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Almost everyone will meet some problems when they come into a new environment. When you enter a junior high school, everything is new: new school, new teachers, new students…Then what should you do? Now I give you some advice.
When you meet problems, you should speak them out. You can tell your problems to your parents. They can help you with your problems. Of course, you can also let your teachers know. I am sure they will be glad to help you. Most of time we work and play with our classmates. You can communicate with your classmates. You will find you are not alone because they have the same problems as you.
Another way is to take an active part in the school activities. It’s good for you to make more friends. If you are good at swimming, you can join the school swimming club. If you do well in English, you can go to the English corner often.
One day, you will leave school and come into the society (社会). You will also meet many problems. The advice above will help you.
小题1:The passage mentions (提到) _______ ways to solve the problems.
小题2:The underlined (划线) word“environment”in the first paragraph means _______.
小题3:You can’t _______ when you are in trouble (麻烦) at school.
A.ask your teachers for help
B.tell your parents
C.take part in the activities
D.stay alone and solve the problems by yourself
小题4:How many new students have the same problems in a new school?
A.None. B.Some of them. C.Almost everyone. D.Everyone.
小题5:The passage tells us _______.
A.how to solve the problems in a new environment
B.how to swim
C.how to take part in the swimming club
D.how to make friends


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段you should speak them out.是一种方法,第三段Another way is to take an active part in the school activities.可知文中总共提到了两种适应初中生活的方法;故选A。
小题2:词义猜测题。根据短文第一段When you enter a junior high school, everything is new: new school, new teachers, new students…可知environment指的是一种环境;故选C。
小题3:推理判断题。根据短文第二段Of course, you can also let your teachers know. 由此可推断A正确;You can tell your problems to your parents.可知B项正确;第三段首句Another way is to take an active part in the school activities.可知,积极参加校园活动也是一种方法,唯独不能做的就是独自解决;故选D。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文第一段第一句Almost everyone will meet some problems when they come into a new environment.可知几乎每个人都会遇到适应新环境的问题;故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them.
At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water (自来水) before you order. You may find bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill(续杯).
Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.
Serving (一份) in restaurants is often large, too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself.
Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon meal.
Tips are not usually added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.
小题1:Which of the following statements is true?
A.American people like sitting with people they don’t know.
B.You may find bread and coffee is free.
C.American people never sit with people they don’t know.
D.American people won’t light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking.
小题2:What do American people always do when servings are too large for them?
A.They take the food home with a “doggie bag” for their dogs.
B.They leave the food on the table and go away.
C.They take the food home with a “doggie bag” and enjoy the food later.
D.They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them.
小题3:What can you learn about “tips” according to the passage?
A.Customers often add tips to their check.
B.Tips are supposed to be left on the table when customers leave.
C.People don’t need to pay tips.
D.The price of the meal usually includes the tip.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A  Deaf  Person's  Joke
Something was wrong with Jack's ears after he was much better from a serious illness. Several months later he went to a doctor. The doctor told him that he was deaf of both ears. Jack was sad. He was afraid to lose his work. So he did not like people to know this.
One evening he asked some friends to dinner. While they were sitting at the table, one of his friends told an interesting joke. Everyone laughed and Jack laughed louder than anyone else. He said, “That was a very interesting joke, but I know a more interesting one. Would you like to hear it?” All his friends said OK to him, so Jack began to tell his joke. All his friends were listening to him with smiles. When the joke ended, everyone laughed louder than before and Jack laughed happily, too. He was very glad because he thought that his must be more interesting than his friend's. But he didn't know that he had made a fool of himself(出丑;闹笑话) because his joke was the same as the first one.
小题1:When was Jack deaf of both ears?
A.After he came back from work.B.After a serious illness.
C.After seeing a doctor.D.After being a doctor.
小题2: Why did Jack not like people to know he was deaf?
A.He was afraid to lose his work.
B.He was afraid of his friends.
C.He didn't want to lose his face.
D.He was afraid that his wife would leave him.
小题3: What did Jack do after hearing his friend's joke?
A.He laughed as loudly as others.B.He didn't laugh.
C.He laughed louder than anyone else.D.He only smiled.
小题4:Jack laughed because _____.
A.all the others were laughing
B.he could tell the same joke himself, too
C.he wanted to show that there was nothing wrong with his ears
D.his friend's joke was interesting
小题5:Jack's friends laughed a lot louder than before because _____.
A.the joke he told was more interesting
B.it was as interesting as the first
C.all his friends liked his joke better
D.it was the same joke as his friend's


