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-Wow!You'we got so many skirts.

-But ________ of them are in fashion now.

[  ]









科目:初中英语 来源:轻松新课堂·初中英语作业本·9A(牛津版) 牛津版 题型:030


Peter:Hi, Linda!Where are you going?

Linda:I'm going to the a   1  

Peter:Wow, you are taking many things with you.Let me give you a h   2  

Linda:It's very kind of you.

Peter:For w   3   will you go there?For your summer holiday?

Linda:Yes, I'm going to s   4   with my aunt and uncle in Beijing.

Peter:Beijing?The 2008 Olympic Games will be h   5   there?

Linda:Quite right.My uncle will take me to watch some matches d   6   the time.

Peter:How long will you be there?

Linda:About two months.

Peter:You are so lucky!By the way, are you going to do anything e   7  ?

Linda:Yes, I'm going to do some shopping with my aunt.

Peter:Could you do something for me, please?

Linda:Of course.Tell me what.

Peter:I'm not i   8   in shopping, but could you take some photos of the Olympic Games for me?I'll k   9   them.

Linda:I'm not sure.I'll do my best.Here we are at the airport.It's time to say goodbye.Thanks for helping me.

Peter:You're welcome.I hope you will enjoy y   10  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

M: Alice! What’s that?
W: Oh, 【小题1】   .
M: Do you like baseball?
W:   【小题2】
M: But I think it’s very difficult. I can’t play it well.
W: 【小题3】
M: Great! Look at the photo. Is that you?
W:  【小题4】   .
M: Are you in your School Baseball Club?
W: Yes, I am.
M: Wow, you’re great. 【小题5】      .
W: Sure, you can.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年宁夏银川市初一上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:补充句子

M: Alice! What’s that?
W: Oh, 【小题1】   .
M: Do you like baseball?
W:   【小题2】
M: But I think it’s very difficult. I can’t play it well.
W: 【小题3】
M: Great! Look at the photo. Is that you?
W:  【小题4】   .
M: Are you in your School Baseball Club?
W: Yes, I am.
M: Wow, you’re great. 【小题5】      .
W: Sure, you can.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省台州市初三中考模拟英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

A: Hi, Han Mei! What are you doing now?

B: I’m studying for tomorrow’s test. What about you?     

A: I’m learning English by l  81   to the tapes. Can you tell me how you learn English?

B: I learn by practicing conversations with my partner.

A: That’s a good idea. I think it can i  82   your speaking skills. Who’s your partner?

B: Liu Ying, one of your classmates at primary school.

A: Oh, wow! It’s her! I remember she u  83   to be short and be very quiet.

B: But now she’s much 84 than before and very outgoing.

A: By the way, do you have lots of rules at school?

B: Yes, we do. For example, we must w  84   uniform at school.

A: Should students be allowed to have part-time job?

B: No. But I think it is necessary for students to have s  85   rules at school.

A: That’s right.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Hi, Gina! Why do you w  1     a hat?
B: I don't like my haircut.
A: What's w  2     with your hair?
B: It's short and ugly.
A: Let me have a l  3      .Wow, you look so cool! You are smarter than b  4     .
B: But it looks l  5      boy's hairstyle. I wear a hat so nobody can see it.
A: But now it's summer. It's too h  6      when you wear a hat.
B: What s  7     I do?
A: I have an i  8     .You could wear sunglasses instead of (而不是) a hat.
B:Oh,no.I don't like to do that.
A:Then I t  9     you could wear a wig (假发).It is very p 10 now.B:Yes,that's a good idea.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____

