精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Could you please________ me _________ your new school campus?
We chat makes__________ more convenient for people to_________ with each other.
We must take effective measures to prevent traffic accidents_____ _________
He likes to _________ __________ as Santa Clause to give away presents to children.
We hope that teenagers can________ __________ from cigarettes.
He found that he had put Sally sunglasses into his backpack__________ __________.
Try to relax yourself when you feel____________ ____________.
I was___________ that he wore a jacket in the latest________ today.
We need to _________ __________ with new ideas to make polluted water clean.
The girl who is ________ ________biology often volunteers to help the patients in the hospital.

小题1:show, around
小题2:it, communicate
小题3:from increasing/growing
小题4:dress up
小题5:stay/keep away
小题6:by mistake
小题7:stressed out  
小题8:surprised, style
小题9:come up
小题10:majoring in

小题1:带领某人参观某处:show sb. around some place
小题2:it做形式宾语, 代替后面的for sb to communicate with each other 让某人相互交流
小题3:遏制/阻止某人做某事:prevent sb from doing sth.s所以用动词的-ing形式: increasing/growing(成长、发生)
小题4:扮演:dress up…as
小题5:远离:stay/keep away
小题6:错误地、无意地:by mistake 。
小题7:有压力的:feel 后用-ed形式表有压力的、紧张的:stressed out。  
小题8:感到吃惊的surprised;时髦:in the latest style。
小题9:想出:come up with。
小题10:主修:majoring in 与动词is一起构成现在进行时。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Can you tell me the ___________(important) of knowledge(知识)?
小题2:It’s not easy to ______________(communication) with a stranger.
小题3:Tell you the ___________ (true), I’ve never seen him before.
小题4:I have two ___________ (old) sisters.
小题5:She often falls _________ (sleep) in class.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

My son want a pet rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy ______ for him.
A.itB.thatC.the oneD.one


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

词汇运用 用所给词的适当形式填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
小题1:The Harry Potter series _______________ popular in the world now.(be)
小题2:I tried to pull one hand free and managed _______________ the ropes.(break)
小题3:The book tells us the story of a young boy who sailed to look for _______________ treasure.(hide)
小题4:Sandy is wondering where _______________ for help.(ask)
小题5:British people don’t like to talk about age or _______________ (weigh)
小题6:In public, you shouldn’t shout or laugh _______________ (loud)
小题7:You are old enough _______________ about manners.(learn)
小题8:Kitty was very busy with her _______________ lessons.(dance)
小题9:Don’t make too much noise while _______________ (eat)
小题10:It’s great to work _______________ with these special athletes. (close)
小题11:Some people offer to help without _______________ paid. (get)
小题12:How can we help people in our _______________ lives? (day)
小题13:He feels _______________ now than before. (confident)
小题14:It’s _______________ to do something for the Olympics.(mean)
小题15:If all of us can give a _______________ hand, the world will be much better.(help)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1: Protecting the            (环境) is protecting ourselves.
小题2:What the girl said makes her look even _________(丑陋的).
小题3:People often grow rice in the ___________(南方) part of China.
小题4:Whose are the key rings? They are one of my ____________ (亲戚) .
小题5: We’re going abroad for a ____________ (几个) of years.
小题6: ---Could you post the letter for me?  --- With             (pleased).
小题7:I don’t mind ____________ (print) the letters for you.
小题8: We should speak to the old man          (polite).
小题9: His little dog           (die) last week and that made him very sad.
小题10:You usually ask your teacher for some _________ (advise) books.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。
Tears went out of my eyes when I talked to my mum on the phone.
It was 7:30 in the evening, she still小题1:______(work) in the fields. These are my parents. They are always working hard. My father works from seven in the morning to nine in the evening. And my mum is much busier than him because all the housework 小题2:______(leave) to her. Besides, she also小题3: ______ (look) after the vineyard(葡萄园).
Every day she 小题4:_____(get) up early at 4:00 in the morning, and keeps on working till evening. One day I 小题5:_____(call) her at eight in the evening. She said, “I’ve just got home from the vineyard and 小题6:_____(not have) supper yet. I 小题7:______(wash) the clothes now.”
Although they are busy and tired, they forget it as soon as I appear. For them, the happiest time is to be with me. Once my mum saw me 小题8:______ (walk) towards home, she cried happily. Whenever I go back home, she always runs into the kitchen 小题9:_____ (cook) something delicious for me.
Dear mum and dad, I am your hope. I’ll take more exercise to keep healthy. I 小题10:______( study) harder to be excellent at school.
Love, sometimes, doesn’t need many words. Love your parents as they love you. Give them a   call and tell them you miss them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

China is a country with many colorful and festival. The Dragon Head Raising Day is one of them. This special day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar. It 小题1:_a ________for the started of spring and farming.
The dragon is 小题2:______[?m'p??tnt]in Chinese. We Chinese people call 小题3:_______(我们自己)the “descendants (传人)of the dragon”. So people 小题4:______the Dragon Head Raising Day with many customs about dragon. On the day in 小题5:a ________times,people put ashes in the kitchen. This was to “lead the dragon  into the house ”. People believed that with the 小题6:_______of the dragon ,they could have a good 小题7:_______(收获)in autumn.
Also,people eat special foods on that day. The foods usually named 小题8:a _______dragon. For example ,people eat “dragon whisker ” noodles and dumplings called “dragon teeth ”.
Today ,many customs have disappeared. But one that has 小题9:______is the cutting of hair. It was said that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring luck to the 小题10:______of a family –mother’s brothers. So many people have their hair cut on  the Dragon Head Raising Day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Think about two people you know. How would you describe their personalities? Are they the 小题1:s ______ ?Of course not! Everyone is different .Even twins have 小题2:d _______ personalities.
Some people are very outgoing and 小题3:f_______ .They like to be 小题4:w_____ other people all the time. And some people are quiet, maybe even shy. They like to be alone or play with a 小题5:f ______  friends.
Some people worry a lot. They may小题6: w _____about many things. 小题7:H_____,some people don't worry about anything! They 小题8:n_______ mind what is going on next. These people are very relaxed.
Some people are小题9:h _______.They always do their best. They aren't lazy. They always get more chances to have success.
And don't 小题10:f _______ this: Everyone is different.
That means you are special.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A tragic mystery happened in South-east Asia. Malaysia(马来西亚) Airlines flight 370 t 小题1: off early Saturday morning, March 8th, in 2014. It was headed from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China. There were 12 crew members and 227 passengers on board, i小题2:  154 Chinese. But less than an hour into the flight, it d 小题3:. There was no communication from the pilots and no distress calls(遇险求救信号). There was something u 小题4: about the flight. Some of the people on it weren't who they said they were. Interpol, an international police organization says at l小题5: two of the passports were stolen in the past two years. The f 小题6: thing is to find the plane. It is said that the plane may have changed course and turned 小题7: towards Kuala Lumpur. We don’t know w 小题8: exactly happened to the plane. All of us hoped it could return safely. However, 17 days l 小题9: after the accident, Malaysian Prime Minister told the world that flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean and none of those on board survived. What bad n 小题10:!

