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                        hungry them until idea eat 

       Dick and Mike,both eleven years old,went out one morning to sell cakes. Dick's mother had told Dick ,“Now,take these twelve cakes and sell 1 ,five cents (分) each. Don’t,2 any of them and don't give them to your friends. ”

       Mike's mother had said the same thing to Mike. But two hours later,Mike had sold only one cake,and he was getting hungry. Suddenly he had an 3 . He could use the money to buy one of Dick's cakes.

       Dick was just as 4 as Mike. He at once used the same money to buy one of Mike's cakes. And that was how it went for the rest (剩余部分) of the morning 5 all the cakes were gone.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

[答案]1 .them   2. eat   3. idea   4. hungry   5. until


1. 考查代词,them指代前面的cakes。

2. 句意:不要把他们吃了,也不要送给朋友。

3. 有一个主意为have an idea。

4. as…as表本同级比较,中间跟原级hungry。

5. 考查连词,until直到……。

题目来源:2016年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空八年级 > PASSAGE E 阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      In the US,if you ask kids what they want to be when they grow up,you may 1 .Some will say they want to be the President,doctors, lawyers or movie stars. But many will say they want to be firefighters (消防员).

      Being a firefighter is a dangerous job, 2 it doesn’t pay 3 a job in medicine,busi-ness or entertainment (娱乐). So why is the idea of 4 a firefighter so popular with kids?

      One reason is that firefighters are heroes in the US society. They are strong and brave (勇敢). They risk their own lives (不顾自己的安危) 5 the lives of others.

      After the terrorist attack (恐怖袭击) in New York 6 September 11,2001,firefighters became a symbol of national pride (骄傲 ) and strength (力量). Brave firefighters rushed to save people in the 7 buildings. They were able to save many lives,but many firemen 8 . After the attacks,people 9 the US wore hats and T-shirts that said FDNY (Fire Department of New York) to show respect (尊敬) for the firefighters.

      To be a firefighter is to be a hero. It's no surprise that many kids want 10 heroes.

() 1. A. be surprised   B. surprised   C. surprising   D. be surprising

() 2. A. or   B. and   C. but   D. if

() 3. A. as many as   B. as much as   C. as soon as   D. as possible as

() 4. A. become   B. became   C. becoming   D. to become

() 5. A. save   B. saves   C. saved   D. to save

() 6. A. at   B. in   C. for   D. on

() 7. A. fell   B. felt   C. falls   D. falling

() 8. A. dead   B. death   C. died   D. die

() 9. A. cross   B. across   C. through   D. passed

() 10. A. to become   B. become   C. to get   D. get


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      People often complain (抱怨) about buses in Shanghai. The dirty smoke from the buses pollutes (污染) our cit.y. Buses are always full of people and it's difficult to get a seat. (1) 有时人们得等很长时间,but the bus doesn’t come. And some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly,so people on the bus may fall down and get hurt easily. So,not many people like to take the bus. (2) If the bus service can be better 9 there will be fewer traffic problems. Then people will feel it convenient (方便的) to go anywhere in our city.

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ;2 — 3题为翻译句子;4题为找出同义句;5题为找中心句。

1. In Shanghai,buses are always full of people and it's difficult to get a seat.()

2. 将(1) 句译为英文。


3. 将(2) 句译为中文。


4. 在文章中找出下句的同义句,并写在横线上。

People on the bus may fall down and get hurt easily because some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly.


5. 找出文章的中心句。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


       A man made a nice talk machine. It could weigh people's 1. w . The man wanted to 2. t the machine before he could make a lot of them. He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were a lot of people in and out.

       The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine. The machine thought for a few seconds to 3. d which language to speak.

       “Good morning,madam ,” it said in Indian. “Your weight is 72 kilos. That's three kilos 4. m . If you eat more fruit and 5. v ,you’ll be soon all right. Please have a nice day. ”

      The 6. s one to use the machine was a Chinese girl. She stood on the machine and waited to 7. h her weight. “Good morning,Miss,” the machine said in Chinese ,“Your weight is 46 kilos. It's all right for your 8. a and height. Go on to eat what

you eat every day. Please have a nice day. ”

      The third one to use the machine was a very 9. f American woman. She thought for a long time to stand on the machine. The machine spoke highly in 10. E ,“Goodmorning. Will one of you get off?”


