精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Tom walked into a shop . It had a sign outside : "Second-hand (旧的) clothes bought and sold . "He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."
  "What !" said Tom. "I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars."
  "No," said the man, "they aren't worth a cent more than two dollars."
  "Well," said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. "Here's your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price (标价)of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth."
  Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to say .
小题1:At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom __________.
A.wanted to steal the trousers    B.wanted to sell the trousers
C.wanted to fool him      D.wanted to buy the trousers
小题2:The owner of the shop_______  for the old trousers.
A.would give Tom two dollars 
B.would pay three dollars
C.would pay five dollars      
D.would give Tom six dollars and a half
小题3:The shop owner insisted(坚持) that the trousers were worth only two dollars because ____.
A.he wanted to sell them cheaply  
B.he wanted to buy them cheaply
C.he didn't like the trousers  
D.they were old and dirty
小题4:In fact, the trousers _________.
A.were hanging inside the shop   
B.were stolen by Tom from the shop
C.had been the shop owner's    
D.had been Tom's
小题5:From the story we know that _________ cheaper than the list price.
A.the owner sold the trousers two dollars
B.Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half
C.the owner bought the trousers three dollars
D.Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half


小题2:细节理解题。根据The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."描述,可知这个店老板想给汤姆两美元买这条裤子。故选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据Here's your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. 描述,可知这条裤子是店老板挂在商店外面的。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Smith works in an office. He is very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes from his office, he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. She doesn’t stop talking until she falls asleep, but it’s usually too late and Mr Smith has to get up in time in the morning when she is asleep.
One day the man felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman told the doctor all and the man understood why. He wrote out a prescription. And when Mr Smith brought the medicine to the resulting-room, the doctor said to her, “The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills are for you.”
“For me?” the woman said in surprise, “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!” “I don’t think so, madam,” said the doctor, “They are sleeping pills, your husband will soon be all right if you take them.”
小题1:What does Mrs Smith often do after supper?
A.She watches TVB.She does the chores
C.She begins talkingD.She goes to bed early
小题2:Why does Mr. Smith have to get up when his wife is asleep in the morning?
A.Because he can’t fall asleep.
B.Because he has to go to work.
C.Because he doesn’t want to sleep.
D.Because his wife asks him to get up.
小题3:What does“prescription ” mean in Chinese?
小题4:Why couldn’t Mr. Smith go to work one day?
A.Because he didn’t want to work
B.Because his wife didn’t let him go
C.Because he felt ill
D.Because he was too tired to go to work
小题5:From the story, we know that___________________.
A.Mrs Smith was ill
B.Mr Smith has to take the pills
C.Mr Smithth wasn’t ill
D.Mrs Smith has to stop talking too much at night.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you think of your parents? “Yes, of course,” you may answer, “I buy a present for my mother on       . And I give my father a present on Father’s Day,      . Then what about the other days of a year? Always       to think of your parents, not just on some important days. I have a friend who       alone, because her parents live another city. One day I went to see her. We had a nice chat. Then she wanted to make a       . She dialed (拨号) the number, but then she put the phone       . After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again. “Hi, mom…” Later I asked, “Why did you dial the number       ?” She smiled, “My parents are old. They can’t get close to the telephone       . I always do so when I call them. I just want to give them       time to answer the call.” My friend is a good girl. She is always        her parents. You also want to be a good child, right? So why not learn from her?
A.Father’s DayB.Mother’s DayC.Teachers’ Day D.Children’s Day
A.as wellB.alsoC.eitherD.yet
A.liveB.livesC.lived D.living
A.onceB.twiceC.several timesD.many times
A.lessB.littleC.enoughD.a lot
A.thinking aboutB.laughing atC.picking upD.looking for


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Look at the diagram. It      something of home computer used by a group of young people. We asked thirty young people between fourteen and eighteen. We asked them how much     they usually spent on their computers in a week, but we were most interested in        they used their computers for.
The usual time spent on a computer in a week was about twelve hours, with       user about thirty-two hours, and the lowest user only five hours.
All the children said they usually used computers      . Fourteen children told us they did some word processing (文字处理)       . Only two of them said computers helped with their lessons, and eight people told us they kept addresses and phone numbers on their computers or used       as diaries. Only three people said they were learning to make computer programmes and nobody looked up databases(数据库). None of them used computers for any      use.
The results show that computer use is quite high among 14~18 year old. They also show quite clearly that computers      by most young people as little more than game machines. The only other great uses are for word-processing and      address lists. Though computers are common in the homes of young people, they have not yet become useful in everyday life.
A.showsB.saysC.writes D.gives
A.highB.higherC.the higher D.the highest
A.to readB.readingC.to play gamesD.playing games
A.at timesB.as usualC.in the endD.all the time
A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.others
A.are seenB.have seenC.will be seen D.see


