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Stephen will finish school this summer. He plans to find a job in UNICEF. Now he is being interviewed by a UNICEF worker.
(S: Stephen                   W: worker in UNICEF)
W: So, Stephen, please say something about yourself.
S: Well, I love children so much. My mother works in a primary school, so I learn a lot about children and I think this might be useful.
W: I’m sure it is. Do you speak many languages? Ours is an international organization and it’s quite often that we meet children from different countries.
S: Yes. I’m good at French and English. I’m taking Chinese at evening classes. I learned Japanese at school, too.
W: Excellent. 告诉我你为什么想得到这份工作。
S: Well, it sounds interesting, worker, like, experience, I, as , some, would, a , to, charity, get . Maybe one day I’ll set up my own charity.
W: I see. What are your characteristics, may I ask?
S: I’m patient, generous and easy-going.
W: Good. What do you think you could offer us, Stephen?
S: I think my knowledge of languages and personalities would be useful. I enjoy working with children and you can always believe me. I’m also fit and healthy.
W: What do you think your disadvantages are?
S: I’m not outgoing. I’m very shy when I first meet people. I find it difficult to talk to them and make conversation, but when I know people quite well I’m much more self-confident.
W: Thank you very much. Stephen. We’ll call you next week.
小题1: Where does Stephen’s mother work?                                        ________
小题2:Which language is Stephen taking at evening classes.  English, Chinese or Japanese?  _______
小题3: 将文中划线部分的单词组成一个通顺的句子。        ______________________________
小题4: 将文中汉语“告诉我你为什么想得到这份工作。”译成英语。  ________________________
小题5:What are Stephen’s advantages in asking for this job?(列出四个方面)              ________

小题1:She works in a primary school.
小题1: Chinese.
小题1:As a worker, I would like to get some charities experience.
小题1:Tell me why you want to get this job.
小题1:(1)She is patient, generous and easy-going (2)She enjoys working with children.
(3). She is also fit and health (4) .Her knowledge of languages and personalities would be useful

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Anna,
Thanks for the photo of your family. It’s very great. I like(喜欢)it very much. Here is my family photo. These are my
grandparents, and these are my father and mother. I am their daughter. Look at the boy. He is my cousin. His name is Bob. This is a happy(幸福的)family.
Your friend,
1. This is the photo of                   ’s family.
2. Is Alice’s aunt in the photo?
3. Bob and Alice are                    .
4. Alice and Anna are                    .
5. Bob calls Alice’s mother                    .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

小题1:The other day , I met an old friend of mine on my way home.
A.Just nowB.Every other dayC.On a special dayD.Several days ago
小题2:I enjoy living in the countryside,but I can’t go shopping in big stores if I don’t
travel for a long time.
A.untilB.tillC.unlessD.even though
小题3:—I like to eat fish and chips in the open air.What about you?
Me, too
A.So do I.B.So am I.C.Either is 0K.D.Neither do I
小题4:—Li Na won the tennis championship in the French Open on June 4, 2011.
—We take pride in her. She is the first Asian professional tennis player to win it.
A.are interested inB.are proud ofC.are terrified ofD.are tired of
小题5:—Could you please wash the dishes?
— OK. I’ll do them in a minute.
A.right awayB.for a minuteC.just nowD.with a minute


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Someone says, "Time is money." But I think time is 小题1: important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. floweret, when time is 小题2: it’ll never 小题3: . That’s 小题4: we mustn’t waste time.
It goes without saying that the 小题5:is usually limited (有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 小题6: useful.
But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the 小题7: of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and 小题8:. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own小题9:. In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t   小题10: today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to waste.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Give water, save lives
A bottle of water may not seem like much to you, but thousands of bottles will be of great help for people who live in drought-hit(遭受旱灾) areas in China.
Since last autumn, there has been very little rain in Southwest China. Some places, especially in Yunnan . Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, have experienced a serious drought. Crops (庄稼) died, the land cracked, and wells (井) and rivers dried up. More than 20 million people are having difficulty in finding safe drinking water.
After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by giving water, money and other things.
Last week, every member of the Communist Youth League (共青团员) and Young Pioneers(少先队员) were encouraged to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit areas. Students in primary schools and middle schools quickly joined the activity. In Yuhua Primary School in Xi’ an, 900 students bought over 1,000 bottles of water with their pocket money. They also wrote their wishes on the bottles.
The serious drought has also made students realize the importance of saving water.
Students from Nanshan Middle School in Huizhou in Guangdong went on the street to tell people to take part in water-saving activities.
“I’ve heard that some children in drought-hit areas don’ t have enough drinking water. They have to drink muddy ( 含有泥土的 ) water. I feel really sad about that," said one student. “I decide to take a shower twice a week instead of every day to save water.”he said.
小题1:Why did a serious drought happen in Southwest China?  
___________________________________________________________________________                     小题2:What does the underlined (划线的) word "cracked" probably mean in Chinese?
______________________________________________                   !
小题3:What did people do after learning about the drought?
小题4:Is a bottle of water helpful for the people in drought-hit areas?
小题5:What can you learn from the passage?                                     


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Christmas is a season to spread joy. Can we spread this joy by caring a little more about nature and going green? Here are some good ideas.
Reduce the use of the decorative(装饰) lights. Make use of the eco-friendly(环保的)lights on the market. In this way you can save electricity.
Reuse the wrapping (包装)paper to wrap the gifts. You don’t need to buy new wrapping paper every year. Also try using the same small decorations for your Christmas tree.
Recycle(循环利用)all those decorations that your can not use any more. You can send out Christmas cards made from recycled paper. It’s a thoughtful way of going green for Christmas.(1)There are many charities selling these cards made from recycled paper.
There are some other ideal ways to go green for Christmas.
(2)You can _______ Christmas gifts by _________.You needn’t go to shops to buy presents for your family and friends. Homemade Christmas chocolates, handmade soft toys, homemade candles are wonderful.
If you have no time for gifts, you can also invite your family and friends over to have a home cooked meal. They can even help you with the cooking. This can make your relationship stronger.
Let’s use these green Christmas ideas to celebrate an eco-friendly Christmas!
3.回答问题:Why do we use the eco-friendly lights for Christmas?
4.在文中找出与This can help improve your relationship.意思相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The gravity on Mars is only about ________ of that on Earth.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hello ! What’s your name, please ?      
B: My name is Jim.
A: Hello, Jim. I’m Helen.
B: Hi, Helen.
A: And your last name, please ?
B: Read.
A: How do you spell it ?
B: R-E-A-D.
A: Oh, what’s this in English?
B: It’s a watch.
A: Is this your watch ?
B: No, it isn’t. My watch is here.
A: This isn’t my watch. Let’s go to the
Lost and Found.
B: OK.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Match Column I with Column II.

小题1: If you are pleasant,
小题2:If you are honest,
小题3:If you are a believable person,
小题4:If you have self-control,
小题5: If you have a strong will,
A.it is possible that you will not disturb people or let your weaknesses cause you trouble.
B.it is possible that no difficulty can prevent you.
C.it is possible that people like you,
because you can cheer them up.
D.it is possible that people telling lies around you won't feel comfortable.
E. it is possible that people will believe in you and depend on you.

