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For the British, the home is private place in which he or she goes to hide away from the troubles of life. It is very seldom that one would be invited to a British person’s home. It is rude to knock on a person’s door if you are not invited. If you are invited, don’t ask to see more than the downstairs that your British host invites you into. Never ask how much the house or any of the items in if cost.
To the American, most of them want their home to be a place where they can entertain (款待) and share their lives with their friends. They may be delighted to give you a full tour of their houses. They may also be pleased when you show your interest and pleasure in their houses.
Both British and American people will engage in quite a bit of chat and a drink or two before the meal is served. After the first mouthful, you should say how delicious the food is and ask something about it. Remember, never eat with your mouth open and make very little noise while eating. It would be nice of you to help your host in any way. Maybe offer to pour some drinks or clear up after the meal.
小题1: British people _______ invite friends to their home.
小题2:If your British friend invites you to his home, you can ____.
A.see anything you likeB.ask how much his house is
C.ask the cost of any of the items in itD.only see the downstairs that you are invited into
小题3:When you show your interest and pleasure in American people’s house, they may be __.
小题4:What does the underlined “engage in” mean in Chinese?
小题5: What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Some manners on visiting British and American people’s home.
B.Different table manners between British and American people.
C.Different ideas about the home between British and American people
D.Different ideas about how to get along well with neighbors between British and American people


小题1: 细节理解题 根据第一段的第二句“It is very seldom that one would be invited to a British person’s home.”可知。
小题1: 细节理解题 根据第一段的倒数第二句“If you are invited, don’t ask to see more than the downstairs that your British host invites you into.”可知。
小题1: 细节理解题 根据第二段的最后一句“They may also be pleased when you show your interest and pleasure in their houses.”可知。
小题1: 语义推断题 根据句意可知在吃饭之前,英美的人们都会交谈或者喝点东西。
小题1: 主旨理解题 本文介绍了拜访英国或者美国朋友需要注意的问题。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Aborigines (澳洲土著) have lived in Australia for about 60,000 years. They painted pictures inside caves, and these are the rock paintings that have given us so much information about Aboriginal life. For example, some of the paintings that are about 10,000 years old show men with boomerangs. From this we know that the Aborigines started using boomerangs for hunting at that time. Other pictures show kangaroos, so we know that there were kangaroos at that time.
The Aborigines believed that spirits made people, animals and plants, and that these spirits still live in the earth. For Aborigines, no one can own the earth—the earth belongs to the spirits.
In 1700, there were many Aboriginal groups with a population of 750,000 all over Australia, and there were probably more than 240 different Aboriginal languages. The groups did not have a leader. Instead, things were decided by the older men in a group. People from different groups often travelled hundreds of miles to meet each other.
Aboriginal life changed when an English boat arrived in Australia in 1770. Many Aborigines were killed in the wars that they had with the English. More Europeans came, and they started taking land from the Aborigines. The Europeans also brought new illnesses that killed the Aborigines. The result is that today there are only about 300,000 Aborigines in Australia.
小题1:The Aborigines painted pictures       .
A.on animals’ fur B.on the land
C.on the treeD.on the rock
小题2:What do you think the Aborigines used boomerangs to do?
A.To paint.B.To hunt.C.To fight.D.To play.
小题3:The Aborigines thought        were the most important on the earth.
A.people B.animals C.spiritsD.plants
小题4:In an Aboriginal group        decided things.
A.the older menB.the leader
C.the EnglishD.the Europeans
小题5:The number of the Aborigines is small today       .
A.because their living condition was very bad
B.because the English killed a lot of them in the wars
C.because of the new illnesses the Europeans brought them
D.because of the wars and the new illnesses


