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Tom and his mother went shopping the day before yesterday.They went into the biggest shop of the city.In the shop Jim saw a model ship.He liked it very much.He wanted to buy it.So he said to his mother.“Mum,can I have that sheep?”His mother thought for a while and answered,“Yes,I will buy you one.”Then his mother asked the man in the shop to get her a sheep.

    “Here you are,Tom,”his mother said. 

    “No.mum, I don’t want this sheep.I want that sheep,”Tom said quickly.

    “This is the sheep you asked for,my boy,”answered his mother.

    “No,I want that,not the one with four legs.”

      At this time his mother understood.Tom wanted a ship not a sheep.


1.—What did Tom want、to buy?  —He ________to buy a ______.

2.—Did his mother understand(理解)him or not at first?—His mother _______________ him.

3.—What did his mother buy him first? —His mother__________ him a ________ at first.

4.—Did his mother buy him a ship at last(最后)?—________,she __________.

5.—Was Tom’s pronunciation(发音)bad?—__________,it __________.

1.wanted,ship     2.didn’t understand

3.bought,sheep    4.Yes,did    5.Yes,was


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年重庆万州岩口复兴学校初一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

A: Hi, Tom.
B: Hi, Mary.
A: ______【小题1】________
B: I’m doing my homework.
A: Do you want to come to my house after school? _____【小题2】______
B: That sounds great!  __【小题3】______
A: It’s on Long Street. It’s a quiet street.
B: _______【小题4】_______ There is a school on it.
A: Yes, and my house is across from it. ______【小题5】___
B: OK! I’m sure to see you.

A. Where is your house?
B. It’s easy to find it.
C. What are you doing?
D. We can watch a DVD at my home.
E.  I know the street.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省潍坊市高密市初一第一学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:句型转换

【小题1】There are some offices in my school.
→________ there ________ offices in your school?
【小题2】He can play basketball and tennis.
→________ he play basketball ________ tennis?
【小题3】There are twenty-three desks in the classroom.
→________   ________ desks are there in the classroom?
【小题4】Hamburgers are my favorite food.
→________   ________ favorite food?
【小题5】—Are there any dining halls in your school?
一Yes,there is ________ over there.
【小题6】This is my cat.I like ________ very much.
【小题7】Hi,Jack.This is________ (I)friend.________(he)name is Sam.
【小题8】Are Tom and Jack there? Can I speak to ________ (they)?
【小题9】Beef is healthy food.Ice cream isn’t healthy food.
→Beef is healthy food ________ ice cream isn’t healthy food.
【小题10】My uncle is 35 years old.He is a hotel manager.
→My uncle is 35 years old ________ he is a hotel manager.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015届山东泰安东岳中学七年级上期期末学情检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Jim: Let’s play volleyball, OK?

Tony: Sorry, I don’t have a volleyball. But I have a basketball.

Jim: I don’t want to play basketball. I only want to play volleyball.

Tony: Who has a volleyball? Do you know?

Jim: Maybe Tom has one. Let’s go and ask him. (Say to Tom.)

Hi, Tom! Do you have a volleyball?

Tom: No. I don’t. Does Peter have one?

Tony: Oh, yes, he does.

Tom: Hi, Peter! Do you have a volleyball?

Peter: Yes, I do. But it is at home.

Tom: Sorry to hear that!

Tony: Well, let’s play basketball. OK?

Jim: OK!

Tom: Peter, please join us.

Peter: OK! Let’s play!


1.Who wants to play volleyball?

A.Jim.              B.Tony.             C.Peter.            D.Tom.

2.Does Tony have a basketball?

A.Yes, he does.       B.No. he doesn’t.    C.Yes, he is.          D.No, he isn’t.

3.Who has a volleyball?

A.Jim.              B.Tony.             C.Peter.            D.Tom.

4.Where is Peter’s volleyball?  

A.On the bed.        B.At school.         C.Under the desk.     D.At home.

5.Can they play volleyball?

A.Yes,they can.       B.No,they can’t     C. Yes,they do       D.No,they don’t



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届重庆万州区岩口复兴学校初一下学期半期反馈英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: Hi, Tom.

B: Hi, Mary.

A: _______82_________

B: I’m doing my homework.

A: Do you want to come to my house after school? ________83________

B: That sounds great! ________84________

A: It’s on Long Street. It’s a quiet street.

B: ________85________ There is a school on it.

A: Yes, and my house is across from it. ________86________

B: OK! I’m sure to see you.


A.Where is your house?

B.It’s easy to find it.

C.What are you doing?

D.We can watch a DVD at my home.

E.  I know the street.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省吴江市初二下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:其他题

A: Hi,Tom !

B: Hi, Alice !

A:   1.      

B: No, not much. But I travel quite a lot in Beijing.

A:    2.       

B:The Temple of Heaven , the Great Wall , Tian’anmen Square, Yuanmingyuan Park and so on.

A:What do you think of Beijing’s traffic?

B:    3.    But I also like the buses especially for short journeys.

A: But don’t you think the buses are rather slow ?

B:Yes, I do . But it’s very cheap.

A:     4.  

B: Taxi often gets us in traffic jams , and besides, they ’re too expensive.

A:   5.    .

B:I think taking the subway is the best way to travel.


