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fisherman     prefer     usual   success    easy
小题1:Tom ______classical music to pop music in his free time.
小题2:June 5th is an ________ day. It is World Environment Day.
小题3:The __________ were very happy because they catch many fish.
小题4:You can never be_______ , unless you work hard.
小题5:They can become unhappy___________ if they can’t deal with the problems.



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。 (本大题共5分,每格0.5分)
The flying fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large bat(蝙蝠)that has got a fox’s head, and that feeds on fruit i   小题1:   of insects. Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes when at rest, and t 小题2:   in great groups when out flying. A group will l   小题3:  in one place for years. Sometimes several hundreds of them occupy(占据)a tree. As they return to the tree toward sunrise, they quarrel a  小题4:   themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight.
Flying foxes have b    小题5:   once a year, giving birth to only one at a time. At first the mother has to c 小题6:  the baby on her chest wherever she goes. Later she l 小题7:   it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby bat falls down to the g 小题8:   and squeaks(尖叫)for help. Then the older ones swoop(俯冲) down and try to pick it up. If they f  小题9:    to do so, it will die. Often hundreds of d 小题10:    baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of a tree..


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

缺词填空 (每小题1分,共10分)
Hello, boys and girls. I have some important things to tell you.
What’s the d 小题1: today? Yes, it is 8 November. And tomorrow is a big day for u  小题2:. It’s our first Open Day. And all your parents will come to school. We must get r  小题3: for it.
First of all, there is a p 小题4:   meeting in the school h  小题5:. It begins at 8:30 in the morning. So please tell your parents not to be l  小题6: . And after that, your parents can come to the classrooms. They can w 小题7: two of our lessons. You don’t want your parents to see a dirty and messy classroom, do you? So we must keep our classroom c  小题8: . And I h  小题9: all of you can be active in class. And I want you to be polite, too.
L  小题10:  work hard together to make tomorrow a happy day!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mike is English. But he can s__小题1:____ English, Japanese and C_小题2:__. He is studying at a school in Shanghai. He has four c__小题3:__ in the morning and two in the afternoon. He loves sports, b_小题4:___ he doesn’t like Maths. O__小题5:___ Friday afternoon, he often plays football in the playground. He usually stays at h__小题6:__ and does his homework on Saturdays. On S_小题7:___, he sometimes plays games w_小题8:____ his Chinese friends. His father w_小题9:____ in Shanghai. He teaches English. Mike and his father are very h_小题10:___ here.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello! My name is Tom. I’m glad to tell you I have made a good friend called Tim. We have many things in __小题1:____(共同的).We both have a lot of good___小题2:__(习惯).We both like exercising and reading books. After school, you can always see us play basketball on the playground. We also like collecting all kinds of cards. That’s interesting. On weekends, we often spend some time doing our homework and ___小题3:_(讨论) the problems on our studies. Sometimes, we play computer games together. It’s a good way to relax. We often help each other. We can both get good grades. We ___小题4:_(分享)everything we have. When we are together, we often enjoy ___小题5:__(我们)very much.___ 小题6:__(然而), in some ways we are different. He is more outgoing and I’m much ___小题7:__(滑稽可笑的).He can play the piano well. He likes painting,too.How___小题8:__(有才能的)he is! I still remembered ___小题9:__(清楚地)he took part in the school talent shows in the last Art Festival. He got a very good prize. Last summer vacation, we__小题10:___ (计划) a trip to Hangzhou. The same hobbies and healthy lifestyles make us keep friendship forever!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

短文填词 根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3)汉语提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义正确,拼写准确。(10分)

Look at this __小题1:__ (照片). The girl in a yellow __小题2:__ (连衣裙) is Maria.  She is very _小题3: t    . She 小题4:     short brown hair. Michael is __小题5:____(强壮的). He is in a black cap and blue shoes. He has blond __小题6: _. Jane is in a __小题7:___(紫色的)T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her hair is red. The _小题8:_   in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. His _小题9:p_   are blue. They are good friends and they  小题10:_  __ happy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

尉华在背诵Unit Two School life 时,其中一段中忘记了五个单词,请你帮助他写出这五个单词,填在下面表格中。
My name is John. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. It is a ___小题1:____ school. Boys and girls have lessons together. My favourite ____小题2:____ is Home Economics. I like learning how to cook and __小题3:_____. I did not know how to do things for ___小题4:_____ before I came to this school. Now, I know how to cook healthy and ____小题5:____ meals.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Ming is my best f____小题1:____. I feel so e___小题2:____ when I see her.
She is not very tall. She is not very beautiful e____小题3:____. She has poor eyesight. Her hair is shoulder-length.
Ming is not very smart, but she is h_____小题4:____. When I have to watch the shop for my parents, she always comes to help me for a few hours. In the shop, we talk about many things. We are t___小题5:____ friends and we s____小题6:_____ secrets. We never tell our secrets to o___小题7:___ people.
T_______小题8:_____ Ming is going to Shanghai, and she is not coming b___小题9:____ to Beijing. Today, she gave me a card. Is this the e___小题10:____ of our friendship?

