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小题1:How much are the musical tickets for two children?
A. 16 pounds,         B, 35 pounds.        C. 30 pounds.        D. 40 pounds.
小题2:When will the Teenage Drawing Competition be held?
A.On June 7th.B.On August 6th.
C.On September 20th.D.On April 25th.
小题3:Where can you watch Adele's performance this Sunday afternoon?
A.At St. James' s Park.B.At Westfield Theater.
C.At Westfield Shopping Center.D.At Cambridge Theater.


试题分析:广告一:从本周六每晚7点开始在伦敦剑桥剧院上演音乐剧《Mary》;广告二:少年绘画竞赛于8月6日周六下午2时在Westfield购物中心举行,选手年龄10-16岁之间;广告三:著名歌星Adele演唱会 于4月25日本周日中午至下午4时在St. James's公园举行,届时她将演唱最新出版的CD中的歌曲。
小题1:细节理解题。从Tickets are 20 pounds for adults and 15 pounds for children 此句得知,儿童票每人15pounds.,两个儿童30pounds.,故选C.
小题2:细节理解题。从on Saturday 6th August at 2 pm此句得知,举办时间为8月6日,故选B
小题3:细节理解题。从Come and meet the famous singer Adele at St. James's Park this Sunday, April 25.此句得知,地点为St. James's Park,故选A.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

King's College Summer School is an annual(年度的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year's summer school will be from July 25 to August 15. More information is as follows:

小题1:The summer training program includes all of the following except_______.
A.doing a part-time job.B.taking courses.
C.having sports.D.travelling.
小题2: If you want to live at a relative's home in New York, you will have to pay the school______.
小题3:What correct information can you get from the passage?
A.The program will last two months.
B.You can e-mail or ring up the school.
C.You should write to Thompson only in English.
D.Students in China can send applications only on July 14.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

First Hotel
Address : 222 Edward                Telephone :414-6433
The number of rooms : 120      Single room : $ 85      Double room :$ 100
Special attractions : French restaurant . Swimming pool . Coffee shop . Telephone and television in each room . Close to the city center .
Fairview Hotel
Address :  129 North Road          Telephone : 591- 5620
The number of rooms : 50     Single room : $55      Double room :$ 75
Special attractions : Close to the airport . Telephone in each room . Bar. Restaurant . Swimming pool .Garage 车库
Orchard Hotel
Address : 233 Edward            Telephone : 641 - 6446
The number of rooms : 120    Single room : $65      Double room :$ 95
Special attractions : European Restaurant . Coffee shop . Television in each room .
Osake Hotel
Address : 1264 Venning  Road                    Telephone :643-8200
The number of rooms : 180     Single room : $105      Double room :$ 120
Special attractions : Japanese and Chinese restaurants .Swimming pool . Large garden . Shop
小题1:If Tom wants to live near the city center , which hotel is convenient方便的to him ?
A. First HotelB. Fairview Hotel C.Orchard Hotel D.Osake Hotel
小题2:Which of the following hotels has the fewest rooms ?
A. First HotelB. Fairview Hotel C.Orchard Hotel D.Osake Hotel
小题3:The Greens need one double room and two single rooms in Orchard Hotel. How much should they pay ?
A.$ 65B.$ 95C.$225D.$255
小题4: If you want to relax yourself in a large garden , you can call ____________.
A.414- 6433B.591-5620  C.641 - 6446D.643-8200
小题5:Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?
A. There are four hotels in this passage.
B.First Hotel has 120 rooms.
C. Rooms in Osake Hotel are the most expensive of all.
D. Osake Hotel is at 1264 Edward Road.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Suzhou is a famous city in China. You can see beautiful mountains and trees in the city.
Travel time:

How to book (预订):
☆ you must book by email. Tell us which hotel you are staying at and wait for our confirmation (确认) email.
☆ Our tour guide will call you the night before the tour and tell you when we will meet the next morning.
小题1: The writer must be a _______.
A.visitorB.waiterC.a tour guideD.travel agent (代理人)
小题2:The tourist will visit ______ places in Suzhou.
小题3:What will they visit at 13:00?
A.The No.1 Silk Factory.B.Hanshan Temple.
C.The Tiger Hill.D.The Humble Administrator’s Garden.
小题4: If you want to book, you must________.
A.go to their officeB.call the tour guide
C.send them a letterD.send them an email
小题5: The best title for this passage is “________”.
A.A Famous City, SuzhouB.Suzhou Silk
C.A one-day Suzhou TourD.Main sights in Suzhou


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here is a lot of the things that classmate lost. Please help to find the owners.

小题1:Liu Mei lost a yellow ruler, she can find in ______.
A.the teacher’s boxB.Lily’s box
C.Wang Tao’s boxD.her box
小题2:You can find _____ in the teacher’s box.
A.the purple rulerB.the red eraser
C.the green jacketD.the black pencil
小题3:How many school things(学习用品) did classmates lost?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Jack wants to go to the zoo early next Thursday.The zoo will open at__________.
A.9:00 a.m.B.10:00 a.m.C.4:00 p.m.D.5:00 p.m.
小题2:If visitors cannot see the animals, the animals may be______.
小题3:Jack is eight years old.He goes to the zoo with his 58-year-old grandfather.How much should they pay for visiting the zoo?
小题4:What should we do in order not to frighten the animals?
A.We should ride bikes.B.We should keep quiet.
C.We should feed the animals.D.We should keep the zoo clean.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To make sure that you enjoy your visit to the Harper Hot Springs(温泉)and that you are safe during your visit, please take time to read the following:
Do not put your head under the hot water because it may be bad for your eyes.
Do not run around because the floors may be slippery
Do not leave your children alone.
Do not leave your things about. Just ask one of our workers to look after your things.
Do not eat or drink anything in the area because we want to keep the area clean .There is a place for you to eat and soft drinks when you need to have a rest.
Do not bring anything made of glass into the area, because it maybe easily to broken when you fall.
Do not bring any hard drinks into the area.
Do not smoke in the area.
Do not stay in the sunlight for too long.
We hope that you will enjoy your visit here
小题1:The purpose(目的)of this notice is__ .
A.to ask people to visit the Spring
B.to make people know the area
C.to tell visitors what not to do
D.to tell the visitors to have a rest
小题2:people are not allowed to__ .
A.bring any things into the area
B.have soft drinks in the area
C.look after children in the area
D.sit in the sun for long in the area
小题3:__is not mentioned(提到)in the notice.
A.How long visitors can stay in the area
B.What visitors cannot come to the area.
C.Who can take care of the visitors things
D.Whether smoking is allowed in the area
小题4:The Chinese meaning for“slippery” is__
小题5:The notice is Written for__.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:We can learn to play ping-pong     .
A.at Mr Cai’s houseB.on Friday afternoon
C.in School’s P.E. BuildingD.from Monday to Friday
小题2:The Star Rock Band will meet every     .
A.Friday afternoon B.Monday morning
C.Saturday afternoonD.Sunday morning
小题3:Cathy can sing well and she wants to meet some music lovers. She can     .
A.call 368-5788B.call 898-3443
C.meet Mr Cai on SundayD.meet Tina on Saturday


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:If you have only three dollars, what food can you buy?
A.A chocolateB.An egg sandwichC.A hot dogD.An apple pie
小题2:Jeff has ordered a hamburger, a large orange juice and two apple pies. How much will he have to pay?
A.$13.95.B.$ 13.75.C.$ 13.65.D.$ 9.80.
小题3:If you want to eat healthily, which is the most proper(恰当的) meal?
A.Some vegetables, sandwiches and fresh fruit. B.Lots of chocolate and some coffee.
C.Some fresh fruit and lots of ice-creams.D.Nothing but meat.

