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Han Mei is a Chinese girl .She is a student .She gets up at six o’clock, then she runs . After that ,she brushes her teeth . She eats breakfast at home .She takes the bus to school every day .She likes Monday because she has music .(A) She likes music best . (B) She thinks it’s relaxing .And she really likes her teacher .(C) She doesn’t like documentaries because she thinks they’re boring .
小题1:What time does Han Mei get up ?
小题4:翻译句子( C )
小题5:选出与短文内容相符的一项。(   )
A.Han Mei is an English boy .
B.She brushes her teeth in the evening .
C.She takes the bus to shool .
D.She doesn’t like documentaries because she thinks they’re scary .

1. She gets up at six o’clock.
2. Her favorite subject is music.
3. She doesn’t think it’s relaxing.
4. 她不喜欢纪录片,因为她觉得纪录片很无聊。
5. C.

1.      根据She gets up at six o’clock可知她是六点钟起床。
2.      like ….best表示最喜欢,相当于favorite,故其同义句为:Her favorite subject is music。
3.      本句考查否定前移,句中出现了think这词,而不能直接在be动词后加not!因为前面是第三人称,故我们用doesn’t think,答案为:She doesn’t think it’s relaxing。
4.      本句是由because引导的原因状语从句,句意为:她不喜欢纪录片,因为她觉得纪录片很无聊。
5.      细节题的考查。根据Han Mei is a Chinese girl可知A错;根据After that ,she brushes her teeth可知她是在跑步后刷牙,B错;根据She takes the bus to school every day可知C正确;根据because she thinks they’re boring可知D错,是她觉得纪录片无聊而不是吓人。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) is the day to remember a Chinese national hero, Qu Yuan, who threw himself into the river and died over 2,000 years ago. Old story has it that people, in order to save Qu Yuan, beat drums to drive fish away, and threw rice dumplings (zong zi) into the river to keep the fish from eating his body.?
For thousands of years, people have spent the festival by eating zong zi and holding dragon boat races on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(阴历的) month, especially in the /'s???n/ provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.?
The dragon boat races /???/ that many people want to save Qu?s body. Those races are the most exciting part of the festival, with very large crowds of people watching them. The special boats, more than 10 meters long, have colorful “dragon” heads and tails(尾巴), and /i?t?/ boat carries a team of 20 or 22 players. Every year dragon boat races take place in southeast Asian countries and some western countries, including America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
A) 根据短文内容完成下列语音题:?
小题1:Write out the word /'s???n/.?
小题2:Write out the word /???/.?
小题3:Write out the word /i?t?/.?
小题4:In the underlined sentence find two words that can be read together(连读).?
小题5: In the underlined sentence find a word whose last sound can have incomplete plosion(失去爆破).
B) 根据短文内容填入一个适当的词:?
小题6: The Dragon Boat Festival is the day for people to keep Qu Yuan in their (71).
小题7:The Dragon Boat Festival has a history of more than two (72) years.?
小题8:Since the Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, can we call it “The Double (73) Festival”??
小题9: Dragon boat races are mostly held in South China because there are more (74) areas there.?
小题10: Dragon boat races are becoming more and more (75) in the world.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分l0分)
First e-book with colour display(彩色显示):
●Producer: Fujitsu         ●Launched(投放市场): March 18
●Weight: 458g            ●Colour display: 260,000 colours
●Battery power: 48 hours    ●Price:  about $ 1,000
●Screen:  20.3 cm         ●Stores about 5,000 books (using 4GB SD memory card)
●Connectivity:  Internet Wi-Fi(无线上网);blue tooth; USB connecter
According to the information above, we know that the first e-book with colour display was made in the company ____小题1:_____ Fujitsu. It was available for sale on March 18. It weighs nearly ___小题2:_____ a kilo. It can be used two whole ____小题3:_____ if its battery is fully charged (充电). The length of the screen is 20.3 cm. It can store five____小题4:_____books. This kind of e-book has three more functions: Internet Wi-Fi, blue tooth and USB connecter. Each e-book _____小题5:___ about 1,000 dollars. It is much too expensive for us students.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

看图短文填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)

