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The interviewer asked Detective Lu _______________.

A. where was the body                                  B. when did the Valley Town murder take place

C. that he had heard of the murder            D. how many crimes he had solved





试题分析:宾语从句中一般用陈述语序。选项AB语序有误,选项引导词应该用whether,故选 D,采访者问陆侦探他解决了多少起犯罪活动。




科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市九年级上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There’s no doubt _______ Emily will be the hostess (女主持) of the New Year’s party.

A. if         B. when      C.  what     D. that



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市九年级上学期第一次阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A Nobel Prize is considered by most people one of the highest international honours(荣誉) a person can receive. As you know, the prizes were started by a Swede called Alfred Nobel. He was born in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Alfred Nobel was a great scientist. He made two important inventions, and so he became very rich. Although he was rich, Nobel was not a happy man. He never married or had children. Also, he was a sick man during his large part of life. When he died at the age of 63, he left a fund of $9,000,000. The money was to be used in giving prizes to those who made great achievements in physics, chemistry(化学), medicine and literature(文学), and for world peace.

     The first Nobel Prizes were given on December 10, 1901, five years after Nobel’s death. Since then many famous people from all over the world have been given Nobel Prizes for their achievements.

      Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a certificate saying that he has been given the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money-about $40,000.

    Often a prize is given to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared. It may be given to two or more people who have worked together. It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given at all if there is no great achievement. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given.

1.When was Alfred Nobel born?

A. In 1938.                 B. In 1833.               C. In 1896.              D. In 1906.[

2.What kind of person would you say Alfred Nobel was?

A. He was a rich, happy and lucky man.

B. He was a poor, unhappy and unlucky man.

C. He was a rich, but unhappy and unlucky man.

D. He was a poor, but happy and lucky man.

3.When he died, Nobel left a large amount of money ________.

A. to his wife

B. to his children

C. for helping the poor people in Sweden

D. for setting five prizes



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假设TV Guide外文版将刊登文章介绍湖南电视台热播的电视节目“爸爸去哪儿”(Dad, Where Are We Going?),上周五你看过一期。请据此写一篇80词左右的英文观后感。内容提示如下:

1. 节目由5个明星爸爸和他们的孩子主演,深受各年龄段的人喜爱;

2. 目的是鼓励亲子双方重视交流,对于人们有良好的影响;

3. 爸爸们以前没有时间陪孩子,现在已学会如何悉心照顾孩子;

4. 观后感想。


1. 观后感须包括所给内容要点,要点语句通顺、意思连贯;

2. 第4要点的内容须用2-3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;

3. 观后感的开头已在答题卷上给出,不计入总词数。

The program Dad, Where Are We Going? is one of this year’s hottest TV programs. I saw it last Friday.




科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Long long ago, there lived two girls named Emily and Tina. Both of them had long black hair and blue eyes. One day while they were playing in the back yard (庭院), Emily heard a tinkling (叮当) sound. She jumped up. “Listen,” she told her twin. They listened. The noise came again.

This time Tina heard it. She sat up. “It came from over there,” She whispered, looking at the zinnias (鱼尾菊) far away. They came near to find it out. Then something flew out, making the same tinkling sound they had heard before. The children looked at one another. “Was it a bee?” asked Tina. “I don’t think so,” replied Emily. “Do bees make a sound like bells?” “Let’s call it the Tinkle Bee anyway,” said Tina. Emily nodded, listening with a little difficulty. What had made that noise?

    The next day, Emily and Tina brought their cookies outside. Tina took her plate by the zinnias. Suddenly she caught something. “Emily!” she called. “I’ve got the Tinkle Bee!” Emily rushed over. They sat down on the grass. Tina opened her hand very carefully. There was that sound! Something was shining in Tina’s hand. They smiled. Then Emily cried, “It’s a fairy (仙女)!” Tina looked down at it in her hand. It looked like a girl. A tiny girl with wings! Tina dropped it before she noticed that a wing was torn (撕裂). The little fairy could not fly away so she took a piece of grass out of the ground and sat on it.

Emily and Tina were surprised at what they saw. The fairy turned to Emily and said, “Hello, I am Marabella.” Then she said again, “Marabella the Fairy.” Emily smiled. “I’m Emily,” she said. Tina said, “I’m Tina. Are you really a fairy?” “Oh, yes!” replied Marabella. “I’ve always been a fairy.”

1.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “tiny” in this passage?

A. Weak.               B. Nice.         C. Little.                    D. Sick.

2.How did the sound come out?

A. A bee behind the zinnias made the sound.        

B. It came out from the fairy’s flying.

C. It came out when the fairy shouted for help.       

D. The bell by the zinnias rang.

3.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Emily and Tina found a tinkling sound when they were playing in the yard.

B. Emily and Tina were very interested in the tinkling sound.

C. How a fairy by the zinnias was saved by the twins.

D. The process of Emily and Tina’s finding a fairy.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— I’m new in Wuxi.

    — Take a map of Wuxi with you. You’ll find it of great ________ in helping you to get round Wuxi.

A. price                B. cost                    C. interest              D. importance



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I don’t make ________ clear when and where the parents’ meeting will be held.

A. this              B. that              C. those        D. it



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省扬州市江都区九年级第一学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

She is very good at painting. She can paint _______ her teacher.

A. as better as   B. as well as       C. as good as     D. so well as



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省教育集团树人学校九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The first English week at our school started on May 4th, 2009. The whole school was filled with an English learning atmosphere. A series of activities was held. There were handwriting activities, story writing, English songs, role playing in English, and so on, all the teachers and students were very happy. They spoke English, sang English songs and enjoyed all the activities. Handwriting was for the students in lower grades. Although most of them couldn’t write so well, they were all very careful about it. In the show window, there were a lot of colorful handwritten papers. They copied some articles from books or newspapers. And then they decorated(装饰) them with pictures in different colors, and some even put their own photos on them. How cute and lovely they looked!

Story writing was for students in Grade 7 and Grade 8. These students are always fond of cartoons, so they got interested in this activity. Reading the stories they made up, all the visitors couldn’t help speaking highly of them.

The most important event was the English show on the last day. The students and teachers presented (上演) a lot of English songs and English operas. Each program won storms of applause.

    One week is not very long, but all the students and teachers learned a lot. Just as the headmaster said, “It is a helpful week. It will certainly lead us to enjoy and learn more from our English studies.”

1. In this passage, the English week is described as__________.

A. surprising            B. boring       C. enjoyable               D. serious

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. All the students took part in the handwriting contest (比赛).

B. The story writing contest was for students in Grade 7 and Grade 8.

C. The English show was the most important event.

D. Teachers also took part in the English week.

3.What does the underlined word “applause” probably mean?

A. Noise      B. Cheer      C. Sound             D. Music

4.What does the writer probably want to tell us at the end of the passage?

A. The activities are a good way to learn English.

B. Students usually don’t like English.

C. The activities last longer.

D. Learning English in the classroom is invaluable.