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hello! This is my family. I’m David Green. I’m from England. My family is in Beijing. My father and mother work here. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I have a sister but no brothers. My sister and I are students of a middle school in Beijing. We love China. My home is very nice. My family has a TV and a computer. My room (房间) is big. I have a bed(床), a desk (桌子) and two chairs(椅子) in it. My books are on my desk. I have an MP3 in my bag. There are some pictures on the wall. I like my room and I like these pictures very much.
小题1:Four people are in David’s family.
小题2:Mr. and Mrs. Green have a son and a daughter.
小题3:David’s father works in a school in Beijing.
小题4:Two chairs and a desk are in David’s room.
小题5:—Is an MP3 on David’s desk?
—No, it isn’


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is very important to have good friends. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
Having good friends can help us in lots of different ways. People with a lot of friends usually feel happier than people with no friends. Everything we do will be more fun if we have friends with us to share our happiness and worries. 1)When friends are in trouble, we should help them _____ ______laughing at them. When we are feeling sad or worried, our friends will also give us advice and help us get out of difficulties.
2)We should not only have good friends but also be good friends. We need our friends as much as they need us. We should be willing to help friends when they need help.
What will friends do when we have difficulties?
小题2:在1)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:________  ________
If friends need our help, we should be glad to help them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Four people(人) are in Dave’s family.
小题2:Jack is Kate’s big brother.
小题3:What’s Gina’s favorite color?
小题4:Who does Kate like going to the library with?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hello, I’m Tommy Smith. This is my room. Look! My schoolbag is on the desk. My Chinese book is on the bed. My baseball is under the sofa. And my CDs are in the bookcase.
My name is Sally Hand. I’m a schoolgirl. English is my favorite subject. I like it because it’s interesting. Anna is our English teacher. We all like her very much.
I’m a schoolboy. I’m Dave Clark. I like basketball. My friends and I play basketball after school. It’s relaxing.
Hi, my name is Bill Hall. Where is my jacket? Please call me if(如果) you find it. My phone number is 5283595. Thanks.
小题1:Where is Tommy’s Chinese book?
A.Under the sofa.B.On the desk.
C.On the bed.D.In the bookcase.
小题2:What’s Sally’s favorite subject?
小题3:Who does Dave play basketball with after school?
A.His parentsB.His brothersC.His classmatesD.His friends
小题4:__________ lost a jacket.
A.TommyB.BillC.Dave D.Sally
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Tommy’s CDs are on the desk.
B.Sally likes Anna, her English teacher.
C.Dave plays baseball after school.
D.Bill finds his jacket.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A man came back home from work late, tired, to find his six-year-old son waiting for him at the door.
“Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?”
“If you want to know, I make $20 an hour.”
“Oh,” the little boy replied, with his head down. He thought for a moment, looked up and said, “Daddy, could you lend me $10?”
The father was furious, “If you asked for money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, then go straight to your room and think why you are being so selfish!”
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. After about an hour or so, the father calmed down, and started to think, “Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn’t ask for money very often.” So he went to the little boy’s room.
“Sorry! Maybe I was too hard on you just now,” said the man. “Here’s $10.”
“Oh, thank you, Daddy!” the boy said gladly. Then, the boy took out some coins. When the father found that the boy already had some money, he got angry again.
“Why do you want more money since you already have some?” the father shouted angrily.
“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied, “Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”
小题1:How much does the man make if he works 10 hours?
小题2:In this passage, the underlined word “furious” means ___________.
A.very angryB.quite happyC.too excitedD.a little tired
小题3:The boy wanted to buy ___________ with twenty dollars.
A.a new book for himselfB.a nice present for his father
C.a toy for his own birthdayD.an hour of his father’s time
小题4:From this passage, we can infer (推断) that the boy’s father __________.
A.often played with his sonB.spent little time with his son
C.didn’t love his son at allD.often came back home early


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.
What’s going on in the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s the life like in the deepest(最深的) part of the sea?
If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.
TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds(思想). TV often give us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something.
小题1: Some people say the world is smaller than before because    .
A.TV makes the earth smaller and smaller
B.all people like to watch TV
C.watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day.
D.TV bring the outside world closer to people.
小题2:We can      when we watch TV.
A.go to live in the other countries
B.answer TV many questions
C.get a lot of information
D.ask TV some questions
小题3: People learn better through TV than through radio because   .
A.TV sets are bigger than radios
B.people can not only hear but also watch
C.without TV people can’t open their eyes
D.it’s easier to turn on TV than to turn on radio
小题4: The sentence “TV also helps to open our minds” means:   
A.our minds can only be opened by TV
B.something is wrong with our minds
C.it can help us to get our knowledge(知识)
D.TV is new to us
小题5:This article(文章) tells us      .
A.it’s good to watch TV
B.not to watch TV any more
C.students shouldn’t watch TV at any time
D.to stop reading to watch TV

