精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

 Look!There are many clothes on the clothes line in front of the Smiths’ house. The red sweater on the right is Tony’s. He is the Smiths’ little son. He likes red and red is his favourite color. The brown jacket in the middle is Mr Smith’s. He is a professor (教授) in the National Geological Institute(国家地质研究院) . He likes brown very much. What about the yellow T-shirt? Is that  Mrs  Smith’s? No,it is not hers. It is her daughter,Nancy’s.  Nancy likes  yellow. She often wears her  yellow T-shirt to school. Look at that light  blue  dress.  That’s  Mrs  Smith’s. It,s  a  nice dress and Mrs Smith likes it very much because she loves blue and blue is her lucky color.

(   ) 1 . There are many clothes on the clothes line        .

    A. behind the Smiths’ house

    B. between the Smiths,and the Browns’ houses

    C. in front of the Smiths’ house

    D. at the back of the Smiths’ house 

(   ) 2.          is  Tony’s.

    A. The red skirt on the left    B. The red T-shirt on the right

    C. The red jacket in the middle    D. The red sweater on the right

(   ) 3. Mr Smith is        .

    A. a teacher of English in an institute

   B. a student in a middle school

    C. a doctor in a hospital

    D. a professor in the National Geological Institute 

(   ) 4. The yellow T-shirt on the clothes line        .

    A. is Nancy’s    B. is     very  bad    C. is very dear    D. is not cheap

(   ) 5. From this passage we know that        .

 A. Mrs Smith doesn’t like blue    B. Nancy is not the Smiths’ daughter

 C. there are four people in the Smith family  D. red is Mrs Smith’s favourite color


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Hello,boys and girls,my n 1       is Mary. I’m fromCanada. I’m 9 years old. I have a big f 2       There are s 3       people in my family,my grandparents,my parents,my aunt,my brother and I. My  grandparents are  old,and their hair is w  4      . My  parents  are t  5      .  They teach English i 6      Beijing. My brother is Mike. We are twins    (双胞胎) ,so  he is  also  n  7       years old. He likes drawing (画) p 8      . Tomorrow  is  my mother’s birthday. I  want  to  sing  a song f 9       her. Now,I want to  make  many Chinese  f 10      . Thank you!

1.        2.       3.         4.        5.       

6.        7.       8.         9.        10.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My name is Peter. I like sports,especially (特别地) playing football. Now I have one football,two basketballs and three volley balls. I often play football with my good friends. I am good at (擅长) English,but my maths is very poor (差) .I insist on (坚持) learning it. I hope I’ll make progress (取得进步) quickly.

1.根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1) Peter  likes sports.

(   ) 2) Peter  has three volley balls.

(   ) 3) Peter  is good at maths.

(   ) 4) Peter  studies English very well.

(   ) 5) Peter  often plays football with  his father.


6) What’s his favorite sport?

7) Who does he play football with?

8) Does he do well in English?

9) How is his maths?

10) Do you think he can make progress quickly?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mum: Supper is ready,Tom.

Tom: Do we have chicken today,Mum?

Mum: No,we eat fish and carrots,dear.

Tom: Mum,I don’t like carrots. I like chicken.

Mum: But we need more vegetables,not only meat. It’s not healthy to eat chicken every day. Tom: OK. But Dad likes chicken,too.

Mum: Well,let’s have chicken and broccoli (西兰花) tomorrow.

Tom: That sounds great!

(   ) 1. The conversation happens        .

    A. in the morning       B. at noon

    C. in the evening    D. at night

(   ) 2. Tom wants to have        for  supper.

A. chicken    B. fish    C. carrots    D. broccoli

(   ) 3.        like  chicken.

A. Tom and his mother    B. Tom and his father

C. Tom and his parents    D. Tom’s parents

(   ) 4. It’s not healthy to eat        every  day.

A. vegetables    B. rice    C. fruits    D. chicken

(   ) 5. They will have        tomorrow.

A. chicken and carrots    B. fish and carrots

C. chicken and broccoli    D. fish and broccoli


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Teacher: Which meal do we need most,breakfast,lunch or dinner?

Tony: 1     

Teacher: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I don’t  2       we need  it  most.

