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My best friend is one of my classmates. We have the      hobby. We both enjoy music. I am good      English, but she isn’t. She has great interest in university (大学) life and wants to go to university when she      school. One day, I found her studying      so I wanted to help her with it.      she closed (关上) the book. I asked, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," she answered shyly. I didn’t know      she closed her book. "I just want to      you," I said. "Please don’t laugh at me. My English is not good and I’m a little      about learning it in front of others."

"      laughs at you. That’s why you don’t make any progress (进步) in English. You should try. You should do your best to      English with your friends. You can also ask for help from them."

1.A. different      B. same        C. difficult         D. necessary

2.A. in            B. for          C. at              D. with

3.A. comes        B. comes over    C. leaves          D. leaves for

4.A. English       B. chemistry     C. physics         D. history

5.A. And          B. If           C. But             D. Though

6.A. when         B. why         C. how            D. what

7.A. see           B. worry        C. mean          D. help

8.A. wild(狂野的)   B. shy         C.calm(镇静的)     D. angry

9.A. Someone      B. Everyone     C. Anyone         D. No one

10.A. study        B. show        C. teach           D. Hear















试题分析:我最好的朋友是我的一个同学。我们有 相同的爱好。我们都很喜欢音乐。我英语好 ,但她不是。她想要去上大学。一天,我发现她在学英语,所以我想帮她。但是她却合上了书说:请不要笑我。我的英语不是很好, 我说:这就是为什么你英语不能进步的原因。 你应该和朋友一起学英语。此外你可以请他们帮忙。

1.考查形容词辨析及语境的理解。后面说:我们都很喜欢音乐。所以这里是:我们有相同的爱好。A.不同的; B.相同的; C.困难的;D.必要的。故选B。

2.考查介词辨析及语境的理解。我擅长英语,但她不是。be good at 擅长, 所以选C。

3.考查动词辨析及语境的理解。她想要中学毕业后去上大学。A来; B.走过来;C.离开;D.动身去。短语leave school是中学毕业。所以选C。

4.考查名词辨析及语境的理解。A 英语;B. 化学; C.物理; D.历史。从下文可知是在学英语。故选A。


6.考查关系词辨析及语境的理解。我不知道她为什么要合上她的书。A.当 ……时候;B.为什么; C.如何;D.什么。选B。

7.考查动词辨析及语境的理解。“我只是想帮你,”我说。A.看见;B.担心; C.意思是;D.帮助。C.人 D. 选D。



10.考查动词辨析及语境的理解。你应该尽最大的努力和您的朋友一起学英语。A.学习;B.展示;C.教; D.听到。选A。




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Hey, Robert! Wait a minute.
B: What's the matter, John?
A: 【小题1】________
B: Of course I can. What can I do for you?
A: 【小题2】________
B: Your birthday is next Saturday. We have more than a week to get ready for your party.
A: Yes, you are right. I want to write some invitation cards today.
B: That's great. 【小题3】___________
A: 【小题4】My handwriting is bad, so I want you to write them for me.
B: OK. 【小题5】________You should practice writing to improve (提高) your handwriting.
A: Thank you very much. I'll do my best.
A. Some friends in our class.
B. I'll get to your house at about eight.
C. Can you come to my house and help me?   
D. When is your birthday?
E. I want to have a birthday party.
F. How old are you?
G. Who are you going to invite?


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届河北省承德市九年级升学模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend---- Tiger. We met at the school fair. Each year, all the fourth-grade classes hold a school fair. Everyone in the fourth-grade works at the fair. Some sell ice cream, drinks and snacks. Others take care of the little children who ride the rides.
I got the second job and I’ve never regretted it, because that’s where I met Tiger.
My job was to help little children get on the back of a little horse. I kept telling the children to wait their turn and holding ice cream for them while they rode about. One thing was clear to me. I was growing older and should be more responsible.
Suddenly, a boy came to the horse. He took the little horse’s reins! The horse stopped, and the girl on its back started to fall. I was trying to reach the girl when I saw Tiger go by my legs. It held the horse’s reins and pulled the horse away from my legs. I caught the girl just before we both hit the ground. The girl sat on top of me. She was laughing at the ice cream on my face. The horse’s reins were in Tiger’s mouth!
Thanks to Tiger’s fast action, I saved the little girl. We were both heroes. And Tiger, the fastest dog I’ve even known became my new best friend.
【小题1】According to the passage, __________ work at the fair.    

