精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  One of the things I always believe is that no matter how bad something is, you can take something positive out of it. The one time I wasn't sure of that was on September 11.

  I usually wake up at 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning. That day, Lhappened to wake up earlier. I turned on the TV and I saw that a plane had crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. My first reaction was that it was a terrible accident. Then I saw another plane fly into the South Tower and I realized that I was witnessing an act of terrorism.

  My wife and I spent the day watching the terrible pictures over and over again. When I watched family members looking for their loved ones, the pain in their eyes was something I would never forget. I couldn't understand how something this terrible could have happened.

  It wasn't until a few weeks after September 11 that I began to see that perhaps  some good did come from this tragedy. People seem different now, more understanding,more tolerant. Little things that seemed to be such trouble before are no longer big things. Personally, I am more tolerant than I was. I realize life is too short and too precious to let myself get worried over small things. I've learned also that you can't take things for granted. Things change in the blind of an eye. People go to work and don't come back. One moment they're living and the next minute they're not. And, it doesn't matter who you are, there is nothing you can do about it. We never know when our time here will be over, so we all need to make the most of every minute we have.

  You try to learn from what happened. You can't be used up by it. You can't live by it. All you can do is just live.

  注:crash撞击  reaction反应  witness目击  tragedy悲剧  tolerant宽容的  precious珍贵的  take…for granted认为……是当然的

1.The word “positive” in the passage probably means ________.

[  ]


2.What did the writer see after he turned on the TV that morning?

[  ]

A.A fire starting.
B.A plane flying.
C.A terrible accident.
D.An act of terrorism.

3.From September 11, the writer has realized that ________.

[  ]

A.people should make the most of every minute they have

B.he has become less tolerant towards others

C.he should get worried about little things

D.life is too short to care about others

4.What's the best title(题目) of this passage?

[  ]

A.A Report about September 11.

B.The Tragedy of September 11.

C.September 11 and My Family.

D.September 11 and My Turn.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:054


  Mr. Black has a company(公司)in New York. His workers are building a (1) over a river near a town. He's strict with the workers and tells them to work hard and get to the building site(工地) on time. And several of them (2) because they were late.

  One summer afternoon it was very (3) outside. Mr. Black came to the building site. He got off his car and found all the workers working hard in the sun. He was happy and told to buy enough (4) for them. Suddenly he saw a young man sitting under a big tree and drinking tea there. He became (5) and came up to him. The young man didn't (6) him, keeping on sitting there.

  “How much (7) you (7) in a month, young man?

  “One thousand eight hundred dollars, sir. was the answer.

  Mr. Black (8) his secretary(秘书)and said Take him to the office and pay him two thousand dollars and let him go! I'll never see him!

  Soon after the young man (9) , a foreman(工头) came and asked, Where' the young man gone?

  “Who's he? said Mr. Black.

  “I'm sorry I don't know, Mr. Black. said the fore-man, I was told he had come to bring a (10) for me.

(1)                      [  ]











(2)                      [  ]



Atook     to a hospital


Bwere     taken to a hospital


Csent     away


Dwere     sent away


(3)                      [  ]











(4)                      [  ]











(5)                      [  ]











(6)                      [  ]



Asay     hello to


Bsay     goodbye to


Claugh     at


Dsmile     upon


(7)                      [  ]



Ado,     pay


Bdo,     lend


Care,     paid


Dare,     lent


(8)                      [  ]





Bturned     to






(9)                       [  ]









Dstood     up


(10)                      [  ]












科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

I'm Tom. I'm a student of a middle school. I'm glad to meet you here. First(首先)let me say __1__about my family.

There are five people in my __2__:my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and I.

My father is an __3__ worker. My mother is a teacher __4__ English. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen. I'm fourteen. We __5__ are in the same school. We all study hard.

My __6__ is at West Hill. There is a big tree and some small trees around my house. The big one is a pear tree and the small ones are apple __7__, _8__ there aren't any pears or apples on them.

__9__ a photo of my house. In the photo, you can see three cats are in my house. One is white, _10__ two are black and white. We all like them very much.

1. A. anything                           B. something

C. thing                                 D. anyone

2. A. school                              B. house

C. home                                D. family

3. A. good                              B. small

C. young                               D. old

4. A. of                                 B. in

C. for                                  D. on

5. A. two                               B. five

C. three                                 D. all

6. A. bedroom                           B. house

C. room                                D. place

7. A. trees                              B. rivers

C. houses                                 D. schools

8. A. but                                B. and

C. so                                   D. or

9. A. He's                                 B. Here's

C. It's                                 D. There's

10. A. other                              B. any

C. the other                           D. some



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people.Luckily there’re small ways of helping them and you needn’t have a lot of__1__.One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine.__2__doing this one day,I got to__3__a young homeless man.He was often__4__the magazine at the train station.

He was a poor farmer from another country.After a while,I discovered that his__5__was close to mine.It__6__that we were born in the same month.

I met him last year__7__after his birthday,and after congratulating (祝贺) him,without__8__,I asked if he had had a good day.He__9__and said that he hadn’t really celebrated.I felt so__10__.

I just couldn’t bear the thought of (不敢想) this nice,young man being__11__on his 25th birthday with no presents,no cake,nothing!So I went home and looked in my yarn (纱线) basket.__12__for me,I had enough yarn__13__.I set to work and knitted (编织) a__14__for the young man.The yarn had become a little dirty__15__I didn’t knit very often.Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be__16__when he got it.

