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Studying too much?

  Most people work or study from Monday to Friday.The weekend is usually a time of rest.But today’s Chinese teenagers can hardly rest during the weekends.

  According to a survey, 24% of the Grade 8 students in Beijing have classes at the weekend.Over 40% of the middle school students have less than eight hours’ sleep each night because of study.

  And this doesn’t happen only in Beijing.Ji Chunying is a Grade 9 student in Guangzhou.The 14-year-old girl has to get up at 6∶45am on Saturday.Then she has classes all the day.On Sunday, she goes to extra(额外)classes for math and physics.But Ji doesn’t complain.She says her classmates all work very hard.

Finding time to have fun

  Zhao Ming, 13, is from Zhanjiang, Guangdong.Zhao’s weekend is less busy.But he still spends Saturday in school.On Sunday, after finishing homework, he plays basketball.“I feel happy because I still have time to do the things I like,”he said.Some students are much luckier.Ding Yi, a Grade 8 student from Laiwu, Shandong, is one of them.During the weekend, Ding usually gets up at 8∶00am.Then she spends some time doing homework.After that she is free to go shopping or watch TV.“My teacher said I don't need to push myself too much.Learning well at school is enough,”Ding said.“I feel pretty lucky.”


Over 40% of the middle school students have less than eight hours’ sleep each night because of ________.

[  ]


playing computer games


playing with friends


watching TV


busy study


How many students are mentioned(提及)in this passage?

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Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Some middle school students can enjoy their weekend.


All the students in China are busy studying at the weekend.


Every student in China has to go to extra classes at the weekend.


No student complains about his busy weekend.


The passage mainly tells us that ________.

[  ]


Students should do more homework at the weekend


All the students in China must have classes at the weekend


Students should have more time to take a rest at the weekend


No student can play with his friends out of classes


The above passage may be a ________.

[  ]


story of science


school notice


short play


news report


科目:初中英语 来源:中考英语阅读理解实战演练之缤纷自然篇 题型:050


  Do you know something about tree rings(年轮)? Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes even hundreds of years ago?

  A tree will grow well in a climate(气候)with lots of sunshine and rainfall.And little sunshine or rainfall will limit(限制)the growth of climate by studying the tree rings.For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree from the outside to the inside.If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we’re sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year.If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad.

  Tree rings are important not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man.Many centuries ago there lived a lot of people at a place in New Mexico.But now you can find only sand there-no trees and no people.What happened?

  A scientist studied the rings of dead trees there.He found that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees to make fires and buildings.As all the trees had gone, the people there had to move.


________ in good climate.

[  ]


Tree rings grow far from each other


Tree rings become thinner


Trees don’t need sunshine or rainfall


People can cut down most of the trees


The scientists are interested in studying tree rings because tree rings can tell ________.

[  ]


whether a tree was strong or not


whether people took good care of the trees or not


whether the climate was good or not


how old the trees were


If you want to find out the weather of twenty years ago, you should study ________.

[  ]


the twentieth ring


the tenth ring


the nineteenth ring


the twenty-first ring


Why did people usually live in places with lots of trees?

[  ]


Trees could tell the change of the weather


Trees brought lots of sunshine and rain


Trees could make weather not too hot or too cold


Trees could be used for burning and for building house


The people had to leave the place in New Mexico because ________.

[  ]


had weather stopped the growth of trees


they no longer had water and the land became sand


they didn’t have enough trees for burning


there was too much rain there


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津英语九年级下册各单元考卷完整-牛津英语[整理] 牛津版 题型:051


International Classmates

  Hi, everyone.I’m Liu Wei and I’m a Chinese teacher at an international school in Beijing.We have kids from all over the world here.In some ways, our school is a little different from other schools in China.For example, the pupils don’t wear uniforms(校服).Let me tell you about my favourite junior high school students.

  Matt comes from New York.He loves pop music.When he walks between classes he always wears headphones.His classmates are afraid of him because he’s big for his age.And he’s really noisy!In his free time he watches action films and practices Kung Fu(功夫).Today he’s entering a Kung Fu competition.Good luck, Matt!

