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此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并划上斜线( \ )。
Do you like pop music? Most people does.  小题1:            
One of the best bands are the New Ocean Waves.小题2:            
In the last twelve month,they’ve had three major  小题3:            
Concerts.They’re going to appear on CCTV the next 小题4:            
month.And then they going to go on a world    小题5:            
tour in which they will perform in ten different   小题6:            
cities.Be sure not miss them if they come to a 小题7:            
city near you.They’re real nice people.Did you 小题8:            
Know that they give half of the money they made 小题9:            
to a charity for homeless childs?  小题10:            

小题1:does 改成do     
小题1:are改成 is      
小题1:去掉 the     
小题1:sure后面接   to      
小题1:Did改成 Do     
小题1:they后面加 will     

小题1:主语是Most people谓语动词用复数 does 改成do     
小题1:主语是One of the best bands谓语是单数:are改成 is      
小题1:下个月,next month前面不加the,去掉 the     
小题1:they后面加are ,用be going to表示将来的计划打算
小题1:去掉in ,考查定语从句,先行词是a world tour,定语从句中缺少宾语,用which引导定语从句。
小题1:考查词组:be sure to do一定会做…
小题1:考查时态:用一般现在时:Did改成 Do     
小题1:考查时态:你知道他们会把挣的钱给慈善机关的无家可归的孩子吗?they后面加 will     

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:改错题

小题1:He often playsgames after the school.                     
A       B    C          D
小题2:-- Let’sgoing to the park today. – OK.                     
A    B    C            D
小题3: Mr Black teachesour English. We all like him.              
A    B          C       D
小题4:We practiseplaying the violin onevery Tuesday.            
A     B           C  D
小题5:Iwould likelisten tomusic.                             
A    B      C     D


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Zhang Chao likes Chinese food. He hopes his host family speak a little Chinese.
小题2:Li Wei likes doing sports. He wants to live near a park.
小题3:Liu Yong hopes to live near his school---Reading School. He prefers a bed room with a bathroom
小题4:Chen Yao wants to live in a big bedroom cheaper than £350 a month. She can’t stand pets.
小题5:Hu Mei loves pets. She would like a bedroom cheaper than £220 a month.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When America was young, the city of Washington, D.C. had been built.   1  .Trees were cut down and the Great Capitol(美国国会大厦) was built. A house was built. The President of the United States would live in this house.   2 
At that time there was a park near the President’s house.   3    Today in that same park there are no horses or cows, sheep or pigs.     4 
This is a city of many monuments(纪念碑). The highest of all is the George Washington Monument. This monument helps all of us remember George Washington, the first President of the United States. Inside the monument is an elevator. People from all over the country ride in the elevator to the top. Inside the monument are many steps.  5 .
When they get to the top, they see the United States Capitol building with its white dome(圆顶) and many monuments. They look over this beautiful city, Washington, D.C.—the capital of the United States.
A. People may climb these steps to the tops.
B. And people let their horses and cows, sheep and pigs eat grass in the park.
C. It is now called the White House.
D. It was built in a forest, near two beautiful rivers.
E. It is a beautiful park for all people to see.
F. It’s near the river.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:改错题

The finally event in the Olympics is the                           1_____________
marathon, which name comes from a battle                           2_____________
in Ancient Greece. One of the most famous                        3____________
marathons is in New York , watch by                             4____________
two million people. Great Wall Marathon,                        5____________
which most competitors find the toughest course                 6____________
to be run. There are marathons around the                       7____________
world today and most of people can run one                      8____________
if you train for it. As time passes, many                       9____________
changes have happened the marathon.                              10_____________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:改错题

注意:该行若无错, 不要改。  
It was sunny this afternoon. Mum and I go to               小题1:________________  
the park where is near my home for a walk.               小题2:________________  
When we were walking, I saw the little girl. She             小题3:________________  
was eating a banana. After she finished eating them,     小题4:________________  
she threw the banana skin on the ground into the         小题5:________________  
park. I walked over to pick it and told her it                           小题6:                 
was wrong to do so. If all of us do like that,                     
the park has become dirty. Then we can’t                         小题7:________________  
enjoy by ourselves in it. All of us must                          小题8:________________  
improve our environment and then we can                        小题9:________________  
make our environment clean but beautiful.                         小题10:________________ 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Most Popular Pets in the world
What are the most popular pets in the world? Cats and dogs!
小题1:___.This is around half of the country’s population(人口).About 60% of American families celebrate(庆祝) their pets’ birthday.
Cats and dogs are also good topics for small talks---“ What a lovely dog! What’s his name?” 小题2:__
People think dogs are loyal(忠诚的) animals. They help do lots of jobs like hunting(打猎 ) and guarding(守卫 ). 小题3:_______. In 1957, Russia put a dog called Laika into space.
Cats catch mice. They are not as loyal as dogs, but they can make people happy.
Today, cats and dogs are both people’s good friends.  小题4:___. The most famous ones are Garfield and Snoopy. Garfield is a lazy fat cat. He likes eating and sleeping all the time. He is smart, too. He can write some letters and tell time sometimes, although he often repeats that he can’t. He is often mad at his master who can understand him well. Snoopy is a kind small dog. 小题5:______ . He likes to write stories and make his friends feel better.
They are really tiring.
They are in the most popular cartoons
He is quiet and he has many good friends.
People easily become friends because of pets
They even went into space earlier than people
Also, there are many other different types of pets.
In the USA, there are more than 100 million cats and dogs.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:改错题

Dear Ace Travel,
My family and I want to take a trip this summer at somewhere       小题1:_____
in eastern China. I hope you can provide me for some information   小题2:_____
about the kinds of vacations that you firm can offer.We would like 小题3:____
to travel to a exciting place and it has to be a place where we can 小题4:_____
do lots of outdoor activities;We especial love hiking and swimming, 小题5:_____
but any kind of outdoor activity are fine.We also need to stay in an小题6:____
inexpensive hotel or apartments.It would be nice if we could get a room小题7:
with a kitchen to save money by cook our own meals. The room      小题8:__
needs to be enough big for three people. Could you please give me  小题9:_____
some suggestions for vacation sports? We’d like to leave for about小题10:____
three weeks.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— Shall I buy this comic book for Dick?
     . He might already have it.
A.No problemB.I don’t agreeC.You can’t do thatD.You’d better not

