精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

My children are【小题1】   up fast. My daughter is 16 and my boy is already in junior high school. As they get bigger our house seems to get【小题2】  . So we want to sell some of our things in a yard sale and give the money to a【小题3】     home.
We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms. We have 【小题4】   to each sell five things that we no longer use. My son was quite 【小题5】   at first. Although he has not played with his old toys for a long time, he still wanted to keep them. For example, he has owned a train and railway set since his【小题6】   birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. And he did not want to lose his toy monkey, either.
He 【小题7】    next to the monkey every night when he was a child. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with【小题8】    toys.
As for 【小题9】   , I did not want to give up my football shirts, but, to be【小题10】   , I have not played for a while now. I am getting older, too!


【小题1】根据下文My daughter is 16 and my boy is already in junior high school. As they get bigger---的描述可知,这里指的是孩子们长得很块。结合所给词汇,可知应填growing,grow up:长大。
【小题3】根据语境并结合所给词汇可知,这里指的是作者他们想把拍卖得来的钱捐给儿童之家。故填children’s,children’s home:儿童之家。
【小题5】联系下文Although he has not played with his old toys for a long time, he still wanted to keep them的描述可知,这里指的是作者的儿子对自己的玩具很有感情,不想拍卖,所以显得非常伤心。故填sad。
【小题7】根据下文的“every night”,并结合所给词汇可知,这里指的是作者的儿子每晚都伴着玩具猴一起入睡。由于这是叙述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故应填slept。
【小题9】根据下文I did not want to give up my football shirts的描述可知,这里是针对作者自己的情感描述。结合所给词汇可知应填me,as for me:对我来说。
【小题10】根据语境,这里是表达个人观点,“说实话”之意,故应填honest,to be honest是习惯用法,有“实话实说”、“诚实地说”之意。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

offer     walk     valuable      big      discover
forget     harmful    important    exactly     watch
【小题1】Eric spends half an hour     TV every evening.
【小题2】My brother didn' t realize the     of English until he began to work in a Canadian factory.
【小题3】She    where she parked her car yesterday, so it took her a long time to find it.
【小题4】Every day after supper, my father     his dog in the park.
【小题5】Smoking is     to your health, so you'd better give it up.
【小题6】The house is     the same as it was 20 years ago.
【小题7】This T-shirt is kind of small. Can you show me a     one?
【小题8】Our teacher gave us some     advice on how to learn English well
【小题9】The strueture(结构)of DNA was one of the most important    in the twentieth century.
【小题10】He said he would drive rne home, but I turned down his    .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

international school;  good treatment;   achievements;   discussion;   population;    pollution
【小题1】 They were proud of their children’s ______________.
【小题2】 The ___________ was terrible because the shoe factory used to dump its waste into the river.
【小题3】 Would you like to study in that ____________ ?
【小题4】We had a long ______________ about the question.
【小题5】 They went to a big hospital for  ___________.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

within    just    lost their lives    in their twenties    put out
A: Have you heard of a big fire on May Day?
B: Not yet. When and where did the fire happen?
A: It happened on May 1st in Shanghai.
B: Did the firemen   【小题1】  the fire soon?
A: Yes. The firemen reached the burning building   【小题2】  six minutes.
B: Was anybody hurt in the fire?
A: Two firemen   【小题3】  in the fire.
B: I am sorry to hear that.
A: These two firemen are very young. Both of them are   【小题4】 .
B: I am very sad. They are   【小题5】  several years older than us.
A: I have the same feeling. Fire is really terrible. Everyone should be careful with it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

We live in an Internet society. The Internet has become an (a) 【小题1】___________ part of our lives. With the help of the Internet, our work has become easier to do and we can do it【小题2】_____ . Most of us like surfing the Internet for pleasure. We can all search for information that we are 【小题3】____________ in . The Internet helps us learn about what is happening【小题4】___________the world. At the same time , it encourages us to use English. We students can find 【小题5】_________ information and enrich our knowledge.
However, some students spend too much time 【小题6】____________computer games. It’s very
【小题7】____________ not only for our study but also to our health. We should remember that not everything is 【小题8】__________ for us. We should stay away from【小题9】____________ that show bad ideas and materials. If we use the Internet 【小题10】____________ , it will serve us better.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

change      have        be          write         open
Homework may  【小题1】    boring for most students. But last Friday, students in my class 【小题2】 interesting and special homework to do. Our head teacher asked us 【小题3】 a letter to ourselves ten years in the future. How do you write to your future self ? Everyone was surprised and whispered about,“You can set a standard(标准)of life you are willing to live by. Maybe the letter【小题4】 in ten years." Our head teacher reminded us. My life  【小题5】 a lot since l was in Grade Nine. I think I am sure to do it well.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

improve   own    please   relax   weak
【小题1】Who is the _______ of the new sports car?
【小题2】Just sit down and try to _______ for a while, Grace.
【小题3】Linda’s health has _______ greatly since she started on this new diet.
【小题4】Li Ming is _______ in English, so he needs to spend more time on it.
【小题5】My parents told me Ms. Smith was really _______ with my work last term.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


stay   work   have  kill    catch
Jenney is my friend. She 【小题1】      a cat. The cat is very old. So she can't run quickly and she can't bite, either.
One day the old cat saw a mouse. She jumped and 【小题2】       the mouse. But shecould not bite it, so the mouse jumped out ofher mouth and ran away.
Jenney became very angry because the mouse couldn't 【小题3】      by the cat. Shebegan to hit the cat. "Don't hit your old servant," the cat said. "Dear Jenney, I 【小题4】       here with you in a few years, for you for many years. Although I am too old,I 【小题5】     You should be friendly to me."
Please remember what good work the old did when they were young.