  Brad is one of Matt’s classmates.He was born in Sydney but his parents are from Poland(波兰).He likes speaking Polish and English when he’s at home.Brad is a quiet boy, but he can be very funny.He likes speaking Polish to his classmates.Brad gets very angry when they can’t understand him!Brad’s favorite sport is swimming.He wakes up early and trains every day before school.

  Lucy is another of my favorite students.She’s a tall, beautiful girl from London.She’s a good student and she’s always studying.Sometimes she can’t sleep because she thinks too much about her lessons!Lucy loves Beijing but she doesn’t like the summer.She says it’s too hot!study, school, she, medicine, when, to, leaves, wants, she, I hope she will be successful!

1.What is Matt doing today?




3.How are Matt and Brad different in characters(性格)?


4.What problem does Lucy have?





科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标初三上册练习 人教新课标 题型:050


Study the following diagrams of the rainfall (mm) carefully and answer the questions below.


(1)Which city has the most rainfall?

[  ]

A. Harbin.

B. Beijing.

C. Wuhan.

D. Guangzhou.

(2) From the diagrams we know the rainfall is heavy from ________ to ________, covering 80% of the year's amount(总量).

[  ]

A. April; August

B. June; October

C. May; September

D. March; September

(3) We know ________ from the diagrams.

[  ]

A. Beijing has the least rainfall

B. the north has much more rainfall

C. Guangzhou gets the most rainfall in June

D. the south has much more rainfall

(4) Beijing gets ________ rainfall than ________ .

[  ]

A. a little more; Guangzhou

B. less; Harbin

C. far more; Wuhan

D. less; Wuhan

(5)Which of the following is true according to the diagrams?

[  ]

A. The rainfall in Harbin and Beijing is the heaviest in July of the year.

B. The rainfall of Guangzhou in May is as heavy as in June.

C. The rainfall in Wuhan is about the same in May and July.

D. There is enough rain in the east, but little rain in the west.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


Study the following diagrams of the rainfall (mm) carefully and answer the questions below.


(1)Which city has the most rainfall?

[  ]

A. Harbin.

B. Beijing.

C. Wuhan.

D. Guangzhou.

(2) From the diagrams we know the rainfall is heavy from ________ to ________, covering 80% of the year's amount(总量).

[  ]

A. April; August

B. June; October

C. May; September

D. March; September

(3) We know ________ from the diagrams.

[  ]

A. Beijing has the least rainfall

B. the north has much more rainfall

C. Guangzhou gets the most rainfall in June

D. the south has much more rainfall

(4) Beijing gets ________ rainfall than ________ .

[  ]

A. a little more; Guangzhou

B. less; Harbin

C. far more; Wuhan

D. less; Wuhan

(5)Which of the following is true according to the diagrams?

[  ]

A. The rainfall in Harbin and Beijing is the heaviest in July of the year.

B. The rainfall of Guangzhou in May is as heavy as in June.

C. The rainfall in Wuhan is about the same in May and July.

D. There is enough rain in the east, but little rain in the west.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语八年级下Module 9练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


We all know who Benjamin Franklin was. He was a very famous American statesman. He was also the first man to discover electricity. Franklin liked to study and to learn about new things. One day he heard from a friend that something black in colour holds the heat better than something white in colour. Franklin wanted to find out if this was true or not.

There was snow on the ground at the time. So he put two large pieces of cloth over the snow. One piece of cloth was black in colour, the other piece was white. Then he waited until the sun began to shine. After several hours he looked under the pieces of cloth and saw that the snow under the black cloth melted much faster than the snow under the white cloth. This proved to him that the black cloth held the heat better than the white cloth.

Soon after this, people began to wear white hats and white clothes during the summer because they were cooler.


1.Benjamin Franklin was only a scientist.

2. One day a friend of his told him something about the relation(关系) between colour and heat.

3. Something black in colour holds heat better than something white in colour.

4.This story happened in summer.

5. People wear white clothes in summer because they know it is cooler.


