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(   ) 9. —What are they doing over there?

—They are          the math problem.

   A. talking to   B. talking on

   C. talking with   D. talking about


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. copy one’s homework          

4. feel lonely          

5. be worried about         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Not long ago,there was a story inRussiaabout ZHUOYA and SHULA. They were sister and brother. They were in 1        same class of a middle school. They studied hard. They were 2        strict 3        themselves. Their homework was given the day before. SHULA was clever. He had done his homework earlier. But ZHUOYA hadn’t yet. The next afternoon she went on doing hers. SHULA thought his sister maybe couldn’t finish some of the exercises. So he put his exercise book with answers on his sister’s desk before ZHUOYA came into the classroom,and went out quietly to play. A few minutes later,ZHUOYA came in and saw her brother’s exercise book on her desk. But she had never looked at it all. She sat on her seat,thinking and thinking. Five minutes,ten minutes,half an hour had 4        An hour and a half 5        ,she worked out all problems at last and handed it in on time that afternoon. How happy she was!

“Why not copy my key down in 6        ,sister?”

asked SHULA with a smile. “No,I didn’t. I must use my head and try my 7        to 8        all by myself. I,m sure I can 9       a way. I don’t like to be lazy in 10        homework,” answered ZHUOYA.

 (   ) 1.  A. a   B. an

   C. the   D. /

 (   ) 2.  A. both   B. either

   C. neither   D. all

 (   ) 3.  A. on   B. with

   C. in   D. at

 (   ) 4.  A. past   B. pass

   C. passed   D. pasted

 (   ) 5.  A. later   B. late

   C. latterly   D. lately

 (   ) 6.  A. you   B. yours

   C. your   D. mine

 (   ) 7.  A. good   B. better

   C. best   D. well

 (   ) 8.  A. work them out

   B. work out them

   C. work them off

   D. work off them

 (   ) 9.  A. look for   B. find

   C. found   D. looked for

 (   ) 10. A. doing   B. to do

   C. done   D. do


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     5. 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的将来就越好。

                 kids learn to be independent,

                 it is for their future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. My mother doesn’t       (允许) me to stay out late on school nights.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 妈妈正在和李阿姨通电话。 Mom is talking with Aunt Li                     .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4.         he was very old,         he worked hard.

   A. Although;but   B. Though;but   C. Although ; /   D. / ; although


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 请向我解释如何做这道数学题。 Please                 me how        this math problem.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4.  I am wrong.           you are right.

   A. May   B. May be

   C. Maybe   D. Can