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


Reporter: How long have you been a firefighter?
Wilson:   For eight years. JP Reporter: How did you get started?
Wilson: First, 1 had to take a lot of tests in two weeks. Then, I went to the firefighter school for four months. 1 learned how to put out fires and how to use equipment I also
had a full-time training every day!
Reporter: How do you stay safe on the job?
Wilson: I wear special clothing. It helps keep me protected from fire. I also carry an oxygen tank (氧气瓶) and a mask (面具). They help me to breathe in a smoke-filled building. Reporter: Are there any new tools that firefighters use?
Wilson: We have a special camera that can see in the dark. It can find heat. That way, we can
exactly tell the place of a fire. Reporter: Do you save pets?
Wilson: Just three days ago, I helped save some cats. They were hiding under the beds. Pets
usually bide during a fire because they are afraid of danger. Reporter: Do you ever get afraid?
Wilson: No. There is no time to he afraid. I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely. Reporter: What do you like best about being a firefighter?
Wilson: Helping people!
小题1: Kate Wilson has done her job for____________.
A. 2 weeks b. 3 days c. 4 months D. 8 years
小题2:To become a firefighter, Kate Wilson ____________at first.
A.took a lot of testsB.learned to stay safe
C.saved some animalsD.used fire equipment
小题3:Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because_____________.
A.she has an oxygen tankB.she knows how to fight fires
C.she enjoys finding heatD.she is too busy putting out fires
小题4:As a firefighter, Kate Wilson likes____________ most.
A.wearing a maskB.asking questions
C.helping peopleD.hiding in smoke
小题5:What did the reporter make this interview for?
A.To tell people what a firefighter does.
B.To teach people how to prevent fires.
C.To make people want to be firefighters.
D.To show people how a firefighter is trained.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and it’s one of the top university in the world. There is no clear date when the university started, but teaching began at Oxford in some forms in 1096 and developed quickly from 1167.
There are 39 independent(独立的) colleges at Oxford, attracting students and learned men from across the world. There are over 100 libraries for the students and learned men to use. At University of Oxford, they also provide a number of money for the best students. Of course, if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level of English language.
College life at Oxford is very exciting but busy. The groups of college provide a friendly and welcoming home for students while the college are strict with students about their studies. Many Chinese students are studying here. The number of Chinese students at the university has grown quickly over the past 10 years.
小题1:How many libraries are there at Oxford?
A.Only 100B.Just 100C.More than 100D.less than 100
小题2:What do you have to do first if you want to ask fir studying at Oxford? You have to__________.
A.be independentB.pass a certain level test of English language
C.study English hardD.be the best students
小题3: How’s the college life at Oxford? It’s full of ________ and has ________.
A.excitement; much school work to doB.excitement; no school work to do
C.attraction; no school work to doD.attraction; a little school work to do
小题4: Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The college aren’t strict in studies.
B.Only because of 39 dependent colleges, thousands of students come here to study.
C.The university of Oxford is the most important and successful one in the world.
D.The university of Oxford provides a number of money for most students.
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The College LifeB.The Famous Learners at Oxford
C.The Chinese Students at OxfordD.The University of Oxford


