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小题1:The boy wants to ______________________(保护) the little girl .
小题2:Do you think this area is an _________ (理想) home for animals?
小题3:Our Math teacher ______________(继续)to give lessons after he hit by the door .
小题4:Take some ______________________(药) and your mother will be better .
小题5:The more he speaks , the _____________________(口渴) he will be.
小题6:Don't move, or the bear will _____________________(袭击)you.
小题7:Trees and forests ____________________(提供) fresh air for human.
小题8:The ___________________(栖息地) for cranes in Zhalong are enough.
小题9:Who _____________________(破坏) the trees and forests last year ?
小题10:___________________(袋鼠) live only in Australia , they all have pockets .


小题1:“保护”是protect。因为want to do,所以填原形。
小题3:“继续”有go on或者continue,因为一个空,所以应该用continue。又因为,后面的hit是过去式,所以此处也应该用过去式,所以应该填continued。
小题5:“口渴的”是thirsty。因为前面的the more和本空之前的the可知,本空也应该用比较级。“The+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越…,就越…”。所以应该填thirstier。
小题9:“破坏”是destroy。根据last year可知,本句应该是过去时,所以应该用destroyed。本句的意思是“去年,谁破坏了树和森林?”

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

 happy , popular , goose , interesting , finish
小题1:Jay Zhou is one of ____________ singers in China .
小题2:They are __________ in collecting kites .
小题3: How ________ they are working now !
小题4:You’d better _________ your homework on time .
小题5:There are many __________ swimming in the river .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

like  between  they  but  answer  or  be  why  girl  subject
Do the boys and girls have the same favorite  小题1: ? The  小题2: is “No” . There are many differences  小题3: boys and girls at school. As we know, sometimes we say boys   小题4:  math and girls like English. That’s right. Many boys like P.E. And 小题5: like science and math. Many   小题6: like Chinese and English,  小题7: science and math are not their favorite subjects. Girls usually don’t like math  小题8:science.  小题9: don’t girls and boys have the same favorite subjects? We don’t know what the reason  小题10: . Do you know?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

enjoy  they  sometime  mix  alone  part  make  about  listen 
know  sing  hear
Have you heard country music? It’s very beautiful. And many people like singing and   小题1: to it. Do you know how it came from? Now let me say something about it.
Western country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland and Great Britain. It is a 小题2:   of music from all of these places.
In the west of America, cowboys had to take care of their cows. They had to watch    小题3: all day and all night because the cows were nervous and小题4:   they ran away. A cowboy’s life was interesting and dangerous. When he was小题5: in the desert with the cattle, nobody was around him, he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He also小题6:  music to the cows to make them quiet. Of course, the cowboys also sang music when they traveled to town to relax and   小题7:   themselves.
Western country music describes life. It talks  小题8:    love, jobs, home and money. It talks about friends and enemies, farms and crops. People in many   小题9:   of the world like western country music. Everyone   小题10:   something about these ideas.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

pay, library, with, it, poor, abroad, , thousand, because, of , countryside
Many children like Li Yinming and Liu Sanzi can’t get an education
小题1:  their families are poor. Now they can go to school 小题2: the help of Project Hope. In the last 15 years, this project has raised money and   小题3:  for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the 小题4: . People in China and 小题5: have given 2.2 billion yuan. With this money, Project Hope has built many schools and 小题6: . It has also trained teachers and   小题7:  has sent students to high schools.
Most people in China have heard 小题8:  Project Hope and have given money. But 40 million children from   小题9: families still need help. Because of Project Hope , 小题10:  of children have better lives.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

used to / worried / feels /finish / have to / nervous
小题1:This kind of paper ________ very soft
小题2: I ________ have short hair but I grow it long
小题3:What time do you ________ basketball practice today?
小题4: I don’t like making speeches I feel ________ talking in front of many people
小题5: I haven’t seen my cat for two days I’m very ________ about her


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Its  black  too  are  from  school  likes  old  their  teacher
Jim and John are good friends. They are   小题1:   the U.S.A. But now they    小题2:   in China. They are in the same    小题3:  . They like their school.
Jim’s mother is a    小题4:  . She teaches (教学) in their school. John’s father is a teacher,    小题5: . But she isn’t in China now. She is in the U.S.A.
Jim    小题6:   white very much. But John likes black. He has a    小题7:  T-shirt. Jim
is thirteen years    小题8:. He has a cat.    小题9:  name is Mimi. John has a little dog. Its name is Bobby. They like   小题10: pets(宠物).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

a wonderful experience ,more than ,get bad marks,on earth,all the time
小题1:What _______did you talk about just now?
小题2:Travelling around the space will be _________for us .
小题3:I’m afraid I________in the coming exam.
小题4:He has traveled _______ten cities.
85.His dog follows him everywhere _________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

(It’s Friday today. Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans. )
Bob:  Dave, the radio says it is sunny tomorrow. Do you have any plans?
Dave:        76      . I want to go to the beach. What are you going to do?
Bob: I’m going to do some sports.
Dave:        77      ?
Bob: I like basketball best. I think it can help me grow taller.
Dave:        78      ?
Bob: I will play it in the gym. By the way, who will you go to the beach with?
Dave: I’ll go with my parents.
Bob:       79     ?
Dave: We will go there by car.
Bob: Have a good time.
Dave:       80      .

