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USBoy, 9, Plans to Take Balloon Flight Alone
ALBUQERQUE. New Mexico — Bobby Bradley is ready. He has been training for about five years and learned from some of the
most experienced and decorated pilots in the sport of ballooning.
BENGHAZI, Libya — Muammar Gadhafi accepted an African Union(AU) plan to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite said on Monday there could be no deal unless he leaves office.
NEW YORK — A new book written by Amy Chua on her super-. strict parenting—Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has raised media (媒体) storm and strong arguments in the US.
Amy Chua is the mother of two teenage girls. In the book she
describes her efforts to give her children what she describes as a
traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.
TOKYO — The operator of Japan’s quake-hit nuclear plant( 受地震袭击的核电站) said on Sunday it aims to reduce radiation leaks(辐射泄漏) in three months and achieve a "cold shutdown" in six to nine months.
LOS ANGELES — Sunday night, the 83 annual (每年一度的) Academy Awards took place in Los Angeles. Colin Firth won the Best Actor for his role in "The King’s Speech”, and Natalie Port man won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in " Black Swan".
Judge the following sentences True (T) or False (F).
小题1:A 9-year-old American boy is ready to take a balloon flight on his own after training for about five years.
小题2:Gadhafi agreed to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite wouldn’t accept it if he leaves office.
小题3:"Tiger Mother" parenting raises media storm in the US, but all people agree other traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.
小题4:Japan tries to fix radiation leaks in 9 months.
小题5: Natalie won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in "The King’s Speech" while Co­lin won the Best Actor for his role in "Black Swan. "


小题1:根据第一部分的USBoy, 9, Plans to Take Balloon Flight Alone和He has been training for about five years可知该小题正确。
小题1:根据第二部分的there could be no deal unless he leaves office可知the opposite wouldn’t accept it if he leaves office错。
小题1:根据第三部分的she describes her efforts to give her children what she describes as a traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children可知but all people agree other traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children错。
小题1:根据第四部分的it aims to reduce radiation leaks(辐射泄漏) in three months and achieve a "cold shutdown" in six to nine months可知该小题正确。
小题1:根据第五部分可知是Colin Firth因The King’s Speech获得最佳男演员,而Natalie Port man因Black Swan获得了最佳女演员。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

News 1
Huang Heshan, a boy from Xinghua, has moved many people all over the country. Thanks to Huang Heshan, Yang Kangshao can go to school every day. Yang is disabled, but Huang Heshan carries him to school on his back. It’s eight years since he started to do that. They help each other. At school, Yang helps Huang with his study, too. Huang says that he feels happy when he can do something to help disabled people.

News 2
In Taizhou, Xiaoqing River is a good place for families to have fun. There are many green trees and the air is fresh. People can have different activities along the river. However, we can also find the waste bags and other rubbish everywhere. How can we get such bad environment? Now we are supposed to keep the park clean if we want to have a nice field trip.

