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The man under the tree ________ be Tom's father.His father has gone to Hainan.

A.shouldn't              B.can't             C.mustn't             D.needn't


科目:初中英语 来源:百分百学生作业本 课时3练1测 七年级英语下册 人教目标版 题型:001



1.How long has the man had the radio?

A.Two days.

B.Two weeks.

C.Two months.

2.Why does the man come to the shop?

A.He wants to buy a radio.

B.He wants to get a different radio.

C.There is something wrong with his radio.

3.Why can't the man wait long?

A.He needs the money very much.

B.The factory is too far away.

C.He is using it to learn English.

4.What does the man hope to do?

A.Change his radio for another one.

B.Send it back to the factory.

C.Get it repaired.

5.What may be the result(结果)?

A.The man gets back his money.

B.The man gets a new radio.

C.The man gets his radio repaired.


1.He's from the UK.

B.He's from the USA.

C.He's from the UN.

2.He's in Class Two.

B.He's in Class Three.

C.He's in Class Four.

3.He likes to drink coke.

B.He likes to drink tea.

C.He likes to drink orange juice.

4.He likes to eat vegetables.

B.He likes to eat potato chips.

C.He like to eat rice.

5.People in different places drink different things but eat the same foods.

B.People in different places drink the same things but eat different foods.

C.People in different places drink different things and eat different foods.


科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初二英语 人教社(新课标 2002-3年通过) 人教版 题型:051

阅读Fishing Can Be Dangerous

  Old Peter liked fishing.Whenever he had any free time he drove into the countryside, found a good place to fish, and spent a few hours fishing.The problem was that most of the best places to fish were on private land, and Peter often had to pull his rod out of the water quickly and run off with it when the owner of the land came along.

  One day he was sitting by a river that ran through a rich man's property when he fell asleep.

  He was awakened by a voice saying, “You'll never catch anything using that bait.”

  Peter looked up and saw a man standing behind him.

  “What do you mean?”Peter said.“There's nothing wrong with this bait.I always use it.I've caught thirty fish with it today already.”

  “How interesting!” the man said.“Do you know who I am?”

  Peter shook his head.

  “I'm the owner of this land.”

  Peter thought very quickly.

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked.

  The man shook his head.

  “I'm the biggest liar in the country,” Peter told him.

  And with these words he pulled his line out of the water and ran off as fast as he could.







  awakened n.(awaken的过去分词…was awakened by…:……被……唤醒





A.Choose the best answer to each question about the story.(根据故事内容,选择最佳答案)

1.Whenever Peter had some spare time he ________.

a)went for a drive in his car

b)visited his friends

c)went fishing

d)looked for some private land

2.Most of the best places to fish were ________.

a)owned by someone

b)a long way from Peter's home

c)difficult to find

d)near a river

3.Peter told the man ________.

a)not to use his bait

b)that his bait was very good

c)that he never used bait

d)that the bait wasn't any good

4.Why did Peter tell the man he was “the biggest liar in the country”?

a)He had lied to him about the fish.

b)He didn't know who he was.

c)He was using the wrong bait.

d)He wanted the man to believe he had lied(撒谎).

B.Complete sentences将句子a)、b)、c)、d)分别与短语e)、f)、g)、h)连线,使其成为完整的句子。)

a)Peter often spent a few hours

e)the most of the best places to fish were on private land.

b)He usually fished on private land because

f)the same kind of bait.

c)He always used

g)the owner of the land arrived.

d)He often had to run away when

h)fishing in the countryside.

C.What do you like doing in your free time?

1.列举业余时间你通常做的事:fishing, going for a drive, playing basketball, listening to the music________, ________, ________, ________, ________

2.What should we do in our spare time?Give comments评价所写的活动

如:We should go fishing in our spare time.It’s very relaxing.

