精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


A. Cool

B. I’m going to go to pilot school

C. when you grow up

D. after school

E. first I’m going to finish college

F. Are you going to be a teacher

G. My dream job is to be an actor.


A: What are you going to be     1    ?       

B: I think I’m going to be a pilot.

A:     2    . How are you going to do that?

B:      3    .

A: When are you going to start?

B: Well,      4    . What about you? 

A:      5    .











科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年河南省西华县址坊中学初二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子


A:     1     
B:Because I have got the first prize in the English Competition.
A: Congratulations.     2      And then we can have a party this Saturday.
B:    3    Where shall we have this party?
A:     4      
B: When shall we start?
A:     5        
B: Ok. See you then.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届广西钦州中考模拟英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

( A: Adam    B: Bill )
A: Hi, Bill! You’re reading the novel again.
B: Yes, Tom. I’ll never be tired of it.
A:   【小题1】     
B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.
A: Really?   【小题2】  
B: Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer. What about you?
A:   【小题3】  He is also my favorite foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it.?
B: OK, here you are! What do you think of this novel?
A:   【小题4】 I haven’t seen such a novel for long. Where did you buy it?
B: In the Rose Bookshop.
A: I don’t know where it is.   【小题5】  
B: No. Only 10 minutes walk from here, next to the People’s Cinema.
A: Oh, I see. I’m going there to get one, too. Thank you!
B: You’re welcome!

A. It’s exciting.
B. How can I get there?
C. How many times have you read it?
D. So do I.
E. Who wrote it?
F. Is it far from here?


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年黑龙江省虎林市八五零农场学校初一期中英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

A: What animals do you want to see ?
B: 【小题1】                                  .
A: Why do you like to see pandas?
B: 【小题2】_______________________________________________.
A: Really? By the way, do you want to see the elephants in the zoo?
B: 【小题3】                   .
A: I like to see elephants, too.  Because they can dance.
B: Do you want to be an assistant in the zoo?
A: Well , to work for animals is interesting, but kind of dangerous. I don’t like it.
B: 【小题4】___________________________________________________________?
A: I want to be a reporter. I can meet many famous (著名的) people.
B: That’s great . Thank you.
A: 【小题5】                       


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年实验中学中考二模预测英语卷4 题型:其他题


A: What are you going to do this weekend?

B:   1. 

A:I hear there will be a football match this Sunday.Bob and I are going to watch it.   2. 

B:Of course. Football is my favorite. But I don’t have the ticket for the match.

A: You are lucky. I have some free tickets.     3.   

B: Great!     4.  

A: Let’s meet at the bus stop at half past three.

B: I think there must be many people there.   5.   

A: OK. See you at three o’clock.

B: See you.




科目:初中英语 来源:2011一2012学年度河北省唐山市八年级上期期中测试英语卷 题型:其他题


A:     1     

B:Because I have got the first prize in the English Competition.

A: Congratulations.     2       And then we can have a party this Saturday.

B:    3     Where shall we have this party?

A:     4       

B: When shall we start?

A:     5         

B: Ok. See you then.



