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Drinking a glass of yoghurt is good       your health.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Donna,
Help! I’m a 15—year—old high school student in New York, In eight months, I’m going to take an entrance exam. To prepare, I’m studying six hours a day. I want to do well, but I’m really stressed(焦虑不安的) these days. I can’t sleep. What can I do?
Dear Mary,
Many students around the world have the same problems as you. Here is some advice to help you deal with the street. Good luck!
1.Make a study plan for yourself, but don’t study too much in one day. You remember more by studying one hour each day for six days, than six hours in one day. Also, don’t study late at night.
2.Have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes every two hours. Go outside and walk. Doing exercise is a great way to reduce stress.
3.Don’t eat for drink a lot of sugar or drink a lot of coffee. Eat food high in vitamin(维生素) B (for example, eggs, milk, green vegetable and rice). These give you energy and help you think more clearly.
4.A student partner can help you practice for the test. When you’re worried about the exam, you can talk to your partner. This can reduce stress, too.
【小题1】What is Mary’s problem?
A.She is so worried and can’t sleepB.She can’t pass the exam
C.She can’t communicate with othersD.She can’t study English well
【小题2】Donna thinks Mary’s problem is _________
【小题3】The underlined word “reduce” in the passage probably means __________
【小题4】Donna thinks that ________ can help Mary think more clearly.
A.eating a lot of sugarB.studying six hours every day
C.drinking a lot of coffeeD.eating foods high in vitamin B
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to Donna’s letter?
A.The best time to study is from 10p.m to 1 a. m
B.Walking outside can make you remember more
C.It’s good to tell a study partner about your feeling.
D.It’s necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years, and today it is still one of the favorite drinks in the world. Many people in the world begin their busy day by drinking a cup of or several cups of coffee. They have always said that a cup of coffee in the morning helps them begin their day in the right way. So they say a cup of coffee is necessary for them in the morning.
Do you know what in the coffee makes our bodies and brains(大脑) active? It is caffeine(咖啡因). Caffeine may increase a person’s mental and physical abilities(精力和体能). For example, two cups of coffee will make you breathe faster and augmentbody heat. All this makes you heart beat faster, and doctors warn that this may be a little dangerous.
Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, chocolate and some other foods. A little caffeine is probably not harmful. But much caffeine can make people nervous and sleepless.
【小题1】A good title for this passage is              .
A.Coffee Is HarmfulB.Coffee and TeaC.Caffeine and HealthD.Caffeine Is Useful
【小题2】 The word “augment “ means               .
【小题3】 From this passage, we may know that drinking a cup of coffee late at night might             .
A.give you a headacheB.make you fall sleepC.keep you awakeD.be dangerous
【小题4】Caffeine is found in             .
A.tea and waterB.fish and meatC.coffee and jamD.coffee, tea and some other foods


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏东台头灶镇中学初二下期质量形成追踪测控英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

There are many things you can do to improve your memory. Among them are many kinds of useful ways as well as taking special care of your health.
It is important that you make yourself excited to make your memory more active. You can do this by doing some new activities and by changing your daily habits. Learning a new skill helps your brain(大脑)to develop. When trying to remember something, you should pay special attention to the most important things about it. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories.
An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures. Try to see the pictures in your mind. Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.
Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well. Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory. You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest. When you are asleep, your brain stores memory. Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information. And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well.
In order to keep your mind on your work, you must be free from worry. Generally, keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well — not just for improving your memory.

How to   【小题1】   your memory
* Take special __【小题3】__ of your health
* You can make yourself excited to make your memory more active by taking ____【小题4】___ in some new activities and changing your daily habits
*Pay attention to the most important things in order to add to your chances to ___【小题5】______ right memories
* ___【小题6】______ information with pictures is a very good way to help memory.
* You’d better take notes and keep ____【小题7】_______
*It’s necessary to eat ____【小题8】______food and take plenty of vitamins
Other ways
* You should drink ____【小题9】____ water
*Having enough sleep and rest will __【小题10】__ you think clearly and well


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省无锡市阳山中学初二下学期期中英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

0ur village carpenter(木匠),John Hill, came one day and made a dining table for my wife.  He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two window.  When I got home that evening, John was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill( 账单) for his job.
My wife said to me quietly, “That’s his ninth cup of tea today. ”But she said in a loud voice, “It’s a beautiful table, dear, isn’t it?” “I’ll decide about that when I see the bill,” I said.  John laughed and gave me his bill for the work.  I read:
One dining table                 10th November, 2011
Cost of wood                    $ 17:00
Paint                           $1. 50
Work, 8 hours($1 an hour)          $8. 00
Total                           $36. 50
When I was looking at the bill, John said,” It’s been a fine day, hasn’t it? Quite sunny. ”
“Yes,” I said.  “I’m glad it’s only the 10th of November. ”
“Me, too,” said John, “you wait—it will be a lot colder by the end of the month. ”
“Yes, colder—and more expensive! Dining table will be $20 more expensive on November 30th, won’t they, John?”
John looked hard at me for half a minute.  Was there a little smile in his two blue eyes? I gave his bill back to him.
“If it’s not too much trouble, John,” I said,“Please add(加) it up again, You can forget the date-------”
I paid him $26. 50 and he was happy to get it.
【小题1】Why did John talk about the weather when the writer was looking at the bill?

A. Because he didn’t want the writer to check the bill carefully.
B. Because he wanted to show that he was really polite.
C.Because it’s a good way to communicate with each other.
D.Because he wanted to confirm what the weather was like.
【小题2】How much would John ask for if he made a dining table on the last day of December according to his bill?
A.$ 26. 50B.$36. 50C.$56. 50D.$57. 50
【小题3】When John got the money, he was happy because__________________________.
A. he felt lucky to get the money for his work
B. he got paid a lot more than usual for his work
C. he got as much money as he had expected
D. he didn’t have to add up the costs any more
【小题4】Which word can best describe John?
A. CleverB. SillyC. DishonestD. Humorous(幽默的)
【小题5】What can we learn about John from the passage?
A. He made a mistake carelessly in the bill
B. He tried to get more money for his work.
C. He had written the bill before the writer got home
D. He had talked about the bill with the writer’s wife.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏东台头灶镇中学初二下期质量形成追踪测控英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are many things you can do to improve your memory. Among them are many kinds of useful ways as well as taking special care of your health.

It is important that you make yourself excited to make your memory more active. You can do this by doing some new activities and by changing your daily habits. Learning a new skill helps your brain(大脑)to develop. When trying to remember something, you should pay special attention to the most important things about it. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories.

An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures. Try to see the pictures in your mind. Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.

Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well. Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory. You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest. When you are asleep, your brain stores memory. Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information. And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well.

In order to keep your mind on your work, you must be free from worry. Generally, keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well — not just for improving your memory.


How to   1.   your memory


* Take special __3.__ of your health

* You can make yourself excited to make your memory more active by taking ____4.___ in some new activities and changing your daily habits

*Pay attention to the most important things in order to add to your chances to ___5.______ right memories

* ___6.______ information with pictures is a very good way to help memory.

* You’d better take notes and keep ____7._______

*It’s necessary to eat ____8.______food and take plenty of vitamins

Other ways

* You should drink ____9.____ water

*Having enough sleep and rest will __10.__ you think clearly and well