3.写信给你的朋友告诉她/他,你业余时间喜欢做什么及原因(可以用I,…, you’ll…)。


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       He is a young man who seems to have brains in his feet as well as his mind.
       Brazilian(巴西的) football star Ricardo Kaka's performances make the point well. He is one of the
top scorers in the UEFA Champions League(欧洲冠军杯).  Kaka helped AC Milan beat Manchester
United 3 -0. The win took Kaka and AC Milan to the finals of the UEFA cup in 2007.
Like many Brazilian football players, Kaka is now world famous. But he is not like most Brazilian players. Most of his pals were once poor. Football made them famous and rich.
The 27-year-old Kaka is a different kind of star.
He was born in a rich family and enjoyed a comfortable early life. He joined Sao Paub club at eight and
signed as a professional(职业的 )
player at 15.  Three years later, he was the best player in the team.
      "I plan my career(事业) by setting myself goals," he explained." My goals drive me, they are what I
fight for. "
      And his next goal is to help the poor children.  "When I was with the national learn, we went to play
in some of the poorer areas. " He said.  "You see children who don't have enough to eat. "
      Kaka believes he can do some thing. Since November 2004, Kaka has been an Ambassador(大使) Against Hunger for the UN World Food Program.
l. Ricardo Kaka is one of the          in the UEFA Champions League(欧洲冠军杯) .
2. Kaka is           years old this year.
3.  Ricardo Kaka's next goal is to            .
4. Ricardo Kaka went to play in some of         _ when he was with the national team.
5. Kaka has been an Ambassador(大使) Against Hunger for the UN World Food Program since         .


科目:初中英语 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     He is a young man who seems to have brains in his feet as well as his mind.
     Brazilian (巴西的) football star Ricardo Kaka's performances make the point well. He is one of the top
scorers in the UEFA Champions League (欧洲冠军杯). Kaka helped AC Milan beat Manchester United 3-0. The
win took Kaka and AC Milan to the finals of the UEFA cup in 2007.
     Like many Brazilian football players, Kaka is now world famous. But he is not like most Brazilian players.
Most of his pals were once poor. Football made them famous and rich.
     The 27-year-old Kaka is a different kind of star.
     He was born to a rich family and enjoyed a comfortable early life. He joined Sao Paulo club at eight and
signed as a professional (职业的) player at 15. Three years later, he was the best player in the team. 
     "I plan my career (事业) by setting myself goals," he explained. "My goals drive me, they are what I fight
     And his next goal is to help the poor children. "When I was with the national team, we went to play in some
of the poorer areas." He said. "You see children who don't have enough to eat." 
     Kaka believes he can do something. Since November 2004, Kaka has been an Ambassador (大使) Against
Hunger for the UN World Food Program.
1. Put the underlined sentence ( at the beginning of the passage) into Chinese.
2. Kaka was the best player in his team when he was 18. ( T or F )
3. How old is Kaka?
4. What is Kaka's next goal?
5. What's Kaka like according to the passage?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1970 was "World Conservation Year". The UN wanted everyone to know that the world was in danger. They hoped that government(政府) would act quickly in order to conserve (保 护) nature. Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1 300 different plants,  trees and flowers in Holland,  but now only 860 remain. The others have , been de¬stroyed by modern man and his technology. We are changing the earth,  the air and the water,  and everything that grows and lives here. We can\'t live without these things. If it continues like this,  we shall destroy ourselves.
What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now?" The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save our world. They plant trees,  build bridges across rivers in forests,  and so on. In a small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conservation through a record called NO ONE\' S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD. It was made by the Beatles and other singers. The money from it will help to con¬serve wild animals.
   1. The UN set up "World Conservation Year",  because________.
       A. the world was in danger of war
       B. the government had done something to protect the world
       C. many things were destroyed by the technology
       D. man and his technology destroyed the earth badly
   2.________kinds of plants have disappeared in Holland in the past few years.
       A. 860       B. 440              C. 1 300           D. 2 160
   3. "NO ONE\'S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD" is________.
      A. a record        B. a song          C. a book         D. a CD
   4. It is impossible to save our world if we________.
      A,  plant trees            B. clean the banks of rivers
      C. pick rubbish            D. listen to the record
   5. The passage mainly tells us      .
      A. the people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today
      B. what will happen in the world in the future
      C. conservation of nature is necessary
       D. everyone has known the importance of conservation of Nature since 1970

