精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
—Is your uncle really very ill?    
—_______. He’s in hospital.
A.I don’t think soB.No, he isn’t
C.I hope soD.I’m afraid so

试题分析:句意:--你的叔叔真的生病了吗?--恐怕是这样的。他现在住院了。分析:考查日常用语的用法, I don’t think so 我不这么认为; No, he isn’t 不,他不是;  I hope so 我希望如此; I’m afraid so恐怕是这样的。联系句意选择第四项。故选 D

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

一China’s first moon car‘‘Yutu”has arrived on the moon surface.
一________ It’s a huge step for our space exploration.
A.My pleasure!       B.Good idea !          C.How exciting!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

补全对话 从每题A、B、C、D 中, 选出一个能够填入对话空白处的最佳选项。(5分)
Linda: I am bored, Sarah. Let’s do something different.
Linda: Yes. I went to Fangte Amusement Park last year. Have you ever been to a water park?
Sarah: No, I haven’t.
Linda:      Let’s go to Water City tomorrow!
Linda: Well, that sounds fun,    
Sarah: Really? I didn’t know that. Well, how about the zoo?
Linda: I’ve been to the zoo a lot of times.
Sarah:      Let’s go to the space museum. I’ve never been there.
Linda:       I went there last year, but I’d like to go there again.
A.Did you go to an amusement park?
B.Would you like to go to an amusement park?
C.Have you ever been to an amusement park?
D.Have you gone to an amusement park?
A.Me either. B.Me neither.
C.So have I. D.Me too.
A.but I can’t swim.B.so I can swim.
C.and I’ll have fun.D.but I can swim.
A.Me either.B.Me neither.
C.So do I.D.Me too.
A.That sounds a great idea.B.It doesn’t matter.
C.I hope not.D.I don’t think so.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents at school..
—_______. They often use them to play games instead.
A.I hope soB.I don't agree
C.No problemD.Good idea


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: 小题1:___________________________________?
B: Yes, please. Could you tell me the way to the First People’s Hospital?
B: Let me see .Oh, it’s far from here.
A: 小题2:________________________________________?
A : About five kilometers.
B. 小题3:_______________________________________?
A: You can take a No. 72 bus or take a taxi there .
B: 小题4:______________________________________?
A: About 30 minutes.
B: Thanks a lot .
A: 小题5:_______________________________________?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—How are you getting on with your study? 
      , thank you.
A.Not at allB.Quite wellC.Never mindD.Very nice


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: You look worried. 小题1:___________________________________?
B: I have trouble learning English. 小题2:_________________________________?
A: Sure. You could watch some English movies.
B: 小题3:_________________________ ! By the way, I called you at 9 last night, but nobody answered.
A: I was eating out with my family. What’s up?
B: 小题5:_________________________________________?
A: OK. Let’s meet on Sunday morning at your house and I can help you with your English.
B: Thank you very much. See you then.
A: See you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—How far can you run without stopping?
—_________. I’ve never tried.
A.Don’t mention it.B.That’s all right.
C.I have no idea.D.Go ahead.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Thanks for your help!
— _______.
Don’t mention it                         B. That’s right
C. It doesn’t matter                    D. I did nothing

