to me________(at once)
5. It’s a good h______to go to bed early and get up early.