Tony : Is lunch the meal we need most?

Teacher: No,3      is the meal we  need most. But why?

Kate : Because it is a long time from  night to morning and  we  have no  4       during the time.

Teacher: Right!If we don’t have breakfast,we don’t feel 5     .  But  what  makes a good breakfast?

James : I think we can 6      milk,bread noodles or porridge (麦片粥) .  7     are good for breakfast.

Teacher: That’s right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits 8      the morning,too. They make us healthy.

David : I 9      Coca-Cola a lot. Can I have it in the morning?

Teacher: You’d better not. Water is good for you.

Danny : Mum says we can not eat too many things after 10     .

Teacher: Right,Danny. It may make you sick (不舒服) . After sports you need water and a rest first,not lots of food.

(   ) 1. A.  Breakfast    B. Lunch    C. Dinner    D. Dessert

(   ) 2. A.  think    B. know    C. like    D. have

(   ) 3. A.  breakfast    B. lunch    C. dinner    D. dessert

(   ) 4. A.  fruits    B. vegetables    C. food    D. water

(   ) 5. A.  good    B. bad    C. fine    D. well

(   ) 6. A.  take    B. have    C. make    D. drink

(   ) 7. A.  We    B. You    C. They    D. It

(   ) 8. A.  at    B. in    C. on    D. for

(   ) 9. A.  like    B. bring    C. take    D. eat

(   ) 10. A.  school    B. class    C. dessert    D. sports


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

An American goes to the Great Wall with her little son on May 1. There are too 1       people there. So her son is lost. She can’t find 2       She goes to a policeman 3       help.

“Don’t worry,I can help you 4       . But tell me what he 5       like,” the policeman says to her. The woman tells him he 6       a long face,two big eyes and a big nose. He is only six. He is 7       red sweater and blue trousers. He has brown hair. The policeman says there is a little boy 8       the police station. He is a short boy with two big eyes. The woman goes there. The boy comes on and 9       “Mum”. The woman 10       the policeman very much.

(   ) 1. A.  much    B. more    C. many    D. most

(   ) 2. A.  a boy    B. a son    C. him    D. he

(   ) 3. A.  to ask    B. ask for    C. to ask  for    D. asks     for

(   ) 4. A.  find it    B. /    C. find son    D. look  for

(   ) 5. A.  look    B. is    C. has    D. see

(   ) 6. A.  is    B. have    C. has    D. be

(   ) 7. A.  in    B. wears    C. in a    D. wear

(   ) 8. A.  in    B. at    C. on    D. for

(   ) 9. A.  cry    B. speak    C. says    D. talks

(   ) 10. A. thinks    B. thank    C. thanks    D. think


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Mary’s birthday comes. Mrs Green holds (举行) a birthday p 1       for her. Mary is thirteen y 2      old this year. There are twenty f 3      at her party. Now,Mr Green puts a big c 4      on the table.  Mrs Green h 5       Mr Green put candles  (蜻烛) on it and put some food on the table. Mary’s sister buys some f 6      .  She thinks they will 1  7      apples  and bananas. Lily buys a blue T-shirt for Mary. Mary is very h 8      . She says, “I w 9      to buy  this T-shirt  for a long  time.  Thank  you, Lily!” At six o’clock in the afternoon,they have a nice d  10      .

1.          2.      3.            4.          5.         

6.          7.      8.            9.          10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 My name is Mary and I have a brother and a sister,David and Helen. For breakfast,we all like hamburgers. Helen and I like milk,but David doesn’t. I don’t like eggs for breakfast,but David and Helen do. I like them for lunch. I like fruit for supper. We really like chicken and salad for dinner. I like fried chicken and salad with carrots. David likes salad with fruit. Helen thinks everything for salad is fine.

1.根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1) Mary likes eggs for lunch.

(   ) 2) David likes milk for breakfast.

(   ) 3) Mary and Helen like fried chicken.

(   ) 4) David likes salad.

(   ) 5) Helen doesn’t like carrots for salad.


6) Who,s Helen?

7) Does David like milk for breakfast?

8) What does Mary have for lunch?

9) Does David like salad?

10) What kind of salad does Helen like to have?