A.ice cream sellersB.all the school children
C.little boys and girlsD.the fourth-grade students
【小题2】The writer’s job was to __________.
A.take the little horse’s reins
B.look after the children
C.get on the back of the horse
D.ride with little children
【小题3】As soon as the little horse stopped, the girl __________.
A.started to fallB.laughed at the writer
C.hit the ground D.sat on top of the writer
【小题4】Tiger helped to save the little girl on the horse by __________.
A.going fast by the writer’s legs
B.trying to catch the little girl
C.holding the reins with its mouth
D.riding the little horse around
【小题5】From the passage, we know that __________.
A.Tiger was a actually a brave dog
B.Tiger wanted to become a hero
C.the writer didn’t want to grow up
D.the writer regretted working at the fair


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江台州书生中学初二下期第一次月考英语卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Dear Sally,
I really need your help. I’m feeling _【小题1】__(沮丧的) these days, because I get so many _【小题2】_(问题). I’m not a good-looking girl and I’m not good at studying, 【小题3】 (也).Some of my classmates always make joke of the way I _【小题4】_(穿). They think my clothes are all out of style,  _【小题5】_ (甚至 )my best friend, Lily. I try everything I can, but nothing _【小题6】_(似乎) to work. What’s more, in my family, there’s a more 【小题7】_(严重的) problem. My parents _【小题8】_(争吵) with each other, and they haven’t talked to each other now.And I 【小题9】_(失败) my Chinese test yesterday. Can you give me some _【小题10】(建议)?
A lonely girl
【小题11】There will be more tall _____(build) in our city in the future.
【小题12】Liu Yang is one of the greatest national_____ (hero) in China.
【小题13】 Lucy ______(shop) when there was a fire (火灾) in the mall.
【小题14】They walked home together in s______.
【小题15】All my classmates went to the park e______ me.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013--2014学年内蒙古满洲里市七年级上英语期末试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


Lily: What are you doing now?

Linda:  1.

Lily: Why are you cleaning your room now?

Linda: Tomorrow is my birthday.  2. 

Lily: Oh.  3. 

Linda: Hmm, could you pass me the red lights?

Lily: Yes.   4. 

Linda: Next, I want to paint the wall.

Lily:   5.

Linda: oh, white.

A. What do you do next?

B. All my best friends are coming.

C. I am cleaning my room.

D. What can I do for you?

E. What colour will you paint the wall?

F. The room is very cool.

G. What about you?



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届浙江金华聚仁教育集团初二上第二次阶段测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Jack and James were good friends .One day,they were walking through the desert(沙漠).During the journey they had a big fight,and Jack hit james in the face.James felt hurt,but he didn’t say anything.Instead( 相反),he wrote in the sand:Today my best friend hit me in the face.

They kept on walking until they found an oasis(绿洲).They decided to get some water there .Suddenly James had trouble in the water,he fell into the mire(泥潭) and was in danger.Jack saved him at once.When he felt Ok,he wrote on a stone:Today my best friend saved my life. “After I hurt you ,you wrote in the sand, and now you wrote on the stone.Why?”asked Jack.“When someone hurts us,we should write it down in the sand so that the wind of forgiveness (宽恕) can blow it away.But when someone does anything good for us,we must write it down on the stone,so no wind can blow it away.” Since then ,the two friends have never fought with each other again.

Hatred(仇恨) can bring you nothing but unhappiness .If you don’t forgive others,you are making trouble for yourself.Keep a peaceful heart all the time and remember to be always thankful to those who ahve helped you!

1.What’s the matter with James in the oasis?

A. He wanted to make his friend have trouble ,too.

B. He wanted some water and fell into the mire.

C. He wanwed to know if his friend would save him when he was in trouble.

D. He wanted to have fun in the oasis.

2.Which of the statements is not TRUE according to the passage.

A. Jack didn’t hit James in the face.

B. Hatred can only bring you unhappiness.

C. The two friends went on walking after they had a fight.

D. They decided to get some water after they found an oasis.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. We should hate someone forever(永远).

B. The wind can blow everything away.     

C. Learn to forgive others and remember to be thankful to others.

D. Forgiveness can make trouble for ourselves.