I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping.I had__17__to meet him so I had__18__the scarf and a piece of my own birthday__19__around with me.He was very happy with these gifts and so was I.The__20__in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!

1.A.work                        B.energy

C.money                        D.experience

2.A.In                          B.On

C.Besides                       D.By

3.A.realize                       B.ignore

C.know                         D.recognize

4.A.selling                        B.reading

C.covering                       D.buying

5.A.birthday                      B.house

C.height                        D.hobby

6.A.said                         B.found

C.guessed                       D.meant

7.A.long                        B.shortly

C.ever                          D.even

8.A.stopping                     B.helping

C.praising                       D.thinking

9.A.looked up                    B.turned up

C.looked down                    D.got down

10.A.foolish                      B.excited

C.clever                         D.worried

11.A.calm                       B.happy

C.alone                         D.hungry

12.A.Suddenly                     B.Luckily

C.Badly                         D.However

13.A.used                       B.done

C.left                          D.produced

14.A.scarf                       B.cap

C.sock                         D.glove

15.A.when                       B.because

C.so                           D.and

16.A.different                    B.dry

C.wet                          D.clean

17.A.liked                       B.hoped

C.promised                      D.agreed

18.A.made                       B.thrown

C.received                       D.carried

19.A.cake                       B.present

C.song                         D.party

20.A.light                       B.pain

C.sight                         D.tear


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When I was a little girl,my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then.And I remember one__1__when my mom placed a plate of eggs,sausage and extremely__2__toast (土司面包) in front of my dad.I remember__3__to see if anyone noticed!__4__all my dad did was reach for his toast,__5___at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.

When I__6__from the table that evening,I remember hearing my mom__7__to my dad for burning the toast.And I’ll__8__forget what he said,“Baby,I love burnt toast.” Later that night,I went to__9__Dad good night and I asked him if he really__10__his toast burnt.He wrapped me up in his__11__and said,“Debbie,your mom had a__12__day at work today and she’s really tired.And besides,a little burnt toast never__13__anyone!” In bed that night,I thought about the scene at dinner and the__14__my dad showed to my mom.

To this day,it’s a cherished (珍贵的)__15__from my childhood that I’ll never forget.And it’s one that came to__16__just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.

As I__17__the plate in front of Jack,I waited for a(n)__18__about the burnt toast.But all I got was,“Thank you,dear!This is__19__.I know you had a hard day!” Just then,I thought about my parents,and was quietly thankful for having a__20__where burnt toast wasn’t a deal?breaker either!

1.A.noon                        B.afternoon

C.morning                       D.night

2.A.expected                     B.burnt

C.sweet                        D.delicious

3.A.being encouraged               B.being allowed

C.waiting                        D.refusing

4.A.Yet                         B.Although

C.So                           D.Until

5.A.laugh                        B.smile

C.shout                         D.stare

6.A.got up                       B.got back

C.broke away                    D.put forward

7.A.report                      B.shout

C.apologize                      D.complain

8.A.almost                      B.never

C.often                         D.hardly

9.A.ask                         B.greet

C.tell                           D.kiss

10.A.liked                       B.got

C.cooked                       D.made

11.A.head                       B.heart

C.arms                        D.hands

12.A.boring                      B.hard

C.disappointing                   D.sad

13.A.hurts                       B.comforts

C.invites                        D.hates

14.A.interest                     B.surprise

C.kindness                       D.satisfaction

15.A.feeling                      B.story

C.choice                        D.memory

16.A.life                        B.mind

C.an end                        D.a conclusion

17.A.set down                    B.took away

C.finished up                     D.washed up

18.A.answer                     B.question

C.comment                     D.suggestion

19.A.possible                     B.true

C.terrible                        D.great

20.A.condition                    B.future

C.situation                       D.marriage


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip (旅行) to another town. He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to  1  things with. He  2  to take ten servants with him. They would  3  the things to sell and the food to  4  on their trip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to  5  and asked to  6  with them.
  The rich man said to the little boy, “Well,  7  may go with us.  8  you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my  9 , you can’t carry a  10  load (担子). You must  11  the lightest one to carry.” The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry. That was bread.
  “You are  12 .” said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest one.” The boy said  13  and lifted the load gladly.
  On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. All the servants were tired  14  the little servant. Do you know  15 ? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.

  1. A. eat        B. buy                C. change        D. get
  2. A. decided     B. liked               C. hoped        D. tried
  3. A. take       B. bring               C. carry         D. borrow
  4. A. cook       B. eat                C. buy          D. drink
  5. A. them       B. the servants (仆人) C. the road      D. the rich man
  6. A. stop       B. stay               C. go          D. talk
  7. A. you        B. he                 C. I            D. they
  8. A. Since      B. If                  C. Because      D. But
  9. A. family      B. guests              C. servants      D. things
  10. A. heavy     B. light               C. small         D. difficult
  11. A. eat       B. choose             C. pick up       D. understand
  12. A. brave     B. right               C. clever       D. foolish
  13. A. sorry      B. nothing             C. angrily        D. good-bye
  14. A. besides    B. of                C. except        D. with
  15. A. who       B. him               C. that          D. why

