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小题1:Do you know that scientists have           /           water on Mars?
小题2:We all like the music because it is very         /        .
小题3:He is a clever boy and he can play the         /          very well.
小题4:Tony’s father is a famous          /         .
小题5:You should smile when you like           or          .

小题1:B/I (可互换)
小题2:H/J (可互换)
小题3:C/E  (可互换)
小题4:D/F (可互换
小题5:A/G (可互换)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Jim and Bill work in the same factory. They 小题1:in the same building, too. Jim’s room is on the seventh floor and Bill’s is on the   小题2:. They often go work in the morning and have lunch in the same   小题3:at noon. After work they go home.
Bill likes listening to music so he bought a radio and turns it on   小题4:he is at home. It is so   小题5:that Jim can hear it in his room. He likes 小题6:. The loud music often makes him close the window. It’s very hot in the room, he has to stop reading and goes   小题7:for a walk.
One evening Jim was very tired. He   小题8:to bed after supper. But he couldn’t fall asleep because of the music. He had to get up and went to Bill’s room and said, “Could I borrow your   小题9:, please?”
“Certainly,” said Bill, “Are you interested in 小题10:, too?”
“No,” answered the young man, “I want to have a good sleep tonight.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Last sunday afternoon,my mother and I  小题1: busy but happy.We  小题2: an apple milk shake.  小题3: my mother let me  小题4: some apples with water and cut them up,then we put the apples and ice cream into the blender and then we  小题5: the milk into the blender.  小题6:  we  小题7:  on the blender for onl y two minutes.After that,we  小题8: the milk shake.
Next week my mother 小题9: more ingredients and she wants to make super chicken  小题10: 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:It’s the first exam for Tom after he went to the college. He did ____/___ in it.
小题2:Be careful when you ____/_____across the road.
小题3:The shirt feels _____/_____.
小题4:People mustn’t kill ____/_____ for their meat.
小题5:We should keep ______/______ English every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


My name is Michael .I am a     小题1:   boy. I like red and blue. I am often (经常)in red a T-shirt and blue   小题2:  My favorite color is white.   I have a   小题3: .Her name is Tana.   She is twelve   小题4: old. She  小题5: orange and pink.   So she is often   小题6:   orange skirts. Her   小题7:   actor is Yang Mi. My sister and I are in Beijing     小题8:    High School now. We are in     小题9:    grades. I am in Grade3 and she is in Grade1.We are brother and sister, we are good  friends,小题10:     


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:We have                      (更多的空余时间) for our hobbies now.
小题2:You’d better                         (不戴太阳镜) in the room.
小题3:I think he will succeed if he__________________________(坚持到底)
小题4:Something must be done__________________________(减少污染)
小题5:You ______________________________(不允许抽烟) in the library


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

选词填空(本题有6 小题,每小题0.5 分,共3 分)
A. sleepy   B. aloud   C. covered   D. opportunity   E. final  F. across
小题1: She was so scared and called ________ for help.
小题2: The boring movie made us feel _______ last night.
小题3: Jack told his mother he would do well in his ___  ___ exam.
小题4: She ________ her face with her hands and ran into her bedroom.
小题5: Don’t miss this __________, it may never come again.
小题6: He is going to swim __  ____the Tiaoxi River next week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

  I have never been so 小题1: in my life. Well, I had a doctor’s 小题2: at 10∶00 yesterday morning but my clock didn’t go off, so I 小题3: , my father 小题4: already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out. I had to 小题5: . I ran to the bus stop 小题6: breakfast.   小题7: , the bus had left two minutes before I got there. By the time I got to the doctor’s office, it was half an hour late. The doctor had already gone to the hospital. Then I 小题8: another appointment at 1∶00 in the afternoon and went home. After 小题9: lunch I started watching TV. And then at 2∶00, I suddenly 小题10: I had forgotten the 1∶00 appointment.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

health     potato   please   I    succeed
小题1:Miss Wang likes to have ____________ for lunch.
小题2:Mr.Green felt __________. Because he had a wonderful trip.
小题3:It’s not my knife. ________ is in the desk.
小题4:Miss Wang is a _______ teacher. All students like her very much.
小题5:They eat lots of vegetables and fruits every day, So they are __________.