In Xinjiang, most people knew the stories of Avantis (阿凡提). Avantis was a very clever man. People liked him because he not only spoke for the 1. ________  but also was always ready to help them.
One day Avantis 2. ________ two men arguing with each other. A lot of peple stood around them. One of the two men was the owner of the eating house in the town and the 3. ________ was a young man. The young man just 4. ________ by the eating house. The owner of the eating house told the young man to 5. ________ him money. The young man explained that he hadn’t taken anything from the eating house., 6. ________ the owner said that the young man had taken the 7. ________ of the nice food from the eating house, and he must pay for it. So Avantis went up to the owner and said, “I’ll pay you the money. ” Avantis 8. ________ out some 9. ________ from his pocket and put them into his own bag. He shook his bag, and people heard the 10. ________ of the coins. Then Avantis said to the owner, “I have paid you the money. ”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In most countries of the world,  there is one medicine called aspirin. N_________小题1: everyone takes it. People take it when they have an ache or a pain,  and s ________小题2:when they have a fever(发烧) . Doctors b_________小题3:it can also help people who have heart disease and some other diseases,  too. Some people,  however,  cannot take aspirin. It must never be given to c_______小题4:under 12 years old.
Before aspirin was i_________小题5: ,  some people made a drink with the bark( 树皮) of the white willow(柳树) . This drink made their pains and fever go away,  but no one knew w_________小题6:it helped. Then,  in the 1830s,  scientists in England s_________小题7: all the things that were in the bark of the white willow. They found out what thing in the plant s_________小题8: pain. Soon people were making medicine with this pain-stopping thing and selling it. Later scientists found out how to make aspirin w_________小题9:using any plants at all. Aspirin was first s_________小题10:in 1899 by the Bayer Company of Germany.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Stay,   far,  carry,  then,    fall,  do,  leave,  down,  push,  high
         A rain drop fell to the ground on the side of a hill. The rain drop ran  1 the hill into a small river. The small river   2  the rain drop to a big river. There the rain drop travelled  3 to the east and mixed itself with salt of the sea. The sun shone brightly. It warmed the water on the surface of the sea. Though the water became warm, some of it turned into water vapor.
So  4  the water of the rain drop. The water vapor  5 the sea and went into the air. It do not carry the salt.    
The cold air  6 the warm air  7 above the ground. The warm air became cool when it went up.  8 the water vapor of the rain drop turned into small drops gathered bigger and bigger drops. At last they became so big that they were too heavy to  9 in the cloud, and they  10 to the ground. So the rain drop would start another trip to the sea.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you ever seen the man in the moon? If you look closely at the moon on some nights, you can see the face of the man in the moon. Some people say that they can see an old man carrying sticks.小题1:       These pictures are made by the mountains and plains of the moon.
Long ago people in England used to tell their children that the moon was made of green cheese.小题2:         The moon is a large round rock. It is completely bare. There are no trees or plants on the moon. There are no rivers or seas. There are no living things. It never rains on the moon, and everything is covered with dirty, white dust. 小题3:           
When the sun shines on it, the moon is very hot, in the shade, however, it is as cold as ice.小题4:         It does not weigh as much as the earth. If you went to the moon, you would weigh six times less than you do now. 小题5:       
A. Even a fat man would be able to jump high off the ground.
B. The moon is much smaller than the earth.
C. Everyone knows that this is not true.
D. Not even a sound can be heard on the moon.
E. Others say a girl is reading a book.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

you    grow    take     how    stay
Jamie was a boy. He didn’t have a hobby. After school, he didn’t 1  ___ part in any games with his friends. He just 2  ____ at home and watched a lot of television. No hobby was not a good way for a young boy to 3___   up. So one day his grandpa knew it and came to his home. He taught him 4_________to fish. Jamie was very happy and had a lot of fun doing this. From the story we know hobby is a great joy.
Boys and girls, the winter holiday is coming. By the way, what plans have you made for it? What’re your hobbies? Let’s do the things we like to do. Come on, boys and girls. I’m very sure you’ll enjoy 5________  . But remember to bring your school works to your teacher before you come to school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Growing up on her own

WORLD No 2 tennis player Jelena Jankovic from Serbia (塞尔维亚) has won her second title of the year. She became champion of the China Open on September 28.
Jankovic first practiced tennis when she was nine years old. After six months Jankovic played her first match.
It was the national championship for kids up to 10 years old. She came to the semi-finals (半决赛).
When she was 11, she won a national championship for girls up to 12 years old. In order to continue her career, Jelena left Serbia and went to the United States.
At that time, she didn’t speak any English. And her family did not come with her. It was a hard time.
“I did not know what I needed to do when I was going to school. I could not do my homework. When you have a difficulty, there is nobody to help you. So, you learn it the hard way,” Jelena said.
However, it was a good learning experience for Jelena. “It makes me more independent (独立的) and stronger as a person. I know how to do everything by myself so I don’t have to depend on (依赖) my parents or somebody else to do it for me,” she said.
In the US, Jelena received better conditions for practice and development of her game. In 2000, she became a professional (职业选手) and has been shining on the tennis court ever since.
1. Where is Jelena Jankovic from?
2. What is Jelena Jankovic’s job?
3. Why did she leave for the United States?
4. When did she become a professional?
5. What do you think of her hard time in the United States?

