精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Gina: Hi, Mary. Your skirt is so beautiful.
Mary: Thank you very much.
G: 1. _______________?
M: I bought it in Yunnan.
G: Yunnan? Oh, you are so lucky. 2. _______________?
M: Yes, I went there last summer. I had a good time.
G: 3. _______________?
M: It was sunny and warm. I visited many beautiful places.
G: 4. _______________?
M: The people there are very friendly and kind.
G: I hope to visit it one day.
M: I'm sure you’ll love it.
G: I think I will. Oh, I'm afraid I must go now. See you.
M: 5. _______________.
1. Where did you buy it?
2. Did you go there last summer?
3. How was the weather there?
4. What do you think of the people there?
5. See you!

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

完成对话 通读下面的对话.然后根据上下文补全对话内容。
Gina: Hi, Mary. Your skirt is so beautiful.
Mary: Thank you very muck
G: 【小题1】        ?
M: I bought it in Yunnan.
G: Yunnan? Oh, you are so hcky.【小题2】                ?
M: Yes, I went there last summer. I had a good time.
G: 【小题3】         ?
M: It was sunny and warm. I visited many beautiful places.
G: 【小题4】          ?
M: The people there are very friendly and kind.
G: I hope to visit it one day.
M: I'm sure you'll love it.
G: I think I will. Oh, I'm afraid I must go now, See you.
M: 【小题5】                 .


科目:初中英语 来源:2010-2011学年辽宁省锦州市初三第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空



A. A table for two?

B. What can I do for you?

C. My I take your order now?

D. Excuse me. Could we have some coffee, please?

E. This way, please.

F. Anything else?

G. What would you like to drink?

  Waiter: Good morning, madam.

  Gina: Good morning.

  Waiter: 1._____________

  Gina: Yes. Can we have table by the window?

  Waiter: OK. 2. _____________

  ( At the table )

  Waiter: Here's the menu. 3.__________

  Gina: Yes. We'd like chicken with potatoes, beef with onions and some rice.

  Waiter: 4.__________

  Gina: Orange juice.

  Waiter: 5.________

  Gina: No, that's all. Thank you.




科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Gina: Hello!
Linda:      1___
Gina: I'm Gina.      2_ _
Linda: My name is Linda. Linda is my first name.
Gina:      3 __
Linda: My last name is Brown.
Gina: Nice to meet you, Linda.
Linda:      4___
Gina:     5___
Linda: My telephone number is 745-7894.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Gina ! ____1___.

B: I’m here, in my bedroom.


B: I’m doing my homework, I have much homework today.

A: Where ‘s your sister ?


A: What is she doing ?

B:__4__I think maybe(可能) she’s mending her plane.

A: Could you come here ? I need some help.

B: Certainly. ____5___?

A: What are you doing.    B: Where are you ?

C:I don’t think so.        D: Where is she ?

E: What can I do for you ?        F.  She is not here.

G:I am not sure

