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"Do you have your summer plan, Bill?"" Well, I want to go   __________ to relax with
my family."
A. interesting somewhere      
B. nowhere interesting         
C. somewhere interesting

试题分析:句意: 贝尔,你有暑假计划吗?噢,我想和我的全家去个有趣的地方放松一下。形容词interesting修饰somewhere要放在它的后面,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

-- Two bottles of apple juice, please.
-- Only one bottle is left. Would you like to have ___________, sir?
A.one B.itC.anyD.something


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Can you introduce yourself to us?
—Yes. _______ am a boy. _____name is Eric. ____phone number is 3334567.
A.I, I, MyB.I, I, I,C.My, I, MyD.I, My, My


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The more careful you are, the fewer _______(错误)you will make in your homework..
小题2:I spend two hours in ______(阅读)the English magazine Reader every day..
小题3:Wuhan is one of the _____(最炎热的)cities in China.
小题4:It’s reported that more than 300 people ______(失去)their lives in Turkey mine disaster in May, 2014.
小题5: Help _____(你们自己) to some fish, children.
小题6: Li Ming never goes to school ____(没有)breakfast.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

----Where will Alice sit?
----The seat next to Kenny’s is _________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:How happy we were to see the safe ____________ (arrive) of all the Chinese fishermen!
小题2:The ____________ (two) Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held in Nanjing in August,2014.
小题3:Compared with the young,People in the old days were living more ____________ (comfortable)
小题4:The ____________ (strict) his teacher is with him, the more progress he will make.
小题5:Children under 12 can’t be left at home by ___________ (them) in some states of America.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It’s polite to  k       on the door before entering a room.
小题2:He is hungry and he would like a  b       of tomato and beef noodles.
小题3:They will go to London for vacation in  A       , 2014.
小题4: His mother always gets up  e        because she makes breakfast for his family.
小题5:As students, we should  f        our homework on time every day.
小题6:We could hear her sweet           (声音) from the next room.
小题7:Would you please make a shopping list for the           (野餐)?
小题8:Tom like a apple, but he doesn’t like a           (香蕉) at all.
小题9:She borrowed my book last weekend, but she didn’t           (归还) it to me.
小题10: The grandpa still keeps doing homework           (虽然) he is seventy-nine years old.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:To tell the _______, I didn’t like the job very much at the beginning. (true)
小题2:Everyone should try to be polite and _______ to others. (help)
小题3:After the football game, he was too ______ to sleep. (exciting)
小题4:These years, young         are so crazy about GuoJingming’s books. (read)
小题5:In Changchun there’re around _______ students in a middle school class. (five)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

We have friends to help us fight against pollution, and trees are one of ________.

