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参考词语:difficulty, learn, overcome(克服)\

We moved to the city when I entered my middle school. But my problem was that no one cooked for me at noon because my parents didn’t come home at noon. I ate outside. Then I watched my parents cooking dinner carefully. A few days later, I learned to cook for myself, and now I can cook delicious food.
I learned from it that we may meet some difficulties in our life. But if we have confidence and are good at learning, everything will be better.

试题分析:这是一篇话题作文。要求介绍要写出以下三个要点,1) 困难是什么?2) 怎样克服的?3) 感想或领悟,另外,根据题目要求确定本文的时态是一般过去时.
【亮点说明】这篇短文不仅介绍人物时注意避免句式重复而且使用了大量的的短语,可见该生英语功底扎实。.如We moved to the city when I entered my middle school,I learned from it that we may meet some difficulties in our life. But if we have confidence and are good at learning, everything will be better . A few days later Then,,等,使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Nick Petrella is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of more than100 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten years.
Dr. Petrella offers lots of help to his patients. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do.
He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrella has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then he explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.
Dr. Petrella makes and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform in Las Vegas.
His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a CD of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrella says, “I always love to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrella was young,
his father didn’t want him to be a singer. So he went to a medical school.
Some people tell Dr. Petrella he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrella says he helps people when he sings, too. “1 like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good .
Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage.
小题1: In his TV show, Dr. Petrella _________ .
A. sings love songs he wrote         
B. sings about different diseases
C. sings and explains a medical problem
小题2:           isn’t used in his TV show.
A. Russian  B. English  C. Italian
小题3:Dr. Petrella performs in his show 10_________.
A. become famous    B. make people feel good    C- achieve his dream
小题4:   From the article, we can know Dr. Petrella is _____________.
A. talented and proud   B, creative but lazy    C. kind and helpful
小题5:   What’s the best title (标题)of the article?
A. Medicine and Entertainment  B. His Dream Came True   C. A Singing Doctor


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever complained that life is so tiring or that there is too much homework? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and smile all the time. If you look at the world with a warm heart, you will find that the whole world smiles at you.
While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you noticed the happy smile on your teacher’s face when you do a good job?
If one day it is fine, but just before you go out, it suddenly starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start complaining about the weather. Dear friends, why don’t you sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature offers you? Also with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and better and farmers will have a good harvest.
Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failure can’t be avoided. I think failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and give up hope. When we face failure, we must be confident of ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish what we have decided to do. As a popular saying goes, “Failure is the mother of the success.”
Attitude decides everything, with an optimistic attitude life is easy and pleasant. Let’s smile at whatever we meet and the whole world will smiles at us.
小题1:Students sometimes complain _____________.
A.life is interestingB.the sky seems bright
C.their studies are successful.D.there is too much homework.
小题2:When we face failure,  we _____________________.
A.mustn’t be confidentB.should be afraid of everything
C.shouldn’t give up hopeD.must lose heart
小题3:The Chinese for the world “optimistic” in the last paragraph is “____________”.
小题4:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Complaining about life.
B.It is very hard to succeed.
C.Failure is the mother of success.
D.Smile at the world even when you are in trouble.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

书面表达 (共15分)
1. 词数70左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。否则不予评分。

Welcome to school clubs
The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs.
These are the most popular clubs in our school, and hope you can join us.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

Michael 的朋友 Sam 在学习和生活中遇到以下烦恼,请你以Michael的名义给Tom写一封信来安慰他,并提出你的建议。
要   求:1. 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范,所给信息必须全部用上;
2. 适当发挥,词数80词左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
Dear Sam,
How is everything going ? _____________________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

请以“Are we ready for the Senior High School Entrance Examination?“为题,用英语写一篇短文,内容要点如下:
注意事项 1、短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;
Are we ready for the Senior High School Entrance Examination?
How times flies! The Senior High School Entrance Examination is coming soon!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

假如明天是你妈妈的生日,你想为妈妈做一份炒饭,请根据所给内容提示,写一篇你做炒饭的过程。1. 2. 3.
参考词汇:1. fried rice  cooked meat   oil   salt   green onions(葱)
2. cook   cut   put    fry    add
3. carefully  finely(细微地)  slowly  lightly
要   求:1.语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯;
3. 词数:70词左右。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

假如你是Joe, 你的朋友Dennis转到新的学校后给你来信。他说在新学校老师对他很好,但他没有朋友,功课也学得不太好,因此感到很沮丧,请你给他写一封信,给他提一些建议或忠告,要求80词左右。
Dear Dennis,
I’m glad to get your letter,……