News 3
On March 25, more than four thousand people started to run along Taishan Park. All the runners ran about 4.7 kilometers. They took part in the activity to lead a healthy life and show the spirit of the people in our city. After running, many runners signed their names on the flags. They called on all the people, old and young, to exercise more.
小题1:In News 1, we know Huang Heshan has helped Yang Kangshao for _______.
A.eighteen yearsB.eighty yearsC.eight months   D.eight years
小题2:We should _______ if we want to have a nice field trip along Xiaoqing River.
A.throw the rubbishB.find some waste bags
C.plant more treesD.help keep the environment clean
小题3:To lead a healthy life, over four thousand people ____ on March 25.
A.cleaned the parkB.signed their names on the flags
C.ran about 4.7 kilometers D.started to help disabled people
小题4:We may know the news above from _______.
A.a newspaperB.a novelC.a TV playD.a poster
小题5:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Yang Kangshao has trouble with his eyes.
B.Yang Kangshao is better at study than Huang Heshan.
C.Xiaoqing River is very clean and beautiful.
D.Only young people took part in the running activity.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Time: Friday 5:00 p.m.
Place: the school playground
Program: basketball match
Team(队): between Class 9, Grade 7
and Class 4, Grade 7
The Red Star Cinema(电影院)
Monday- Saturday
The Old Man and the Sea(老人与海)
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Tickets(票): Grown-ups(成人) : ¥20
Students:        ¥10
A red purse
There is an ID card and some money in it. My name is David. Please call 366-0597
小题1:If(如果) you are a team member(队员) of Class 4,Grade 7, you’ll have a match with _____on Friday.
A.Class 9, Grade 7B.Class 7, Grade 9
C.Class 4, Grade 7D.Class 9, Grade 9
小题2:If you want to see the movie The Old Man and the Sea, you can go to ____.
A.the school playgroundB.the Red Star Cinema
C.Longtan ZooD.the Lost and Found
小题3:You may_______ at 7:15 p.m. every Friday.
A.watch a basketball matchB.watch a movie
C.watch the dolphin showD.come to the Lost and Found
小题4:If you find a red purse and there is an ID card in it, you can call_____.
小题5:The Greens(格林夫妻) with their twelve-year-old daughter and nine-year-old son want to watch the movie. How much are the tickets?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One of the most popular items(项目) in the school newspaper is the advice column. No one knows who writes it. The students think their teacher does, but it might be a student using a false name.
The students enjoy thinking up problems for the advice column. Here are some of them and their answers.
Ask the Wise Owl
Q: I’m always late for school. I try not to be, but I can’t help it. Please advise me what to do. Tommy.
A: You are probably late for school because you don’t really like school. My advice to you is to try and enjoy school more, then you won’t be late so often.
Q: I find it difficult to make friends. What do you think I should do? Sara.
A: I can’t advise you until I know more about you. Your problem may be that you are shy. On the other hand, it may be the opposite. You may be too bold(冒失). Write and tell me more about yourself.
Q: I’m always at the bottom(底部,末尾) of the class. What do you advise me to do? Molly.
A: I advise you to concentrate on(全神贯注) improving your grades in one subject to start with. If you can do this, you should move a little way up from the bottom. Next, try to improve your grades in another subject, and so on. If you concentrate on one subject at a time, by the end of the year you should be quite a long way up from the bottom in all your classes.
小题1:What is Tommy’s problem?
A.He needs help with his homework.
B.He finds it difficult to make friends.
C.He is always late for school.
D.He is always at the bottom of his class.
小题2:What does Molly want to do?
A.To stay at the bottom of her classes.
B.To make more friends.
C.To concentrate on one subject at a time.
D.To improve her grades.
小题3:What does the Wise Owl want Sara to do?
A.Give more information about herself.
B.Stop being so shy.
C.Make more friends.
D.Stop being so bold.
小题4:By the end of the year, where should Molly be in all her classes?
A.At the top.
B.Quite a long way up from the bottom.
C.At the bottom.
D.A little way up from the bottom.
小题5:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Sara finds it difficult to make friends.
B.Tommy wrote to the school newspaper to ask for advice.
C.The advice column in the school newspaper is very popular.
D.The school newspaper has an advice column.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What do you like most when you can get one of such things: freedom, true friends, love, honesty and so on? Here are some choices of students:
Chen Cheng, 14, Jiangsu: I think I need a true friend. I had some friends before. However, it seemed that they didn’t treat(对待) me well. I told them my secrets but they didn’t share(分享) theirs with me. What’s worse, they told my secrets to others, which made me very unhappy. I hope to find a true lifelong(终身的) friend who can share happiness and sadness with me and keep my secrets.
Gan Xiaoning 14, Heilongjiang: Freedom is what I want most. I am a bird in two cages(笼子). In school, I have to follow the school’s rules and listen to teachers. At home, my parents don’t allow me to do what I like, either. I have to do everything that they tell me to do: study, study and study some more. So, freedom is the only thing I really want!
Yuan Siyu, 15, Guangxi: I am a boy from a poor family. My father works very hard but only makes a little money every month to support(支撑) the family. I want to go to a key university (重点大学)so that I can find a good job in the future. Then, I can earn enough money to get my family out of poverty(贫困) and offer my parents a happy life.
Qu Yi, 15, Hebei: I want a complete family. My parents got divorced(离婚) three years ago. Since then, I have had no chance to be together with both of them any more. Now, I am living with my mom and get her love, but I also want my dad’s love. I am envious(羡慕) of my classmates who live with their parents. So, I would have a complete family if I could.
小题1:What is not mentioned in the passage?
A.freedomB.loveC.a true friendD.hobby
小题2:Who is facing the problem of poverty and decides to fight?
A.Qu YiB.Chen ChengC.Gan XiaoningD.Yuan Siyu
小题3:As for Chen Cheng, she wants a friend_______.
A.who often tells lies to herB.who only cares about her own happiness
C.who can play with herD.who can share her feeling and keep secrets
小题4:Which of the following is true?
A.Qu Yi’s father works very hard and makes much money to support his family.
B.Chen Cheng gets along very well with his friends
C.If Qu Yi’s parents didn’t get divorced, he would be much happier.
D.Gan Xiaoning says he is a bird because he wants to fly like a bird.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

More than 6000 children were expelled(开除)from US schools last year for bringng guns and bombs to school,the US Department of Education said on May 8.
The department gave a report on the expulsions(开除)as saying handguns accounted for 58 per cent of the 6093 expulsions in 1996—97,against 7 per cent for rifles or shotguns and 35 per cent for other types of firearms.
“The report is a clear sign that our nation’s public schools are cracking down(严惩)” on students who bring guns to school,“Education Secretary Richard Riey said in a statement.“We need to be tough-minded(坚强的)about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe.”
In March 1997,an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old using hand-guns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro,Arkansas.In October,two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school.Two months later,a 14-year-old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in Daducab,Kentucky.
“Most of the expulsions,56 per cent,were from high schools,which have students from about age 13,34 per cent were from junior high schools and 9 per cent were from elementary schools.” The report said.
小题1:From the first paragraph we can see that in the US schools ____________.
A.students enjoy shooting
B.students are eager to be soldiers
C.safety is a problem
D.students can make guns
小题2:The report from the US Department of Education shows that _____________.
A.the number of the expulsions is now large
B.the number of the expulsions is wrong
C.there are soldiers hiding among the students
D.guns are out of control in US schools
小题3:The main idea of paragraph four shows us _____________.
A.some examples of shootings in US schools
B.the Americans’ feeling
C.some famous schools
D.that some teachers were killed by students
小题4:How many students were shot dead in 1997 in US schools?
小题5:From this passage we know that ____________.
A.every American cannot have guns
B.only soldiers and police can have guns
C.American citizens can own guns
D.teachers have no money to buy guns


