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What do you think we should do to improve our environment?
(1)                                                   .
(2)                                                   .

小题1:I think we should plant more trees.
小题2:In my opinion, we must not waste water.

小题1:I think we should plant more trees. 可以用一些表达自己观点的句式例如I think; plant more trees植树。
小题2:In my opinion, we must not waste water. 可以用一些表达自己观点的句式例如I think, in my opinion等,以及用到情态动词,如should, must 等。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

BRT, which is short for Bus Rapid Transit, is c 小题1:“the underground system on the ground”. It has been in s 小题2:since October 1st , 2012 in Lian Yungang. In the p__小题3:__, the roads in the city were so crowded(拥挤的)that most buses went slowly. Because of this, the city government decided to build BRT. Now, people can go to work by it more e小题4:than before. And if you have a student card, you can have a discount on the t    小题5:.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

good morning,everyone. my name is betty. I am thirteen. I am american. Now I live in china. I am a student. lingling is my good friend.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Three men were t__小题1:__ about the world’s greatest wonders.
The first man said,” I think the pyramids are the greatest. Though people b__小题2:__ them thousands of years ago, they are still standing. And just think: people at that time didn’t have our m__小题3:__ machines(机器). How could they build them so long ago?”
“I a__小题4:__ that the pyramids are wonderful.” The second man said. “ but I think computers are more wonderful. Everyone knows computers have changed the world a lot since people i__小题5:__ them.”
Then the t__小题6:__ man said, “ I d__小题7:__ with you two. I think the most wonderful thing is the thermos(热水瓶).”
The other two men were very s__小题8:__ , “ A thermos!” They said. “ Why? It’s a simple(简单) thing.”
“Oh, no,” the man said.” In w__小题9:__ you put in hot water and it stays hot. In summer you put in a cold drink and it stays cold. How does the thermos know w__小题10:__ it is winter or summer?”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My name is Jim White. I live in America. I had a very u __小题1:__ experience on Sunday. I s___小题2:___a UFO in the daytime. Early this spring, I went outside w___小题3:___ my friend Bill who lived close to me. We were walking to a hill when I saw a l___小题4:___ bright light dancing in the sky. I called Jim and asked him to look up. He kept a___小题5:___, “What is that?” “A UFO!” I shouted excitedly. I n__小题6:__ it was round and red in the center.
After we looked at it for a m__小题7:__, we found it seemed that it had wings, but it was still round. Bill would not b__小题8:___ me when I told him it must be a UFO. We shouted t__小题9:__ it and we wished that it would land. We wanted to know i__小题10:_ there was an alien in it. But soon it disappeared. I guessed we scared it off.
Do you believe me? It’s a true story.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

连词成句。将下列词语组成完整的句子, 注意字母大小写、标点符号。(10分)
小题1:name, my, Ma Lin, is

小题2:from, are, where, they

小题3:number, my, telephone, is, (010)8629-7688

小题4:am, I, Mark, not

小题5:Guilin, is, from, he


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Believe , family ,one day ,all , died , all , its , island  ,almost , and 
Recently I have read another great book by Mark Twain. __小题1:___name is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn .Huck and Tom Sawyer are best friends . They have had so many adventures . __小题2:____this book tells about Huck and another friends of his ,Jim .Huck lives with a rich __小题3:_   after he finds a box of gold with Tom Sawyer in a cave . ___小题4:___Hucks real dad comes and takes him away from the family . Huck’s life in his dad’s small cabin (小木屋) is __小题5:__so he cuts a hole in the cabin . Then he manages to make people _小题6:__that someone has killed him .Huck runs away to a small _小题7:____.His friend Jim is on that island .He is very sad because he thinks that Huck has __小题8:_____. Then they go on adventures together , They _小题9:______die in the wheels of a huge paddle boat and they live on a raft with two frauds 骗子.
Well, that is 小题10:____I  want to tell you here . It is really a good book . It has lots of adventures and Tom Sawyer will show up .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Computers can help humans do many things, but humans must give them i 小题1:  , otherwise , they won’t know what to do. With the help of computers, people can find information they want in s小题2: . It works very quickly and correctly. The first computers cost much and took u 小题3:much room. But later they become c 小题4: and smaller. Now, computers are also compact(精密的). People can p 小题5:them on their table or c 小题6: them form place to place.
Robots are moving parts c 小题7: by a computer. They can work for a very log time w 小题8:  complaining or getting t 小题9:  , and they can do many things instead of people . So some people fear that one day many people will l  小题10: their jobs because of these robots.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It is important for you to set goals. However, you   1  feel it difficult to do. I hope the following things can help you.
◆Have a strong wish for your goal(目标)
You should remember: the starting point of all success is a strong wish. Strong   2  make good results. So, the first step to   3  a goal is to have a strong wish.
◆Picture yourself reaching a goal
You can change your life by changing your mind. You should   4  stop thinking that you can reach your goal. For example, you can draw a picture   5  something that you want and put it up on the wall. Then you can see it every day and  6  seems that you have already got it. This will encourage you to make it come true.
◆Make a plan to reach your goal
To make a plan to reach your goal is the most important step. You should make sure that you think through everything in the plan first. Each day you should follow the plan so that you are  7   to reach your goal.
◆Check your progress
 8  you are trying to reach your goal, you need to check how much progress you have made and how many things you have missed. Write these things down and find out how to do them better.

