精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


Ⅰ                                  Ⅱ

1.How are you?                      A. Yes, it is. Thanks.

2.What color is your bike?              B. I’m fine.

3.Is this your book?                C. How do you do?

4. How do you do?                   D. It’s yellow.

5.Do you know Mike?             E. No, I don’t.










试题分析:1.How are you? “你好吗?”,I’m fine.“我很好”。故此项选B。

2.What color is your bike ? “你的自行车是什么颜色的?” It’s yellow. “它是黄色的。”故此项选D。

3.Is this your book? “这是你的书吗?” Yes,it is. Thanks. “是的,它是。谢谢!”故此项选A。

4.How do you do? “你好”是出次见面的问候语,回答也应该用 How do you do? 故项选C。

5.Do you know Mike?“你认识迈克吗?” 否定回答应该用No, I don’t. “不,我不认识。”故此项选E。





科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:030


    A                      B

(    )1Where is your book?         ANoit’s an apple

(    )2Is that an orange?         BGood night!

(    )3How do you feel?         CIt’s here

(    )4Do you feel happy?          DYesI am

(    )5Are you hot?           EI feel sad

(    )6Good night!            FIt’s long

(    )7Is your hair long or short?       GMy head hurts

(    )8What's the matter?           HYesI feel happy



科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(贵州贵阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.Have you ever been to Guiyang?

2.You speak English very well .

3.What size is your sweater ?

4.Hello ! May I speak to Tom ?

5.Could you please take out the trash?


A.Size L.

B.Thank you.

C.It is very kind of you.

D.Yes , I have .

E.Sure. I ' ll do it right away.

F.Just a moment , please.





科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. Whose shirt is this?            
(     )2. How do you do?                  
(     )3. Is she in Team Two?             
(     )4. What’s the time?               
(     )5. What row are you in?            
(     )6. Can you see a bird in the tree? 
(     )7. Who’s that girl?               
(     )8. What colour are your shoes?     
(     )9. Sit down, please.               
(     )10. Which man is your friend?      
A. Thank you.                        
B. The one in the black car.         
C. It’s eleven.                     
D. How do you do?                   
E. She’s Mr. Read’s daughter.                                 
F. They are black.                   
G. It’s Bill’s.                 
H. Yes, she is.                    
I. I’m in Row Five.                 
J. No, I can’t.                   


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


          A                                                    B

1.What are you doing?                                 A: You're welcome.

2.Here's a gift for you, Tom.                                  B.I'm going to be a doctor.

3.What do you know about Lao She?                    C.He's a famous writer.

4.May I have a look at your watch?                      D.Maybe Bill Gates is.

5.Who's the richest man in the world?                            E.Oh! How nice! Thank you.

6.Can I help you?                                   F.Sure.Here you are.

7.What's the matter with you?                           G.I'm studying for my physics test.

8.Did you go fishing last weekend?                      H.I have a bad cold.

9.What are you going to be when you grow up?              I.Yes, I did.

10.Thank you very much.                                    J.Yes, I want to buy a souvenir.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


(    )1.What’s your favorite color?             A.No,he’s cooking.

(    )2.When do you go to school?             B.White.

(    )3.Is John reading a book?                   C.They’re watching TV.

(    )4.What time is it now?                          D.Yes,I’d like an orange juice.

(    )5.Does Bill like to be a doctor?            E.I’m a reporter.

(    )6.What are Lily and Lucy doing?                F.Yes,he does.

(    )7.Do you know his name?                         G.It’s 5:00.

(    )8.What sports does he like?                H.Yes,he’s Peter.

(    )9.What’s your job?                            I.Swimming.

(    )10.Can I help you?                            J.At 7 o’clock.

                                                                   K.I like sports news.