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Traffic lights are very important for us. I think you know this. But do you know how they were born?
Garrett A. Morgan was the father of traffic lights. He was an American. His family was very poor. He left school at the age of 14. He was clever. He always looked for better ways to do things. And he liked to make new things.
At that time, every American wanted to have a car. The streets were full of cars. The traffic was really bad. “Why not put three lights at each corner ? They should be red,green,and yellow,” Morgan said , “ Let them tell cars to go or stop.” He made a timer (定时器)to change the lights.
So we have traffic lights today .
小题1:Todaycan help buses or cars to go regularly in cities .
A.AmericansB.Traffic lightsC.ChineseD.policemen
小题2:Garrett A.Morgan was the father of traffic lights. He came from.
A. Canada   B. England C. America      D. Japan
小题3:Why could Garrett A.Morgan invent traffic lights? Because.
A. he always looked for better ways to do things
B. his family was very poor
C. he wanted to have a car
D. He was clever
小题4:What did Garrett A.Morgan do when he was 14 years old ?
A.He studied at school.
B. He put three lights in the street.
C. He was away from school.
D. The streets were full of cars.
小题5:What color are the traffic lights ? They are.
A.green and whiteB.red and yellow
C.red , green and yellow.D.red and green


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

No one is born knowing how to study. You need to learn a few study skills and then practice them. Here are six ways of studying smartly.
Listen carefully in class. When you listen carefully in class and take good notes, you are starting learning carefully. Are you sitting next to a loud person? Is it hard to see the blackboard clearly? Tell your teacher or parents about this kind of problems.
Take food notes. Not sure how to take notes? Start by writing down what your teacher says or writes on the blackboard during class. Try your best to write clearly so you can read your notes later.
Plan ahead (提前作计划). It is bad to wait until Thursday night to study for Friday’s exam. You should plan ahead. Write down the date of your exam. You can plan what to do after school each day, and how much time to spend on each subject.
Break it up(拆开)。 When there’s a lot to study, it can help you to break things into units. If you have an exam on spelling words, break them up into five-word units and work on one or two different units each night.
Ask for help. Ask your teacher for help if you don’t understand something. If you’re at home, your mom or dad might be able to help.
Have a good sleep. A good sleep is good for your next day’s study.
小题1:How many ways to study smartly are there in the passage?
小题2:What is the first step(步骤) of starting learning and studying?
小题3:What could you do if you have a lot to study?
小题4:Who can you ask for help when you don’t understand something at school?
小题5:Do you think a good sleep is good for your next day’s study


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

At a nation’s saddest moment, its greatest heroes are born.
  On September 11th, 2001, many police officers and government officials in America worked day and night to save lives from the big fire at the World Trade Centre. And in Japan, after the serious earthquake, a group of workers showed their courage.
  The earthquake on March 11th made Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant(福岛核电站) turn off and stop its protective cooling systems. And later, a fire broke out.  Workers were told that the plant’s radiation(辐射) could be harmful to human health. Hundreds of workers left the plant quickly. However, a group of workers decided to fight against the fire and the damage, though they knew it could cause very serious health problems. There were 50 workers in all, so they were also named the "Fukushima 50". The workers worked in shifts(轮班).
  People knew little about the workers, who were mainly experts (专家) with the skills to control the situation. One woman said that her father had volunteered to stay there. “I heard that he volunteered even though he would retire(退休) in just half a year and my eyes were filled with tears. I am really proud of him. And I pray for his safe return.”
小题1:The passage mainly tells us                           .
A.what happened in America on September 1lth, 2001
B."Fukushima 50" stayed in the nuclear power plant bravely
C.who saved many lives from the big fire at the World Trade Centre
D.what Japanese government did after the nuclear power plant was turned off
小题2: Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was turned off because              .
A.there were no heroes thereB.many workers left the plant
C.it was destroyed by a big fireD.the earthquake damaged it heavily
小题3:       workers stayed in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant after the earthquake.
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The woman was happy to know his father was there.
B.A woman’s father who had retired from work still stayed there.
C.Little was known about the workers when the passage was written.
D.The workers didn’t know staying in the nuclear plant was harmful to their health.
小题5: The writer thinks                          .
A.American police officers were very strong
B.the nuclear radiation would do no damage to humans
C.all the workers who stayed in the plant should return quickly
D.all the workers who stayed in the plant are great heroes

