精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:More than one person_________(clean) the classroom at 6 o’clock yesterday.
小题2: — Is London the first European city _____(hold) the Olympic Games?
—No, it has been held in many other places in Europe.
小题3:Not only the students but also the teacher _________(ask)to go to school on time now.
小题4: She __________ (live) in this city for years when I met her in 1990.
小题5: People should save electricity by ________ (not leave) lights on when they are not needed.

小题1:was cleaning
小题2:to hold
小题3:is asked
小题4:had lived
小题5:not leaving

小题1:句意:不只一个人在昨天6点钟时打扫教室。More than one person做主语时,谓语用单数;根据at 6 o’clock yesterday时间状语可知用过去进行时:was cleaning。
小题2:句意:—伦敦是第一个举办奥运会的欧洲国家吗?—不是,欧洲许多其他的地方都举办过了。the first修饰名词时后面用动词的不定式形式。
小题3:句意:现在不仅学生而且老师被要求按时到校。并列连词not only … but also...连接两个主语时,谓语动词采取就近原则。这里the teacher是单数名词靠近谓语动词,所以用单数形式,根据意思可知本句要用被动语态。
小题4:句意:我在1990年遇到她时,她已经在这个城市住了很多年了。1990年之前是过去的过去,所以要用过去完成时,谓语动词的形式是had lived。
小题5:句意:人们应该节约用电通过不用时关灯的方法。by是介词,后面用动词的-ing形式,其否定形式是在-ing前加not。所以是not leaving。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The restaurant is open every day_______(除了)Monday.
小题2:I haven't seen any exhibitions   (最近).
小题3:People usually visit ________(亲戚) on New Year
小题4:Timmy is good at English, but weak at_______ (法语).
小题5:The boy decided to go ____________ (到国外) for further study.
小题6:The student is good at designing computer_______(程序).
小题7:I don’t think Mr Wu would mind         (采访) our queen
小题8:-Is the hospital far away from here?
-No, it's about 10 minutes’_______ from here. You can go there on foot.
小题9:-I didn't see the railway station before.
-Really? The railway station has been in_______ for five years.
小题10:We’d better hurry to the _______.
Take it easy. The plane will take off in four hours. We can take a bus there.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- How does he go to Chong Qing?
A.Take trainB.By trainC.By the trainD.By trains


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

一Do you know ________ Jenny comes to school every day?
一Of course I do.She rides her bike.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:Michael is becoming more and more _________ (interest) in Chinese culture.
小题2:I love the opera, Cats. It’s so _________ (fun).
小题3:He looks _________ (excite). What happened to him?
小题4:This is a story about a poor boy _________ (live) in a village.
小题5:I always feel happy when I see my son’s _________ (smile) faces to me.
小题6:This _________(feel) makes him upset all day and night.
小题7:He is ill today, but he got up as early as _________(usually).
小题8:She is a _________(love) girl. We all like her.
小题9:“Do be a _________(help) person!”my father always says to me.
小题10:“Did _________(someone) let you go?”the teacher asked angrily.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:—In the past, parents couldn’t afford an education for their children.
—Yes. But now great changes have taken place in China.
—The government will            (提供)poor people with nice houses.
—Sounds wonderful.
小题2:We believe we’ll            (成功)in finishing the hard work.
小题3:          (垃圾)pollution influences our environment.
小题4:Edison made many great            (发明)in his life.
小题5:He couldn’t find a            (合适的)place to take photos.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The boy is often seen ___________________(play) the guitar in the next room.
小题2:A third of the population of Taixing _________________(have) their own cars.
小题3:Tell your parents ________________(true) what you have done, or they’ll worry about you.
小题4:Of all the teachers, Mr Green is _______________________(strict) with us.
小题5:In school, teachers always care about the students’ __________________(safe) and fitness.
小题6:They won’t play games until their homework ___________________(complete) tomorrow.
小题7:--- What do you think of the movie ?
--- I have never seen a ______________________(wonder) one.
小题8:Could you tell me how much the pig _______________(weigh) when it was born ?
小题9:Here are the __________________(enter) to the cinema.
小题10:How handsome they are in those ______________________(act) clothes !
小题11:--- Excuse me, Mr King. You’d better not smoke here. Look at the sign!
--- Sorry, I __________________(not see) it.
小题12:Look! The little sheep ___________________(eat) grass happily with their mother.
小题13:--- Why not park our car here ?
--- Look at the sign. They don’t allow ________________(park) cars here.
小题14:The __________________(able) should be helped kindly instead of being looked down on.
小题15:Do you know how soon they ___________________(leave) for London ? Sorry, I’ve no idea. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Do you know the girl _______is singing in the classroom?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Mr. Green uses a lot of games in his ___________.(teach )
小题2:My uncle _________(dead) three years ago.
小题3:She _______(forget) to turn off the light when she left the room.
小题4:We can see many_______________( farm) working on the farm..
小题5:France is in _______________(west) Europe.
小题6:We can learn many_____________things about the tower if we listen to the guide carefully.(interest)
小题7:The cat is so small, and we should take good__________(careful) of it.
小题8:My mother often encourages me ____________(study) hard and enter a famous university.
小题9:The statue(雕像)is in the______________(central) of the park.
小题10:The rich man donated( 捐赠 )a lot of money. The___________(receive) are from the poor countryside.

