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Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai ________April 29 to work for the World Expo.

A.on                B.at                 C.of                D.to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Once Einstein gave a lecture in many places in America.His driver always listened to him and knew the 1ecture SO well that he was sure he could give it himself.So Einstein agreed that the driver gave the lecture for him.

   As nobody knew Einstein there,the driver gave the lecture for Einstein that evening.At first he was a bit afraid,but Einstein’s smile made him feel better.He gave a good lecture and the people were quite pleased.

   Then the driver started to leave and Einstein followed him without a word.When they got to the door, a man asked the driver a difficult question.The driver said that the question was quite easy.And told the man to ask his driver behind to answer it.


    Einstein gave the1_________ lecture again and again.His driver listened to his lecture SO many times that he wanted to give it 2_________.When Einstein knew it,he let the driver give the lecture for him that night.The driver gave a good lecture and the great scientist was quite pleased.

    When they were 3________ the lecture room,a mall asked the driver a question.To show 4_________ easy the question was,the driver asked Einstein who followed him behind to answer it 5________of him.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--        do you study for a test?

--I study by working with a group.

A.Where             B.How           C.When           D.Why


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Everyone should save every drop of water. Remember to _______the tap after you finish washing.

A.turn off                      B.turn down                            C.turn on


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

-Do you know ________the Capital Museum?

-Next Friday.

A.when will they visit                       B.when they will visit

C.when did they visit                                     D.when they visited


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

-________.you turn down your radio,please?

-Yes ,I can.

A.May              B.Need            C.Must            D.Can


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Doing homework not only can help children master the knowledge they have learned,but also can train their abilities of finishing the work alone,planning the time and doing the duties.But some children don't like to complete the work.Why? There are some reasons.  

Some children feel it is very difficult to do their homework,because they can't understand their teacher clearly,and cannot follow their teacher's teaching process(过程).Maybe there is something wrong with their intelligence

But some children's intelligence is normal.They are even cleverer.but they don't listen to the teacher carefully.It is hard for them to sit well and pay attention to anything.It needs to carry on the attention centralized(集中注意力 )training to help the children.

Some children love their teacher and then they like the subject.Their interest depends on the teacher who teaches them.So every teacher should be helpful and kind.It can make children love you and the subject you teach.So they can do their homework happily.

1.Doing homework can help children _______

A.master the knowledge                     B.train their abilities

C.learn new lessons                      D.Both A and B

2.Some children find the homework difficult.Which reason is NOT right?

A.They can't understand their teacher clearly.

B.They cannot follow their teacher's teaching process.

C.The intelligence of all the students isn't normal.

D.They don't listen to the teacher carefully.

3.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "intelligence" ?

A.作业                B.智商                 C.思想                 D.方式

4.According to the last paragraph(段落) .the writer thinks      is very important.

A.a teacher         B.a subject                C.attention           D.homework

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Some children don't like their teacher.

B.Children's homework is very difficult.

C.Why don't some children like to do homework?

D.Why can't some children study the subjects well?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--Remember this,John. _________careful you are,_________mistakes you will make.

--Thanks.Miss Rose.

A.The more ; the less                      B.The more ; the fewer

C.The less ; the fewer                        D.The more ; the more


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--Do you like the music(音乐)?

--Yes, it’s _________

A.difficult            B.boring            C.relaxing           D.a fun