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What’s Cool?
By Maria Lee
This week, I asked students about fashion(时尚).I showed each student six things and asked them about each one. Some of their answers were interesting. Here are their likes and dislikes.
Judy Smith likes the key ring(钥匙环).Her friend Jeff says he can’t stand the scarf(围巾).“It’s for moms!”he said. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch.(Her best friend Ann Rice doesn’t mind the watch, but she really likes the sunglasses!) Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses(太阳镜).
And the coolest(最酷的) thing was the belt. Everyone loved it!
小题1:Judy Smith likes the key ring.
小题2:Gina Taylor doesn’t love the watch.
小题3:William Jones loves the wallet.
小题4:Ann Rice really likes the sunglasses.
小题5: The coolest thing was the scarf.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In 1961, a man found a strange cat on his farm in Scotland. The cat’s ears were folded, bent forward, on its head. In fact, this was a new kind of cat. People named it the "Scottish Fold(苏格兰折耳猫)".
The Scottish Fold has a round head and large eyes. Its neck and legs are short, which makes it look very cute. Interestingly, all the Scottish Folds are born with straight and unfolded ears. And when they are growing up day by day, some cats’ ears will begin to fold. So, the Scottish Fold comes in two types: folded ears and straight ears.
Besides, there is a nickname for the Scottish Fold. It is the " Messenger of Peace". Why?
Because the Folds are sweet and friendly animals. They can get along well with other cats. And
unlike some other cats, they can even get along well with dogs! In many different environments, such as at a noisy house, or in a cat show, you can see them playing with other animals happily.
Well, when you come to a new school, do you think it’s difficult to adapt to the new environment? Perhaps you can learn from the Scottish Fold. That is: always be sweet and friendly to others.
小题1:Tie Scottish Fold _____.
A.is born with folded earsB.is born with straight ears
C.always has folded earsD.always has straight ears
小题2: What does the Scottish Fold look like?
A.It has a round head and large eyes.B.Its neck and legs are short.
C.It looks very cute.D.All above.
小题3: Why are the Scottish Folds named the " Messenger of Peace" ?
A.Because their ears are folded.
B.Because they look very cute.
C.Because they can get on well with other animals.
D.Because they can stay at a noisy house or in a cat show.
小题4: According to the passage, what is the writer’ s suggestion to us when we are in a new
A.We should have a nickname.B.We should learn from the cats.
C.We should get along well with dogs.D.We should always be sweet and friendly to others.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A doctor was once teaching a class of medical students at a famous hospital in Edinburge. An injured man was brought in, and the doctor turned to one of his students and asked him, “What’s wrong with this man ?”
“I don’t know, sir,” the student answered. “Shall I examine him and find out?”
“There’s no need to examine him,” said the doctor. “You should know without asking questions. He has hurt his right knee. Didn’t you notice the way he walked? He hurt it by burning it in the fire. You see his trousers leg is burnt away at the knee. This is Monday morning. Yesterday was fine, but on Saturday the roads were wet and muddy. The man’s trousers are muddy all over. The man fell down on Saturday night.”
The doctor then turned to the man and said, “You had your pay on Saturday and went to a public house and drank too much. You got muddy and wet on the way home. Because you had drunk too much, you fell on the fire and burnt your knee. Is that right?
“Yes, sir,” said the man.
小题1:The medical students were having a lesson ______.
A.at the libraryB.in a classroom
C.at a well-known hospitalD.in a medical school
小题2: The man hurt his knee  _______.
A.on MondayB.on Sunday nightC.on Saturday nightD.yesterday
小题3: How did the doctor know that the man burnt his knee?
A.From the way he walked.B.By seeing his trousers leg is burnt away at the knee.
C.By seeing the man’s trousers are muddy all over.D.Both A and B
小题4:Which is the right order according to the passage?
① He burnt his knee. ②He got drunk. ③He fell down and got muddy. ④He had his pay.
小题5: From the passage we know that _______ is very important for medical students.
A.watching and thinkingB.taking good care of others
C.learning from othersD.teaching


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Many people say that they have seen flying saucers(飞碟)in the sky.   31  can these things be ?
Some people think that they are spaceships from other planets. Doctors   32  that perhaps they are only a weakness of the eyes. It is possible that they are our own planes   33  very high. Or are they birds with the sun’s light on them?
But some people say that they have seen them   34 . They have seen beings(人)get off them and walk around. They have   35   to those beings, sometimes in English. People have   36   photos of flying saucers and of these beings. We have seen the photos, but sometimes the people had to take them in a   37 . Children have seen flying saucers, and even dogs have seen them. Perhaps we do not think that the   38  of children, or dogs are important. But school-teachers have   39  seen them and Air Force officers and   40  policemen. Must we not listen to these people?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What does little birdie say,
In her nest at peep(初现)of day?
Let me fly, says little birdie,
Mother, let me fly away,
Birdie, rest a little longer,
Till the little wings are stronger.
So she rests a little longer,
Then she flies away.
What does little baby say,
In her bed at peep of day?
Baby says, like little birdie,
Let me rise and fly away.
Baby, sleep a little longer,
Till the little limbs(四肢) are stronger.
If she sleeps a little longer,
Baby too shall fly away.
小题1: In the poem, which words rhyme with "say"?
A.longer, strongerB.say, day
C.day, awayD.A, B and C
小题2:In the poem, where does the bird rest?
A.In her bed.B.In her nest
C.At peep of the day. D.In the sky.
小题3: How do you understand the last sentence If she sleeps a little longer, Baby too shall fly away?
A.If the baby sleeps for a long time, she can fly.
B.The baby is too lazy, so she wants to sleep longer.
C.The baby has a special ability to fly like a bird after she sleeps longer.
D.You should get enough power and abilities before you do something.