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was the last lesson before     holidays. The students     very happy. Their English teacher was very happy,  .The teacher     played nice games with them. He sang some nice songs, and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES”  it.“This is one of the     words in English”,he said to the class. The    class laughed, and then one girl     and said,“Why is it one of the longest words in English?”The teacher said    for a while. Then he smiled and said,“Because there is a mile between the     letter and the last.”
A.a B.anC.theD.much
A.is B.areC.was D.were
A.too B.eitherC.neither D.also
A.a little B.littleC.any D.also
A.before B.onC.in D. in front of
A.long B.longerC.longest D.short
A.whole B.eachC.all D.both
A.stand upB.sit downC.stood upD.lay down
A.somethingB.anythingC.nothing D.everything


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Michael Jackson’s full name is Michael Joseph Jackson. He is one of pop music’s biggest stars. He was born          August 29th, 1958 in Indiana, the USA. He is famous          the King of Pop.
Michael Jackson is about 50 years old. And he has been a singer for more than 40 years. He started to perform on the stage          he was very young. Michael Jackson _       his brother’s pop group in 1964. He quickly became famous. Jackson made his first national TV appearance at the age of 11. Later on, his classical disco Off The Wall          10 million copies. He gave some concerts         the tickets always sold out.
But there’s          happening to him. He once said, “There is a lot of         in my past life.” Despite his private life, people all over the world still enjoy his music.          his songs are played, people will think of his dynamic(有力量的) performances. Though Jackson died in June, 2009, his fans said that he would be a great          forever.
A.because B.whenC.ifD.since
A.attendedB.took part inC.joinedD.joined in
A.because B.soC.butD.and
A.something unhappyB.unhappy somethingC.something happyD.happy something
A.singer B.songC.musicD.dance


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

"We're going to move," Jimmy said to Mr. James,her teacher, with tears(眼泪) in her eyes. "Dad lost his job and now we don't have enough money to live in our house." Pam was walking by and just heard Jimmy's talk with Mr.James.
  In the lunchroom Pam met Carol and said, "I've got something to tell you about Jimmy." As she started to tell Carol about Jimmy's dad, several other classmates stopped to listen. Pam felt bad telling what she had heard but she went on anyway.
  After school, Pam saw some of her classmates talking to Jimmy. "Where does your dad work?" one of the boys asked. Jimmy's face turned red. She left without answering. Pam felt terrible, because she didn't mean to hurt Jimmy. And she hadn't thought that some of the classmates would make jokes and laugh at Jimmy about her father's losing the job. Pam didn't know what she could do to help Jimmy.
小题1:The story wants to tell us ____.
A.It's difficult to move away
B.girls don't like to talk to boys
C.student's report to the teacher  
D.secrets are hard to keep
小题2:Jimmy’s family had to move because ____.
A.her father lost his job       
B.they had a better place to live in
C.her classmates were not kind enough 
D.her father changed his job
小题3:Jimmy's face turning red show that she didn't ____.
A.feel well enoughB.know the answer 
C.want to talk about her fatherD.want to leave others
小题4:Pam felt very sorry ____.
A.and wanted to do something for Jimmy  
B.but went to laugh at Jimmy
C.so she stopped to listen to others  
D.and left without answering
小题5:The whole story happened ____.
A.in classB.during and after schoolC.at Mr.James's officeD.in the lunchroom


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr. Smith is an English       . He teaches English       . His English        are very interesting. He likes us and we like him,       .
Mr. Smith has        children—Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and        sister, Mary, is four. Tom goes to school but Mary       . Mr. Smith likes blue T-shirt and       .
Football is his favorite       . After school we often play baseball. Mr. Smith plays baseball just (只是) for       .
小题1:A. men             B. man              C. woman   
小题2:A. good                   B. fine             C. well
小题3:A. classes                   B. lesson               C. subject
小题4:A. so                   B. all              C. too
小题5:A. two                    B. one              C. three
小题6:A. he                    B. his              C. him
小题7:A. don’t                 B. does             C. doesn’t
小题8:A. shorts                B. short                C. a short
小题9:A. music                    B. sport                C. subject
小题10:A. boring               B. relax                C. Fun


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After Mr. and Ms. Smith spent a happy morning at the zoo with Joe, their four-year-old grandson, they stopped at a restaurant and then went into it for lunch. When the waiter passed them some menus,Mr. Smith reached into his pocket for his glasses. He was disappointed (失望的) to find that they were lost. “I know where your glasses are, Grandpa, ” said the grandson.
“Where?” asked Mr. Smith happily.
“They are at the zoo.” Joe answered. “When you took me off the train near the elephants,they fell out of your pocket.”
Mr.Smith was a little angry and he asked,“Joe,if you saw my glasses fall out of my shirt, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well,Grandpa,” said Joe, “after you put your foot on them, I didn’t think you wanted them any more.”
小题1:The glasses fell out of the pocket when ________ .
A.Mr. Smith got into the zoo
B.Mr. Smith hurried into the restaurant
C.Joe was taken off the train near the elephants
D.they were getting on the train
小题2:“Menu” in the article means___________ in Chinese.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Joe didn’t know where his grandpa's glasses were.
B.Mr. Smith didn’t get his glasses back at last.
C.Mr. Smith got his glasses back at last.
D.Mr. Smith was glad with what his grandson did.