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


       When we talk about how teenagers are getting worse and worse now,most young people don't agree. Teenagers always say they are growing up. They can have part-time jobs. They can drive cars. And they can even get married when they're a little bit older.

       Their parents say,“Our children are very good. They like pop music,but they play it in their own rooms. They help in the house. You know they feel bored sometimes because there's nothing interesting in the neighborhood,no clubs and no sports. They have nothing to do."

       A teacher says that he believes most young people are very kind. He thinks that it's not bad for young people to like loud music because it can give them lots of energy and make them feel excited. Also,a lot of young people work very hard at school,and they can get good jobs later.

       Lewis,a sixteen-year-old boy said ,“I have passed all my examinations,but I can't get a part-time job because older people always think I'm lazy. ”

       In my opinion,a lot of teenagers are very kind. They belong to community work groups.

They help old people,and they also volunteer in local hospitals or primary schools to help look after the sick people and younger students.

                          Title : Teenagers Today

The things teenagers can do

Having part-time jobs ;

Driving cars ;

1. married when they are a little bit older.

The reason why they feel 2.  

There isn't anything interesting in the neighborhood.

The view from their parents

They are good and do some 3. at home.

The opinion from one of the teachers

Loud music can make them feel energetic and make them feel 4. .

They work hard and can get good jobs later.


They are kind and 5. . They also do vol-untary work such as taking care of the sick and younger students.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


        I like my bike. It brings me a lot of fun. When I was an 1 boy,my father bought it for me. It is my “horse”. I often go to school 2 my bike. I like riding a bike 3 it is very convenient. If I go out by bike,it is 4 to find a place for parking it. Bikes are very cheap,so most people can buy one. There are three people in my family. 5 of us has a bike. My parents are teachers in my school. In the morning,mom,dad and I each 6 to school.However,on a rainy day we walk to school,because the road is bad for riding. I think riding bikes can make us 7 . It not only helps us exercise more but also 8 the air clean. The bike is very important in Chinese people's life. So riding bikes can help you to 9 more about China and the Chinese people. Now people in the world say China is the country of bikevS because there are 10 bikes in China. I hope people all around the world like them.

() 1. A. eight years old   B. eight year old   C. eight-year-old   D. eight-years-old

() 2. A. by   B. on   C. from   D. in

() 3. A. so   B. but   C. while   D. because

() 4. A. hard   B. late   C. happy   D. easy

() 5. A. Each   B. Both   C. None   D. Some

() 6. A. walk   B. run   C. drives   D. rides

() 7. A. strange   B. busy   C. strong   D. poor

() 8. A. feels   B. keeps   C. sees   D. likes

() 9. A. tell   B. know   C. visit   D. ask

() 10. A. so many   B. so much   C. too much   D. many too


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


              take of working instructions felt 

        My father bought a new cell phone for me last week. It can 1 photos and short videos. I like it very much. One day,I wanted to use it to take a photo 2 my father. But it was not 3 . I didn't know why. My father

suggested that I should read the 4 first. And I did as he said. It explains how the phone works. I took a lot of beautiful photos and I 5 so happy. 


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(C5 h Daniel and Millie are chatting online about Harbin. Complete their conversation with the words in brackets.

Daniel: Have you been to Harbin,Millie?

Millie: No,I haven’t.⑴ (in winter/

very cold there/it's) .(2)

(-40°C/the lowest temperature/can be/it's said that) .

Daniel: That's true. I travelled there with my parents during the winter

holiday. It was really cold outside,but there's a heating system inside

almost every building,so (3)(to stay inside/comfortable/it's)

Millie: That sounds nice. What did you do there?

Daniel: We went to the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival.

(4)(fun/so many/to see/it was/beautiful things made of ice) .

Millie: That must be interesting!Yd like to go there with my parents next

year. (5)(to fly/how long/from Beijing to Harbin/does it take) ?

Daniel: About two hours. (6)(comfortable/to/it/all think/my parents and I/travel by plane) .

Millie: I agree. (7)(it's/to go/much faster/by plane) . Til ask you more about Harbin later.

Daniel: No problem.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Put the words in the correct order and use the words in brackets to make sentences. Then rewrite them with to-infinitives.

3 read it/could/Daniel/bought a magazine/he/during the flight (so that)

4 were/the students/hard-working/all did well/they/in their exams (so ... that)

