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Your iPad is quite nice. Where did you buy ______? I want to buy ______, too.
A.one; oneB.it; itC.it; oneD.one; it

试题分析:考查代词用法;it 是人称代词 代替物,动物,门外的人,也可作形式主语和宾语等;one泛指任何一个同名,不同物的人或者物。既可代替事物, 也可代替人;句意:你的ipad相当不错。你在哪儿买的?我也想买一个。结合语境可知前文特指前面提到的那个,下文泛指任何一个同名不同物的一个,故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The dog is my good friend and it ____________(跟着) me every day.
小题2:Do you like to see ______________(西方的) films?
小题3:Daniel often makes me _____________(笑) .
小题4:__________(当地的) people like to go fishing at weekends.
小题5:Giraffes like eating ____________(树叶)from trees.
小题6:How __________ (幸运的) you are!
小题7:They are all sleeping. The room is very q         .
小题8:There is n___________ wrong with my computer. It works well.
小题9:I don’t like to s____________ a bedroom with others.
小题10:My father d____________ me to school every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 (每空不限一词)。
小题1:­­­­­­_________(sad),a Chinese girl lost her life in the Boston bombing.
小题2:The medals and cups belong to those __________(direct).
小题3:Mr Smith is a teacher. His _______ life is very common. (day)
小题4:I agree with you. The story _________(it) is interesting.
小题5:We all know that the knives _____________(use) to cut things.
小题6:Tom’s father will have a party to celebrate his _____ birthday. (44)
小题7:Because of the rain, the photos ____________ out yet. (not come)
小题8:Many parents worry about the _____________(weigh) of their children at present.
小题9:Look! The children are making cards _______________(show) love for their fathers.
小题10:John had an         (please) trip to Qin Lake National Wetland Park because of the heavy traffic.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

My name is Sarah, I want to share my story with you today. In my younger years, I always ate 小题1:   (每件事物) I liked and I never  小题2: (变得,成为)fat. Last year, I was too  小题3: (忙) to do sports and  小题4:(开始) many bad habits. So I got fatter and fatter, and I didn’t feel very well. What’s  小题5:(错误的,有毛病的) with me? My 小题6:(丈夫) thinks those bad habits are not good for my health. So I decide to do something to keep healthy. At first, I try to eat healthy food , then I often  小题7:(攀登,爬) mountains on weekends. Now I am 小题8: (瘦) again, and I also have a  小题9:(机会) to have good habits. I am so  小题10:(幸运的).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

There is going to b  小题1:   a “helping hands” meeting in the hall of Sunshine Community centre this Sunday morning .
If your hair is t  小题2: long or want to change y小题3:   hairstyle, the hairdressers at the Beautiful Hair Club will h 小题4: you .They cut hair very well, the C 小题5:   Group knows a lot about computers .Bring your b 小题6:   computers to them . The helpers will 小题7:  them for you. People can also learn m  小题8: about computers from them. If you want to cook delicious food f 小题9:  your family ,the Delicious Kitchen w 小题10:help you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Is Beijing the ______________(首都) of China?
小题2:      (/?f?l??/) me, boys and girls! Let’s enjoy our trip to the zoo.
小题3:Would you like to live in a _____________(宫殿)
小题4:Jane,        (记住) to put your English book into your bag before going out.
小题5:We are very        (幸运的) to have a good teacher like Mr. Wang.
小题6:Would you please open the windows? The air is not        (清新的) at all.
小题7:Hangzhou is            (近的) to Shanghai.
小题8:Just go        (径直) along the road, and you’ll see the bookshop on your right.
小题9: —Please send me a text        (信息) about the trip to Australia?
— Sure.
小题10:Mo Yan is quite f      (known by many people) now. Many people know about him.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

首字母填空 根据所给字母提示填写对话中所缺的单词
Disneyland is called by kids all o 小题1:the world the “Happiest Place On Earth”. This year Disneyland turns over 50!
I小题2:1955, the American man Walt Disney built Disney’s first theme park in California, the US. When he opened it, he wanted t 小题3:make a dreamland.In the dreamland parents and c小题4:___ could both  enjoy the happiness and adventure. From Sleeping Beauty’s castle to the spinning teacups, there’s a lot to see and d  小题5:in this dream town.
There a  小题6:now 11 Disneyland parks in the world. Since 1955, Disneyland parks h 小题7:welcomed over 500 million visitors. The 11th Disneyland is in Hong Kong. It will be the first Disneyland in China and will open in September.
Disneyland parks will give dance shows and open new castles to c 小题8:___ the birthday. Visitors can take their pictures t 小题9:with their favourite Disney stars, like Mickey M__小题10:.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。
小题1:Until your pass ___________ (show) to us, we won’t let you in at all.
小题2:__________(make) sure that there are no mistakes, you must be more careful with your homework..
小题3:May Day, the holiday all the students were looking forward to ______(come) at last.
小题4:----How do you like the city?
----Wonderful! I __________(stay) here for another two years.
小题5:Tom is worried about Jane because she _____ (suffer) from stress these days.
小题6:By the time he got home, his wife ________ (do) all the housework.
小题7:They _________ (eat) up all the food, but they still feel hungry.
小题8:— Why didn’t you stop him going out? _
— Sorry, but I _______ (write) a letter and didn’t notice him go out.

