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  Sociologists (社会学家), working in western countries, have found that a large number of women wished they had been born men. The number is said to be as high as 60% in Germany.

  “Women often wish they had the same chances as men have, and think it is still a man's world”, said Dr James Helen, one of the sociologists who did the study.

  Many men say that they have more duties than women. A man has to make money to support his family and to make the important decision, so it is right for men to be paid more. Some are even against their wives working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children can not be taken good care of. If women take full time jobs (全职工作), they won't be able to do what they are best at doing: making a nice home and bringing up the children.

  Some women disagree. They say they want to get out of their homes and to have freedom to choose between work and home life. Women have the rights of equal pay and equal opportunities.

  Anne Harper has a very good job. she also believe in “Women's Liberation”. “I don't wish I were man.” she says, “and I don't think many women do. But I do wish people would stop treating us like second class people. At work, for example, we usually do the work that men do but get paid less. There are still a lot of jobs only for men to do---usually they are the best ones. If you are a man, you have a much better chance of living a wonderful life. How many women are scientists or engineers?”

(1) Many men think ________.

[  ]

A.women can't do what men can

B.men have to work much harder than women

C.men can make money more easily than women

D.women's duty is mainly to do housework at home

(2) Some women have different ideas. They say that ________.

[  ]

A.women want chances to go out of the home more often

B.women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life they want

C.if women are given equal pay, they can do everything instead of men

D.women are no longer interested in taking care of their homes and children

(3) Ann Harper didn't wish to be a man ________.

[  ]

A.because she believed in “Women Liberation”

B.but she wished to get the same job as men

C.because she had got a good job

D.but she wished to be treated the same as a man

(4) Anne Harper thought that ________.

[  ]

A.women should live a better life than men

B.women should be really liberated

C.women should be given better jobs than men

D.women should live a more wonderful life than men

(5) Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.There are more men scientists, engineers than women ones.

B.Women are second class people, so they couldn't live a better life.

C.Women do the same job as men. but get paid less than men

D.There are some of the best jobs that women have few chances to take.


(1) 解析:第二段提到:If women take fulltime jobs, they won't be able to do what they are best at doing: making a nice home and bring up the children. D

(2) 解析:第三段是该题的答案选B

(3) 解析:仔细阅读最后一段,选D

(4) 解析:仔细阅读最后一段,选B

(5) 解析:本题问那句不正确,通过最后一段可以看出,“女人是二等公民,不能过更好的生活是错误的”,选B


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--Liu Xiang had to give up the race because of his foot.


A. What a shame!     B. Of course.        C. He was so careless.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—Do you like playing tennis?

—No, ____ I like sports.I play football every Sunday

    A.and   B. but    C.so    D. or


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

— May I go to the concert with you?

— I’m afraid not ____ you have a ticket, because I have only one.

A. since   B. if     C. unless     D. though


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届福建省尤溪县初中毕业学业质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

No air means death. There is air around us  36 we can’t see it. Air is everywhere and it gives   37  to every living thing. We can’t live  38  it. Bad air makes people ill. We must have fresh air to keep us  39 .
In the city there are a lot of people and there are too many  40  running on the road. The gas which the car sends out is made up of(组成) bad gases. Every day we  41  it in and        out. This makes us feel sick. There are many  42 , too. From the chimneys(烟囱) of these factories, we  43  get the smoke in black color. This kind of smoke is  44 to our health. So in order to keep us healthy, we have to go out to the   45  to breathe more fresh air. Or we can go up hills to get more fresh air.
【小题1】A. because            B. though              C. so
【小题2】A. life               B. name              C. pleasure
【小题3】A. with               B. without         C. below
【小题4】A. quiet              B. tall          C. healthy
【小题5】A. dogs           B. trains        C. cars
【小题6】A. breathe            B. draw          C. bring
【小题7】A. animals            B. people          C. factories
【小题8】A. usually          B. never             C. seldom
【小题9】A. helpful          B. dangerous       C. necessary
【小题10】A. office          B. city            C. Countryside


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏盐城阜宁县东沟中学九年级3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Chen Guangbiao was born in Jiangsu in July,1968. He is the chairperson of a company in Jiangsu. Now he is one of China’s richest men and he has donated a great amount of money to charity projects. He says he will donate everything he has to charity after he dies.
  When people are in need of help, he will appear at once. He helped people during the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yunnan earthquake and the Taiwan earthquake. He also gave a helping hand in Japan's earthquake. He has built many Hope Primary Schools to support the education in poor areas.
  He doesn't do charity for honour(荣誉).He wants to encourage more people to make contributions(贡献)to charity. After announcing he would donate everything to charity after his death, many businesses, overseas(海外)Chinese people and common people encouraged by him have also promised to do something for charity.
  As a philanthropist(慈善家),he is asked for help every day. Sometimes he gets very tired, but he has never stopped caring.
  So far, he has received a lot of awards, including Pioneer of the Year, and National May Day Labour Medal(全国五一劳动奖章).He is considered as one of China’s top philanthropists.
【小题1】The article is probably taken from _______.

A.a newspaperB.a novelC.a detective storyD.a science book
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT mentioned (谈到) in the passage?
A.He is from Jiangsu.
B.He has visited many countries.
C.He has helped people in need.
D.He has got a lot of awards.
【小题3】Which do you think is the best title for the passage?
B.Hope Primary Schools
C.Pioneer of the Year
D.Philanthropist Chen Guangbiao

