精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
One night, I 小题1: (listen) to music in my room when there was a knock on the door, then I heard a voice “Would you mind my 小题2:   (come) in?”I turned down the CD player. Then I said,“Come in, please!”It was my friend Tony. There  was a book in his hand. He came to my home to return  my book. He also brought me a poster. It said there was a big clothing sale in a shop. He asked me if I would like 小题3: (buy) one. I told him I didn’t like  new clothes at all. Perhaps it was not polite 小题4:___(say) no to him. Then he left my room right away. But I wasn’t annoyed.

小题1:was listening
小题3:to buy
小题4:to say

小题1:根据语境可知,这里指的是过去某一时刻(有人敲门时)正在进行或发生的动作(即作者正在听音乐)。应用过去进行时。结合所给词语可知填was listening。
小题3:根据语境可知,这里指的是作者的朋友询问作者是否要买一件衣服。would like to do sth是习惯用法,表示想要做某事。结合所给词汇可知应填to buy。
小题4:根据语境可知,这里指的是对朋友说“不”也许是比礼貌的。It’s +形容词+to do sth是常用句型,表示做某事是怎么样的。结合所给词汇可知应填to say。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Mike lost his key. ______ couldn’t enter the room.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1: Sorry, sir! Those boots aren’t         (可找到的) in your size.
小题2:Spacemen have to__________(使固定) sleeping bags to the walls to prevent floating..
小题3:All the boys can’t wait to play basketball. They wish to begin      (立即) after class.
小题4:We can use many _________(交通工具) such as buses, cars and so on to go to or from work.
小题5:Little Tom is often very clever, but he makes an         (correct)answer this time.
小题6:When we got to the top of the mountain, we were tired and breathed __________(heavy).
小题7: Minnie is         (pretty) than any other mouse I’ve ever seen.
小题8:A hot topic that people are now talking about is the      (safe) of school bus these days.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Do you see that good-looking young man?  is a famous Korean film star.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Is this_________ bike?  —No, it’s Lily’s. _________ is over there.
A.your, My B.your, Mine
C.yours, MineD.yours, My


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Today, there are plenty of opportunities(机会) to get to know people from other小题1:. Don’t just stare at your shoes, go and say “Hi”. These ice-breakers will help you get through the embarrassing(尴尬的)moments:
British: “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” The w 小题2:  in Britain is unpredictable (不可预测的), so, it’s one of the topics the British talk a lot about. And there’s a 小题3:  rule about weather conversation: just say, “Yes” whether you agree with the person’s idea on the weather or not. That’s because the British 小题4:a conversation using the weather so that they can find common ground and move on to something else.
French: “Where did you go 小题5: holiday?” To get close to a French student, the safest way is to ask about his or her l 小题6: holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. And the French are famous for their conversations over a cup of coffee. Then, all you need to do is keep your ears o 小题7:  when the conversation starts.
American: “What do you like to do on the weekends?” Young American people like to use weekends to relax and have 小题8:. They go to see movies, visit friends’ houses or go shopping. 小题9:  “What did/will you do on the weekend?” is a good way to turn the conversation on and get to know more about your new f 小题10: .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:Be quick! There is little time      (leave).
小题2:In the end, the government reached an      (agree) with the laid-off workers.
小题3:He said that his uncle would go to the USA for      (far) education.
小题4:She often dresses her daughter      (simple).
小题5:The man      (send) to the hospital already.
小题6:When they heard the good news, they jumped      (excite).
小题7:His sudden      (die) made all his friends surprised and sad.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:After twelve hours’ work, I am too tired to join their ___________(讨论).
小题2:The Special Olympic Games include many events ____________(相似) to the games in Olympics. .
小题3:The purpose of Chinese Dream Show is to help people ___________(实现) their dreams.
小题4:Recycling is also a good way to reduce pollution. We should _________(分开) waste into different groups so that it can be recycled.
小题5:My mother was once a __________(秘书) of a big company, but now she just stay at home to look after me.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

词汇(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分)

小题1:. Thursday is the __________ day of a week.
小题2:. Tom feels very sad about his grandma’s__________.
小题3:. Liu Li likes English very much.  He finds singing English songs __________.
小题4: . Nobody taught him to draw.  He taught __________.
小题5: . It’s __________ for us to finish the work in such a short time.
小题6:. I often b__________ books from our school library.
小题7: . My sister wants to i__________ some of her friends to her birthday party.
小题8: The boy was so angry that he left the room w__________ saying anything.
小题9: . I believe that you will be __________ (成功的)if you don’t give up.
小题10: The girl has a sweet __________ (嗓音),and we like listening to her songs.

